Campanyes de Mahoma: diferència entre les revisions

Contingut suprimit Contingut afegit
Línia 778:
| Octubre 629 <ref>{{cite book|last=Abu Khalil|first=Shawqi|url=|title=Atlas of the Prophet's biography: places, nations, landmarks|date=1 March 2004|publisher=Dar-us-Salam|isbn=978-9960897714|page=218}} Note: Rajab, 8AH = October 629</ref>
| Atac de la tibutribu dels Juhayna i ràtzia de llur caravana<ref name="William Muir p. 106">William Muir, The life of Mahomet and history of Islam to the era of the Hegira, volum 4, p. 106.</ref><ref>Mubarakpuri, The Sealed Nectar, p. 206. ([ online])</ref><ref name="Sa'd 1967 163">{{cite book|last=Sa'd|first=Ibn|url=|title=''Kitab al-tabaqat al-kabir'',By Ibn Sad,volum 2|year=1967|publisher=Pakistan Historical Society|asin=B0007JAWMK|pages=163}}</ref>
*Cap, la caravana se'n va anar<ref name="Sa'd 1967 163"/>
Línia 802:
| Novembre<ref name="Abu Khalil 218">{{cite book|last=Abu Khalil|first=Shawqi|url=|title=Atlas of the Prophet's biography: places, nations, landmarks|date=1 March 2004|publisher=Dar-us-Salam|isbn=978-9960897714|page=218}}</ref> o desembre 629<ref name="William Muir p. 106"/>
| Atacar els Ghatafan perquè semblava que reunien tropes i queperquè encara romanien fora dels "[[Dar al-Islam|dominis de l'islam]]"<ref name="Mubarakpuri, The Sealed Nectar p. 247">Mubarakpuri, The Sealed Nectar, p. 247. ([ online])</ref>
*Els musulmans fan diversos morts i presoners<ref name="Mubarakpuri, The Sealed Nectar p. 247"/>
Línia 812:
| Desembre 629 <ref name="Abu Khalil 218"/>
|Per desviar l'atenció de la seva intenció d'atacar la [[Meca]], Mahoma va enviar 8 homes per atacar una caravana que travessava Edam<ref name="Sa'd 1967 164">{{cite book|last=Sa'd|first=Ibn|url=|title=''Kitab al-tabaqat al-kabir'',By Ibn Sad,volum 2|year=1967|publisher=Pakistan Historical Society|asin=B0007JAWMK|pages=164|quote=THE SARIYYAH OF ABO QATADAH IBN RIB'I AL- ANSARl TOWORDS BATN IDAM.}}</ref>
*1 musulmà mort pels propis musulmans<ref>{{Hadith-usc|usc=yes|muslim|43|7176}}</ref><ref>{{cite book|title=Tafsir Ibn Kathir Juz' 5 (Part 5): An-Nisaa 24 to An-Nisaa 147 2nd Edition|authors=Ibn Kathir, Muhammad Saed Abdul-Rahman (translator)|url=|page=94}}</ref>
Línia 838:
| Desembre 629 <ref name="Abu Khalil 226">{{cite book|last=Abu Khalil|first=Shawqi|url=|title=Atlas of the Prophet's biography: places, nations, landmarks|date=1 March 2004|publisher=Dar-us-Salam|isbn=978-9960897714|page=226}}</ref>
| ToDestruir destroy al[[Al-Uzza]] becauseperquè MuhammadMahoma wantedvolia "thela submissionsubmissió ofde neighbouringles tribestribus veïnes"<ref name="William Muir p. 134">William Muir, The life of Mahomet and history of Islam to the era of the Hegira, volum 4, p. 134.</ref> andi wanted"eliminar toels eliminatesímbols "symbolsrestants reminiscentde ofles pre-Islamicpràctiques practicespreislàmiques"<ref name="Mubarakpuri, The Sealed Nectar p. 256">Mubarakpuri, The Sealed Nectar, p. 256. ([ online])</ref>
*1 womendona killedmorta byper [[KhalidKhàlid ibn al-Walid]]<ref name="Mubarakpuri, The Sealed Nectar p. 256"/>
*''[[An-Nasaí |As-Súnan as-Sughra]]''<ref>{{cite book|title=Tafsir Ibn Kathir (volum 9), volum 9|authors=[[Ibn Kathir]], Ṣafī al-Raḥmān Mubārakfūrī (translator)|url=|page=320}} ([ online])</ref>
*[[Hixam ibn al-Kalbí|Al-Kalbí]], The''El Bookllibre ofdels Idolsídols''<ref>{{cite book|last=Ibn al Kalbi|first=Hisham|url=|title=The book of idols: being a translation from the Arabic of the Kitāb al-asnām|year=1952|publisher=Princeton University Press|asin=B002G9N1NQ|page=25}} ([ online])</ref>
|-<!-- New row starts here -->
! style="background: #EEEEEE;" | 74
| [[Raid ofRàtzia d'Amr ibn al-As]]
| DecemberDesembre 629 <ref name="Abu Khalil 226"/>
| To destroyDestruir [[Suwa]] becauseperquè MuhammadMahoma wantedvolia "thela submissionsubmissió ofde neighbouringles tribestribus veïnes"<ref name="William Muir p. 134"/> andi wanted"eliminar toels eliminatesímbols "symbolsrestants reminiscentde ofles pre-Islamicpràctiques practicespreislàmiques"<ref name="Mubarakpuri, The Sealed Nectar p. 256"/>
*Cap<ref name="Mubarakpuri, The Sealed Nectar p. 256"/>
Línia 856:
|-<!-- New row starts here -->
! style="background: #EEEEEE;" | 75
| [[RaidRàtzia ofde Sa'd ibn Zaid al-Ashhali]]
| DecemberDesembre 629 <ref name="Abu Khalil 226"/>
| To destroyDestruir [[Manat]] becauseperquè MuhammadMahoma wantedvolia "thela submissionsubmissió ofde neighbouringles tribestribus veïnes"<ref name="William Muir p. 134"/> andi wanted"eliminar toels eliminatesímbols "symbolsrestants reminiscentde ofles pre-Islamicpràctiques practicespreislàmiques"<ref name="Mubarakpuri, The Sealed Nectar p. 256"/>
*1Els womenmusulmans killedmaten byuna Muslimsdona<ref name="Mubarakpuri, The Sealed Nectar p. 256"/>
*[[Ibn Sad]], ''Kitab al-tabaqat al-kabir'', volum 2<ref>{{cite book|last=Sa'd|first=Ibn|url=|title=''Kitab al-tabaqat al-kabir'',By Ibn Sad,volum 2|year=1967|publisher=Pakistan Historical Society|asin=B0007JAWMK|pages=181}}</ref>
*[[Hixam ibn al-Kalbí|Al-Kalbí]], The''El Bookllibre ofdels Idolsídols''<ref>{{cite book|last=Ibn al Kalbi|first=Hisham|url=|title=The book of idols: being a translation from the Arabic of the Kitāb al-asnām|year=1952|publisher=Princeton University Press|asin=B002G9N1NQ|pages=13–14}} ([ online])</ref>
|-<!-- New row starts here -->
! style="background: #EEEEEE;" | 76
| [[ExpeditionCampanya ofde KhalidKhàlid ibn al-Walid (Banu JadhimahJadhima)]]
| January 630 <ref name="Abu Khalil 226"/>
|Convèncer Invite theels Banu JadhimahJadhima de tribesotmetre's toa Islaml'islam<ref name="William Muir p. 135">William Muir, The life of Mahomet and history of Islam to the era of the Hegira, volum 4, p. 135.</ref>
*EntireTota tribela takentribu prisonerva ser feta presonera, portionuns quants van ser executedexecutats<ref name="William Muir p. 135"/><ref>{{cite book|authors=[[Ibn Hixam]] , [[Ibn Ishaq]], [[Alfred Guillaume]] (translator)|url=|title=The life of Muhammad: a translation of Isḥāq's Sīrat rasūl Allāh|year=1998|publisher=Oxford University Press|page=561}}</ref>
*''[[Sahih Bukharí]]'' :{{Hadith-usc|bukhari|usc=yes|5|59|628}}<ref>Muhsin Khan, The translation of the meanings of Ṣahih AL-Bukhari, Arabic-English, volum 5, p. 440.</ref>
*[[Ibn Hixam]] & [[Ibn Ishaq]], ''[[Sira Rassul Al·lah]]'' <ref>{{cite book|authors=[[Ibn Hixam]] , [[Ibn Ishaq]], [[Alfred Guillaume]] (translator)|url=|title=The life of Muhammad: a translation of Isḥāq's Sīrat rasūl Allāh|year=1998|publisher=Oxford University Press|page=561}}</ref>
*[[Ibn Sad]], ''Kitab al-tabaqat al-kabir'', volum 2<ref>{{cite book|last=Sa'd|first=Ibn|url=|title=''Kitab al-tabaqat al-kabir'',By Ibn Sad,volum 2|year=1967|publisher=Pakistan Historical Society|asin=B0007JAWMK|pages=183}}</ref>
|-<!-- New row starts here -->
! style="background: pink;" | 77
| [[BattleBatalla ofde Hunayn]]
| JanuaryGener 630 <ref name="Abu Khalil 226"/>
| ToAtacar attackels the[[Hawazin]] peoplei of Hawazin andels [[Thaqif]] forque refusingrefusaven tosotmetre's surrendera tol'islam Muhammad and submit to Islam becauseperquè "theyes thoughtcreien thatmassa theypoderosos wereper tooadmetre mightyo torendir-se" admitdesprés orde surrender" after thela [[Conquestconquesta de ofla MeccaMeca]]<ref name="Mubarakpuri, The Sealed Nectar p. 261">Mubarakpuri, The Sealed Nectar, p. 261. ([ online])</ref>
*Muslims: 5 killedmorts<ref>William Muir, The life of Mahomet and history of Islam to the era of the Hegira, volum 4, p. 143.</ref>
*NonNo-Muslimsmusulmans: 70 killedmorts,<ref name="Mubarakpuri, The Sealed Nectar p. 261"/> 6000 womendones andi childrennens capturedcapturats<ref name="William Muir p. 142">William Muir, The life of Mahomet and history of Islam to the era of the Hegira, volumvolume 4, p. 142.</ref>
*{{Quran-usc|9|25}}, {{Quran-usc|9|26}} <ref name="Mubarakpuri, The Sealed Nectar pp. 261-262">Mubarakpuri, The Sealed Nectar, pp. 261-262. ([ online])</ref>
*''[[Sahih Bukharí]]'' :{{Hadith-usc|bukhari|4|53|370}}, {{Hadith-usc|muwatta|usc=yes|21|10|19|}}<ref name="Mubarakpuri, The Sealed Nectar pp. 261-262"/>
|-<!-- New row starts here -->
! style="background: #EEEEEE;" | 78
| [[ExpeditionCampanya ofde At-TufailTufayl ibn 'Amr Adad-DausiDawsí]]
| JanuaryGener 630 <ref name="Abu Khalil 226"/>
| DestroyDestruir thel'ídol idol Yaguth[[Yaghuth]]<ref name="Sa'd 1967 194">{{cite book|last=Sa'd|first=Ibn|url=|title=''Kitab al-tabaqat al-kabir'',By Ibn Sad,volum 2|year=1967|publisher=Pakistan Historical Society|asin=B0007JAWMK|pages=194}}</ref> andi toassegurar-se securela thelleialtat allegiancede of thedels Banu Daws tribeper total Isamque soels theypuguin candeixar lendcatapultes himper catapults to use in theal [[SiegeSetge ofde TaifTaïf]]<ref>William Muir, The life of Mahomet and history of Islam to the era of the Hegira, volum 4, p. 145.</ref>
*Cap<ref name="Sa'd 1967 194"/>
Línia 901:
|-<!-- New row starts here -->
! style="background: pink;" | 79
| [[BattleBatalla of Autasd'Awtas]]
| 630 <ref>{{citation|title=Biographies of the Prophet's companions and their successors|url= Tabari, Ella Landau-Tasseron (translator) |year= 1998| publisher = State University of New York (SUNY) Press|isbn=0791428192|page=101|quote=Part of the events of Hunayn in the year 8/630}}</ref>