Riu Hudson: diferència entre les revisions

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Línia 26:
El riu fou anomenat '''Muh-he-kun-ne-tuk''', el '''Gran Mohegan''', pels [[iroquesos]],<ref Name="Hoffman">{{cite book | last =Hoffman | first =Charles Fenno | title =Wild scenes in the forest and prairie (Chapter II: Ko nea rau neh neh or The Flying Head) | publisher = | year =1839 | location =Original from Oxford University | page=31 | url =http://books.google.com/?id=JHoEAAAAQAAJ&pg=RA1-PA48&dq=%22The+Flying+Head%22#PRA1-PA31,M1 | doi = | id = }}</ref><ref Name="Abbatt">{{cite book | last =Abbatt | first =William | title =The Magazine of History with Notes and Queries (INDIAN LEGENDS VIII: THE FLYING HEAD A LEGEND OF SACONDAGA LAKE) | publisher = | year =1906 | location =Original from Harvard University | page=282 | url =http://books.google.com/?id=x_AOAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA282&dq=%22The+Flying+Head%22 | doi = | id = }}</ref><ref Name="Coppée">{{cite book | last =Coppée | first =Henry (edited by) | title =The Classic and the Beautiful from the Literature of Three Thousand Years (THE FLYING HEAD A LEGEND OF SACONDAGA LAKE) | publisher =Carson & Simpson | year =1900 | location =Original from the New York Public Library | page=220 | url =http://books.google.com/?id=fL8CAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA224&dq=%22The+Flying+Head%22#PPA220,M1 | doi = | id = }}</ref> i fou conegut com a '''Muhheakantuck''' ("riu que flueix per dos camins") pels [[lenapes]], tribu que habitaven les dues ribes de la part baixa del riu, a l'actual [[Nova Jersey]] i l'[[illa de Manhattan]].
El primer nom donat pels holandesos al Hudson fou "Riu de la Muntanya". Posteriorment fou anomenat "Riu del Nord". El riu fou inclòs en un mapa de 1529 d'[[Esteban Gómez]] i [[Diego Gutiérrez]]. En aquest mapa era anomenat riu de San Antonio, en el context de la missió espanyola d'Ajacán, al segle XVI.<ref>[http://www.http://www.virginiaplaces.org/settleland/spanish.html Maryland State Archives - 2013]</ref>
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