Mètrica d'Alcubierre: diferència entre les revisions

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Pàgina nova, amb el contingut: «Fitxer:Alcubierre.png|thumbnail|350px|right|Gràfic de la impulsió d'Alcubierre, mostrant les regions oposades, contreta i estesa, de l'espai-temps que fa...».
Línia 68:
<math>ds^2 = -\left(\alpha^2- \beta_i \beta^i\right)\,dt^2+2 \beta_i \,dx^i\, dt+ \gamma_{ij}\,dx^i\,dx^j</math>
On <math>\alpha</math> és la funció que per defecte aporta l'interval de temps convenient entre les hipersuperfícies veïnes, <math>\beta ^i</math> és el [[Vector (física)|vector]] connector que relaciona els sistemes espacials coordenats en les diverses hipersuperficies i sent <math>\ Gamma_ {ij}</math> una [[mètrica]] positivament definida en cadascuna de les hipersuperfícies. La forma particular que Alcubierre va estudiar el 1994 és definida per:
Línia 85:
:<math>f(r_s)=\frac{\tanh(\sigma (r_s + R))-\tanh(\sigma (r_s - R))}{2 \tanh(\sigma R)}</math>
ConAmb losels [[Variable (matemáticasmatemàtiques)|parámetrosparàmetres]] <math>R > 0</math> yi <math>\sigma > 0</math> arbitrariosarbitraris.
Línia 96:
:<math>-\frac{c^4}{8 \pi G} \frac{v_s^2 (x^2+y^2)}{4 g^2 r_s ^2} \left(\frac{df}{dr_s}\right)^2</math>
AsíAixí la [[densidaddensitat de energíad'energia]] esés negativa yi sees requiererequereix porper estoaixò de la [[materiamatèria exóticaexòtica]] paraper provocar lasles deformacionesdeformacions delde espaciol'espai-tiempotemps.<ref>"Christopher Pike":The existence of exotic matter is not theoretically ruled out, the Casimir effect and the Accelerating Universe both lends support to the proposed existence of such matter. However, generating enough exotic matter and sustaining it to perform feats such as faster-than-light travel (and also to keep open the 'throat' of a wormhole) is thought to be impractical. Low has argued that within the context of general relativity, it is impossible to construct a warp drive in the absence of exotic matter</ref> <!---
D <math>g</math> is the determinant of the metric [[tensor]]. Thus, as the energy density is negative, one needs [[exotic matter]] to travel faster than the speed of light'.<ref name="Christopher Pike" /> The existence of exotic matter is not theoretically ruled out, the [[Casimir effect]] and the [[Accelerating Universe]] both lends support to the proposed existence of such matter. However, generating enough exotic matter and sustaining it to perform feats such as faster-than-light travel (and also to keep open the 'throat' of a [[wormhole]]) is thought to be impractical. Low has argued that within the context of general relativity, it is impossible to construct a warp drive in the absence of exotic matter.<ref>{{cite journal | autor=Low, Robert J. | title=Speed Limits in General Relativity | pub-periódica=Class. Quant. Grav. | año=1999 | volumen=16 | páginas=543-549}} See also the {{Cita web | title=eprint version | work=arXiv | url=http://www.arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/9812067 | accessmonthday=30 June | añoacceso=2005}}</ref> It is generally believed that a consistent theory of [[quantum gravity]] will resolve such issues once and for all.
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