Registres del Gran Historiador: diferència entre les revisions

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Línia 34:
La família de Sima eren historiadors hereditàries vers l'emperador Han. El pare de Sima Qian, [[Sima Tan]], va exercir com a Gran Historiador, i Sima Qian el va succeir en el seu càrrec. Així doncs, tenia accés als arxius primerencs de la dinastia Han, als edictes, i als registres. Sima Qian va ser un historiador metòdic, escèptic que tenia accés a llibres antics, escrits en [[tires de bambú i fusta]], d'una època anterior a la dinastia Han. Moltes de les fonts que va fer servir no van sobreviure. Sima Quian no només utilitza els arxius i registres imperials, sinó que també va entrevistar persones i va viatjar al voltant de la Xina per verificar la informació. En el seu primer capítol, "Anals dels Cinc Emperadors", escriu:<ref>[ Anals del Cinc Emperadors] Tetx original:: 余嘗西至空桐,北過涿鹿,東漸於海,南浮江淮矣,至長老皆各往往稱黃帝、堯、舜之處,風教固殊焉,總之不離古文者近是。</ref>
{{cquote2|Jo mateix he viatjat cap a l'oest fins a [[Muntanyes Kongtong|K'ung-t'ung,]], cap al nord passant [[Comtat de Zhuolu|Cho-lu]], a l'est amb el mar, i al sud he navegat els rius [[Riu Groc|Groc]] i [[Huai He]]. Els ancians i homes vells d'aquestes diferents terres sovint em van assenyalar els llocs on l'Emperadorels Emperadors [[Emperador Groc|Groc]], [[Emperador Yao|Yao]], I [[Emperador Shun|Shun]] havien viscut, i en aquests llocs, els usos i costums semblaven molt diferents. En general, les dels seus relats que no difereixen dels textos antics semblen estar properes a la veritat.|Sima Qian, traducció a l'anglès per [[Burton Watson]]<ref>Original anglès: ''I myself have travelled west as far as K'ung-t'ung, north past Cho-lu, east to the sea, and in the south I have sailed the Yellow and Huai Rivers. The elders and old men of these various lands frequently pointed out to me the places where the Yellow Emperor, Yao, and Shun had lived, and in these places the manners and customs seemed quite different. In general those of their accounts which do not differ from the ancient texts seem to be near to the truth.''</ref><ref>{{cite book |author=Burton Watson |title=Ssu Ma Ch'ien Grand Historian Of China |page=183 |chapter=Selected Translation From the Shih Chi |url= |publisher=Columbia University Press |year=1958 }}</ref>}}
El Gran Historiador usà ''Els Anals dels Cinc Emperadors'' (五帝系諜) i el ''[[Shujing|Clàssic d'Història]]'' com a materials base per fer les geneaologies des de l'època de l'[[Emperador Groc]] fins a la de la [[Regència Gonghe]] (841-2 BC). Sima Qian sovint cita les seves fonts. Per exemple,: en el primer capítol, "Anals dels Cinc Emperadors," escriu, "He llegit els [[Anals de Primavera i Tardor]] i el ''[[Guo Yu]]''." In his 13th chapter, "Genealogical Table of the Three Ages," Sima Qian writes, "I have read all the genealogies of the kings (''dieji'' 谍记) that exist since the time of the [[Emperador Groc]]." In his 14th chapter, "Yearly Chronicle of the Feudal Lords", he writes, "I have read all the royal annals (''chunqiu li pudie'' 春秋曆譜諜) up until the time of [[Rei Li de Zhou]]." In his 15th chapter, "Yearly Chronicle of the Six States," he writes, “I have read the Annals of [[Qin (estat)|Qin]] (''qin ji'' 秦記), and they say that the [[Quanrong]] [a barbarian tribe] defeated [[Rei You de Zhou]] [ca 771 BC]."
* En el primer capítol, "Anals dels Cinc Emperadors," escriu, "He llegit els [[Anals de Primavera i Tardor]] i el ''[[Guo Yu]]''."
In the 19th chapter, he writes, "I have occasion to read over the records of enfeoffment and come to the case of Wu Qian, the marquis of Bian...." (The father of Marquis Bian, Wu Rui, was named king (wang) of [[Changsha]] in [[Hunan]] for his loyalty to Gaozu. See article on [[Zhao Tuo]]). In his chapter on the patriotic minister and poet [[Qu Yuan]], Sima Qian writes, "I have read [Qu Yuan's works] ''[[Li Sao]]'', ''[[Tianwen]]'' ("Heaven Asking"), ''Zhaohun'' (summoning the soul), and ''Ai Ying'' ([[Lament per Ying]])”. In the 62nd chapter, "Biography of Guan and of Yan", he writes, "I have read Guan's ''Mu Min'' (牧民 - "Government of the People", a chapter in the ''[[Guanzi (text)|Guanzi]]''), ''Shan Gao'' ("The Mountains Are High"), ''Chengma'' ([[Carro de guerra|carro]] and horses; a long section on war and economics), ''Qingzhong'' (Light and Heavy; i.e. "what is important"), and ''Jiufu'' (Nine Houses), as well as the ''Spring and Autumn Annals of Yanzi''." In his 64th chapter, "Biography of [[Sima Rangju]]", the Grand Historian writes, "I have read Sima's Art of War." In the 121st chapter, "Biographies of Scholars", he writes, "I read the Imperial Decrees that encouraged education officials."
[[File:Records of the Grand Historian.jpg|thumb|First page of chapter 2, Annals of Xia]]
* En el seu capítol 13, "Taula genealògica de les tres edats", escriu Sima Qian: "He llegit totes les genealogies dels reis (''dieji'' 谍记) que existeixen des de temps de l'[[Emperador Groc]]."
* En el seu 14è capítol, "Crònica anual dels senyors feudals", escriu: "He llegit tots els anals reials (''chunqiu li pudie'' 春秋曆譜諜) fins als temps del [[Rei Li de Zhou]]."
* En el seu 15è capítol, "Crònica Anual dels Sis Estats," escriu: “He llegit els Anals de [[Qin (estat)|Qin]] (''qin ji'' 秦記), i ells diuen que els [[Quanrong]] [una tribu bàrbara] derrotaren el [[Rei You de Zhou]] [ca 771 BC]."
* En el 19è capítol, escriu, "He tingut ocasió de llegir llegir en els registres de vassallatge i arribar al cas de Wu Qian, el marquès de Bian...." (El pare del marquès de Bian, Wu Rui, va ser nomenat rei (''wang'') de [[Changsha]] a [[Hunan]] per la seva lleialtat a Gaozu.<ref>Vegeu article sobre [[Zhao Tuo]]</ref>En aquest capítol sobre el patriòtic ministre i poeta [[Qu Yuan]], Sima Qian escriu, "He llegit [les obres de Qu Yuan] ''[[Li Sao]]'', ''[[Tianwen]]'' ("Preguntant al Cel"), ''Zhaohun'' ("convocant l'ànima"), i ''Ai Ying'' ([[Lament per Ying]])”.
InEn theel 19th62è chapter, he writescapítol, "IBiografia have occasion to read over the records of enfeoffment and come to the case of Wu Qian, the marquis of Bian...." (The father of Marquis Bian, Wu Rui, was named king (wang) of [[Changsha]] in [[Hunan]] for his loyalty to Gaozu. See article on [[Zhao Tuo]]). In his chapter on the patriotic minister and poet [[Qu Yuan]], Sima Qian writes, "I have read [Qu Yuan's works] ''[[Li Sao]]'', ''[[Tianwen]]'' ("Heaven Asking"), ''Zhaohun'' (summoning the soul), and ''Ai Ying'' ([[Lament per Ying]])”. In the 62nd chapter, "Biography ofde Guan andi ofde Yan", he writesescriu, "I have read Guan's ''Mu Min'' (牧民 - "Government of the People", a chapter in the ''[[Guanzi (text)|Guanzi]]''), ''Shan Gao'' ("The Mountains Are High"), ''Chengma'' ([[Carro de guerra|carro]] and horses; a long section on war and economics), ''Qingzhong'' (Light and Heavy; i.e. "what is important"), and ''Jiufu'' (Nine Houses), as well as the ''Spring and Autumn Annals of Yanzi''." In his 64th chapter, "Biography of [[Sima Rangju]]", the Grand Historian writes, "I have read Sima's Art of War." In the 121st chapter, "Biographies of Scholars", he writes, "I read the Imperial Decrees that encouraged education officials."
[[File:Records of the Grand Historian.jpg|thumb|FirstPrimera pagepàgina ofdel chaptercapítol 2, AnnalsAnals ofde Xia]]
Sima Qian wrote of the problems with incomplete, fragmentary and contradictory sources. For example, he mentioned in the preface to chapter 15 that the chronicle records of the feudal states kept in the [[Dinastia Zhou|Zhou]]'s archive were burnt by [[Qin Shihuang]] because they contained criticisms and ridicule of the Qin, and that the Qin annals were brief and incomplete.<ref>[ Chronological table of the six kingdoms] Original text: 秦既得意,燒天下詩書,諸侯史記尤甚,為其有所刺譏也。詩書所以復見者,多藏人家,而史記獨藏周室,以故滅。惜哉,惜哉!獨有秦記,又不載日月,其文略不具。</ref> In the 13th chapter he mentioned that the chronologies and genealogies of different ancient texts "disagree and contradict each other throughout". In his 18th chapter, Sima Qian writes, "I have set down only what is certain, and in doubtful cases left a blank."<ref>''Records of the Grand Historian'', vol. ''Han Dynasty I'', translated by [[Burton Watson]] (Columbia University, Revised Edition, 1993)</ref>