Nitrat d'argent: diferència entre les revisions

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Línia 43:
| BoilingPtC = 440
| BoilingPt_notes = <br> es descompon<ref name=crc />
| Solubility = 122 g/100 mL (0&nbsp;°C)<br> 170 g/100 mL (10&nbsp;°C)<br> 256 g/100 mL (25&nbsp;°C)<br> 373 g/100 mL (40&nbsp;°C)<br> 912 g/100 mL (100&nbsp;°C)<ref name=sioc>{{cite bookref-llibre|last cognom= Seidell|first nom= Atherton|last2 cognom2= Linke|first2 nom2= William F.|year any= 1919|title títol= Solubilities of Inorganic and Organic Compounds|publisher editorial= D. Van Nostrand Company|place = [[New York]]|edition edició= 2nd|pages pàgines= 617–619}}</ref>
| SolubleOther = Soluble en [[acetona]],<ref name=crc /> [[amoníac]], [[èter]], [[glicerol]]
| Solubility1 = 0.776 g/kg (30&nbsp;°C)<br> 1.244 g/kg (40&nbsp;°C)<br> 5.503 g/kg (93&nbsp;°C)<ref name=chemister>{{cite ref-web|last cognom= Anatolievich|first nom= Kiper Ruslan|website =|url =|title títol= silver nitrate|accessdate consulta= 2014-07-20}}</ref>
| Solvent1 = àcid acètic
| Solubility2 = 0.35 g/100 g (14&nbsp;°C)<br> 0.44 g/100 g (18&nbsp;°C)<ref name=sioc />
Línia 61:
|Section3={{Chembox Structure
| CrystalStruct = Ortoròmbica, [[Símbol de Pearson|oP56]]<ref name=iucr>{{cite journalref-publicació|first1 nom1= P.|last1 cognom1= Meyer|first2 nom2= A.|last2 cognom2= Rimsky|first3 nom3= R.|last3 cognom3= Chevalier|title títol= Structure du nitrate d'argent à pression et température ordinaires. Example de cristal parfait|year any= 1978|journal publicació= Acta Crystallographica|section = B|volume volum= 34|issue exemplar= 5|pages pàgines= 1457–1462|doi = 10.1107/S0567740878005907}}</ref>
| SpaceGroup = P2<sub>1</sub>2<sub>1</sub>2<sub>1</sub>, No. 19<ref name=iucr />
| PointGroup = 222<ref name=iucr />
Línia 91:
| NFPA-R = 3
| NFPA_ref = <ref name=fca>{{cite ref-web|title títol= MSDS of Silver sulfate|url =|website =|publisher editor= Fisher Scientific, Inc|place = [[Fair Lawn, New Jersey]]|accessdate consulta= 2014-07-20}}</ref>
| MainHazards = Reacciona explosivament amb l'etanol. Corrosiu.
| LDLo = 800 mg/kg (conill, oral)<br/>20 mg/kg (gos, oral)<ref>{{IDLH|7440224|Silver (metal dust and soluble compounds, as Ag)}}</ref>