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Línia 37:
Al final de la dècada de 1920, sols un nombre testimonial d'armenis no convertits va restar a Turquia distribuïts molt dispersament a través de tots ele país, amb l'única població armènia viable a [[Istanbul]] i les seves rodalies. En el moment de l'establiment de la República de Turquia, la província de Hatay era part de Síria, i per aquesta raó aquesta àrea encara té algunes comunitats armènies establertes i reconegudes oficialment.
== DemographicsDemografia ==
{{See also|Demographics of Turkey|List of Turkish-Armenians}}
Due to events in Turkey during the last century Turkish Armenians were killed, forced into hiding, and forcibly converted to Islam, which therefore split them into different groups. There are three groups- Armenian Christians, Crypto Armenians, and Muslim Armenians. Christian Armenians are in most cases part of the recognized minority, but can also include Crypto Armenians who are not legally recognized as Armenian but identify as both Armenian and Christian, and Armenian immigrants to Turkey. Crypto Armenians are Armenians who are legally identified as Turks and are either Christian and openly recognize their identity, hide their identity and either practice [[Crypto-Christianity]] or Islam, Openly identify as Armenian but are Muslim, or don't know about their ethnicity at all. The combined total of all Armenians in Turkey is unknown, because the amount of people who are Crypto Armenian is hard to determine, with numbers ranging from as low as 30,000 to several million depending on how broad the standards were to be considered Crypto Armenian in the studies made. However, the combined total of immigrant Armenians and those in the recognized minority would be estimated at 150-170,000. Another statistic could be the amount of people who are members of the [[Armenian Patriarchate of Constantinople]], being at 95,000.