Tribadisme: diferència entre les revisions

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Línia 1:
[[File:Les Deux Amies by Lagrenee.jpg|thumb|<center>Dues dones practicant tribadisme.<br />''Les dues amigues'', de [[Jean-Jacques Lagrenée]] (1739-1821)</center>]]
El '''tribadisme'''<ref>{{cite book|last=Gould|first=George M.|title=Gould's Pocket Medical Dictionary|publisher=P. Blakiston's Son & Co. Ltd.|year=1936|edition=10th rev.}}</ref> o '''tribbing''', conegut comunament per la seva '''posició de '''tisora''', és un [[Coit|acte sexual]] en el qual una dona frega la seva [[vulva]] contra el cos de la seva parella per estimular-se sexualment, especialment per a una àmplia estimulació del [[clítoris]]. Això pot comportar un contacte genital femení dona-dona o un fregament de la vulva contra la [[cuixa]] de la seva parella, la [[Abdomen|panxa]], les [[Cul|natges]], el [[braç]] o una altra part del cos (excloent la boca).<ref name="Zimmerman">{{cite book|title =Lesbian histories and cultures: an encyclopedia (Volume 1)|publisher=Taylor & Francis|year=2000|pages=776–777| author =Bonnie Zimmerman|isbn = 0-8153-1920-7|url=|accessdate=February 29, 2012}}</ref><ref name="Belge">{{cite web|first=Kathy|last= Belge|title=What is Tribadism|accessdate=December 19, 2010|publisher=[[]]|url=}}</ref><ref>{{cite book|author1=Cathy Winks |author2=Anne Semans |lastauthoramp=yes |title=The Good Vibrations Guide to Sex|publisher=Cleis Press|year=2002 | isbn=1-57344-158-9| edition=3rd}}</ref><ref name="Carroll">{{cite book| author =Janell L. Carroll|title =Sexuality Now: Embracing Diversity|isbn =0-495-60274-4|publisher=[[Cengage Learning]]|year=2009|page=272|accessdate=2010-12-19|url=}}</ref> Es practica una varietat de [[Postures del coit|posicions sexuals]], inclosa la [[posició del missioner]].<ref name="Hite, Tribadism">{{cite book | first = Shere| last = Hite |author-link=Shere Hite | title = The Hite Report: A Nationwide Study of Female Sexuality | publisher = [[Seven Stories Press]] | year = 2004 | location=New York, NY | isbn = 1583225692| page=322 | accessdate = 2 March 2012 | url =}}</ref><ref name="Schell">{{cite book|author =Jude Schell|title =Lesbian Sex: 101 Lovemaking Positions|isbn =0-495-60274-4|publisher=[[Random House|Random House Digital]]|year=2008|page=18|accessdate=November 4, 2012|url=}}</ref>
El terme ''«tribadisme»'' sol utilitzar-se en el context del [[Pràctiques sexuals lèsbiques|sexe lesbià]], i originalment es va incloure en les creences socials sobre la capacitat de les dones de ser parelles sexualssexualment [[Penetració sexual|penetrants]].<ref name="Zimmerman" /><ref name="Penner">{{Cite book| title=Mapping gender in ancient religious discourses | chapter=Still before sexuality: "Greek" androgyny, the Roman imperial politics of masculinity and the Roman invention of the ''Tribas''| publisher=Brill | year=2007 | isbn=90-04-15447-7|accessdate=February 19, 2012|url= |author1=Todd C. Penner |author2=Caroline Vander Stichele |pages=11–21}}</ref><ref name="Halberstam">{{cite book|first=Judith|last=Halberstam|author-link = Judith Halberstam|title =Female Masculinity|isbn = 9780822322436|publisher=Duke University Press|year=1998|pages=61–62|accessdate=2010-12-19|url=}}</ref> Les dones acusades de ser penetrants durant l'[[Coit|activitat sexual]] estaven subjectes al ridícul o al càstig.<ref name="Zimmerman" /><ref name="Halberstam" /><ref name="Goodman">{{cite book|title=Marie-Antoinette: writings on the body of a queen|author=Dena Goodman|publisher=Psychology Press|year=2003|pages=144–145|accessdate=February 19, 2012|isbn=0-415-93395-1|url=}}</ref> En els temps moderns, el terme sol referir-se a diverses formes de sexe (o [[frottage]]) nosense penetratoripenetració entre dones. També pot implicar la penetració vaginal per l'ús dels [[Dit|dits]], un [[consolador]] o un [[consolador de doble penetració]],<ref name="Carroll" /><ref name="Halberstam" /> o es refereix a una tècnica de [[masturbació]] en la qual una dona frega la seva vulva contra un objecte inanimat com un reforç per aconseguir l'[[orgasme]].
== Història i cultura ==
Línia 11:
El pèl de la figura de l'esquerra indica que es tracta d'una escena de [[Pràctiques sexuals lèsbiques|sexe lèsbic]]. La dona de la dreta que porta una ''fascia pectoralis'' es troba al llit o en un [[clini]]. Els pegats de color verd fosc són restes del pintat de la paret</center>]]
TheEl termterme ''tribadism«tribadisme»'' derivesderiva fromde thela paraula [[GreekGrec languageantic|Greekgrega]] word ''τριβάς'' (''tribas''), "a''«una womandona whoque practisespractica unnaturalsexe viceamb withella herselfmateixa oro withamb otheraltres women"dones»'',<ref>[ τριβάς], Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott, ''A Greek-English Lexicon'' on Perseus</ref> whichque derivesderiva from thedel verb τρίβω (tribō), ''tribō«fregar»''), "rub".<ref>[ τρίβω], Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott, ''A Greek-English Lexicon'' on Perseus</ref> InEn ancientla Greeksexualitat andgrega i [[SexualitySexualitat ina ancientl'antiga RomeRoma|Roman sexualityromana]], auna ''tribas,'' oro ''tribade (IPA:{{IPA|/ˈtrɪbəd/ /tribad/}}),''<ref>''Oxford English Dictionary'' 2nd. Ed.</ref> wasera auna womandona oro individu [[intersexIntersexualitat|intersexual]] individualque whopenetrava activelyactivament penetrateda anotheruna personaltra persona (malehome oro femaledona) througha usetravés ofde thel'ús [[clitoris]]del orclítoris ao [[dildo]]un consolador. TheEl termterme ''«tribade»'' didno notva begincomençar toa referreferir-se exclusivelyexclusivament toa eroticisml'erotisme betweenentre womendones fins a untilla [[LateAntiguitat Antiquitytardana]].<ref name="Zimmerman"/><ref name="Halberstam"/> BecauseAtès penetrationque wasla viewedpenetració ases "male-defined"veia sexualitycom un «acte sexual masculí», ales tribastriba wases consideredconsideraven theles mostlesbianes vulgarmés lesbianvulgars.<ref name="Penner"/><ref name="Halberstam"/><ref name="Norton">{{cite web|author=[[Rictor Norton]] |title=A Critique of Social Constructionism and Postmodern Queer Theory, "The 'Sodomite' and the 'Lesbian' | |date=July 12, 2002 |accessdate=July 30, 2011 |url= |deadurl=unfit |archiveurl= |archivedate=February 15, 2008 }}</ref><ref name="Craven">{{cite book |author1=Sihvola, Juha |author2=Nussbaum, Martha Craven |title=The sleep of reason: erotic experience and sexual ethics in ancient Greece and Rome |publisher=University of Chicago Press |location=Chicago |year=2002 |isbn=0-226-60915-4}}</ref> TheEls Greeks[[Antiga andGrècia|grecs]] Romansi recognizedels same-sex[[Antiga Roma|romans]] van reconèixer l'atracció del mateix attractionsexe, butperò ascom anyes sexualcreia actque wasqualsevol believeddels toactes requiresexuals thatexigia oneque ofun thede partnersla beparella "fos «[[PhallusFal·lus|phallicfàl·lic]]"» andi thatque, thereforeper tant, l'activitat sexual activityentre betweenles womendones wasera impossible withoutsense thisaquesta featurecaracterística, mythologyla popularly[[cultura associatedpopular]] lesbiansva withassociar eithera havingles enlargedlesbianes clitorisesamb orclitoris asmolt incapablegrans ofo enjoyingcom sexuala activityincapaces withoutde thegaudir substitutionde ofl'activitat asexual phallussense la substitució d'un [[Penis humà|penis]].<ref name="Blumenfeld">{{cite book|title =Looking at gay and lesbian life|publisher=Beacon Press|year=1993|page=93|isbn=0-8070-7923-5|accessdate=February 19, 2012|url=|author=Warren J. Blumenfeld|author2=Diane Christine Raymond}}</ref><ref name="Skinner">"Invading the Roman Body: Manliness and Impenetrability in Roman Thought," pp. 30–31, and Pamela Gordon, "The Lover's Voice in ''Heroides'' 15: Or, Why Is Sappho a Man?," p. 283, both in ''Roman Sexualities''. {{cite book|title =Roman Sexualities|author=Marilyn B. Skinner|publisher=Princeton University Press|year=1997|page=14|isbn=0-691-01178-8|accessdate=February 22, 2012|url=}}</ref><ref name="Fredrick">"Look Who's Laughing at Sex: Men and Women Viewers in the ''Apodyterium'' of the Suburban Baths at Pompeii," in ''The Roman Gaze'', p. 168. The dildo is rarely mentioned in Roman sources, but was a popular comic item in Classical Greek literature and art; Richlin, "Sexuality in the Roman Empire," p. 351. {{cite book|title =The Roman Gaze: Vision, Power, and the Body|author=David Fredrick|publisher=JHU Press|year=2002|page=149|isbn=0-8018-6961-7|accessdate=February 22, 2012|url=}}</ref><ref name="Clarke">Martial 1.90 and 7.67, 50; Richlin, "Sexuality in the Roman Empire," p. 347. {{cite book|title =Looking at lovemaking: constructions of sexuality in Roman art, 100 B.C.-A.D. 250, Part 250|author=John R. Clarke|publisher=University of California Press|year=2001|page=55|isbn=0-520-22904-5|accessdate=February 22, 2012|url=}}</ref> ThisAixò appearsja inapareix Greek anda [[Latin]]Segle satiresI|principis asdel earlysegle asprimer]] thea les [[Sàtira|sàtires]] lategregues firsti centuryllatines.<ref name="Norton"/>
In English texts, ''tribade'' is recorded as early as 1601, in [[Ben Jonson]]'s ''Praeludium'' (Poem X in ''The Forest''),<ref name="Zimmerman"/> to as late as the mid-nineteenth century; it was the most common lesbian term in European texts,<ref name="Norton"/> through the proliferation of classical literature, anatomies, midwiferies, sexual advice manuals, and [[pornography]].<ref name="Zimmerman"/> It also came to refer to lesbian sexual practices in general, though anatomical investigation in the mid-eighteenth century led to skepticism about stories of enlarged clitorises and anatomists and doctors argued for a more precise distinction between clitoral [[hypertrophy]] and [[Hermaphrodite|hermaphroditism]].<ref name="Zimmerman"/>