Tribadisme: diferència entre les revisions

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Línia 1:
[[File:Les Deux Amies by Lagrenee.jpg|thumb|<center>Dues dones practicant tribadisme.<br />''Les dues amigues'', de [[Jean-Jacques Lagrenée]] (1739-1821)</center>]]
El '''tribadisme'''<ref>{{cite book|last=Gould|first=George M.|title=Gould's Pocket Medical Dictionary|publisher=P. Blakiston's Son & Co. Ltd.|year=1936|edition=10th rev.}}</ref> o '''tribbing''', conegut comunament per la seva '''posició de la tisora''', és un [[Coit|acte sexual]] en el qual una dona frega la seva [[vulva]] contra el cos de la seva parella per estimular-se sexualment, especialment per a una àmplia estimulació del [[clítoris]]. Això pot comportar un contacte genital femení dona-dona o un fregament de la vulva contra la [[cuixa]] de la seva parella, la [[Abdomen|panxa]], les [[Cul|natges]], el [[braç]] o una altra part del cos (excloent la boca).<ref name="Zimmerman">{{cite book|title =Lesbian histories and cultures: an encyclopedia (Volume 1)|publisher=Taylor & Francis|year=2000|pages=776–777| author =Bonnie Zimmerman|isbn = 0-8153-1920-7|url=|accessdate=February 29, 2012}}</ref><ref name="Belge">{{cite web|first=Kathy|last= Belge|title=What is Tribadism|accessdate=December 19, 2010|publisher=[[]]|url=}}</ref><ref>{{cite book|author1=Cathy Winks |author2=Anne Semans |lastauthoramp=yes |title=The Good Vibrations Guide to Sex|publisher=Cleis Press|year=2002 | isbn=1-57344-158-9| edition=3rd}}</ref><ref name="Carroll">{{cite book| author =Janell L. Carroll|title =Sexuality Now: Embracing Diversity|isbn =0-495-60274-4|publisher=[[Cengage Learning]]|year=2009|page=272|accessdate=2010-12-19|url=}}</ref> Es practica una varietat de [[Postures del coit|posicions sexuals]], inclosa la [[posició del missioner]].<ref name="Hite, Tribadism">{{cite book | first = Shere| last = Hite |author-link=Shere Hite | title = The Hite Report: A Nationwide Study of Female Sexuality | publisher = [[Seven Stories Press]] | year = 2004 | location=New York, NY | isbn = 1583225692| page=322 | accessdate = 2 March 2012 | url =}}</ref><ref name="Schell">{{cite book|author =Jude Schell|title =Lesbian Sex: 101 Lovemaking Positions|isbn =0-495-60274-4|publisher=[[Random House|Random House Digital]]|year=2008|page=18|accessdate=November 4, 2012|url=}}</ref>
El terme ''«tribadisme»'' sol utilitzar-se en el context del [[Pràctiques sexuals lèsbiques|sexe lesbià]], i originalment es va incloure en les creences socials sobre la capacitat de les dones de ser parelles sexualment [[Penetració sexual|penetrants]].<ref name="Zimmerman" /><ref name="Penner">{{Cite book| title=Mapping gender in ancient religious discourses | chapter=Still before sexuality: "Greek" androgyny, the Roman imperial politics of masculinity and the Roman invention of the ''Tribas''| publisher=Brill | year=2007 | isbn=90-04-15447-7|accessdate=February 19, 2012|url= |author1=Todd C. Penner |author2=Caroline Vander Stichele |pages=11–21}}</ref><ref name="Halberstam">{{cite book|first=Judith|last=Halberstam|author-link = Judith Halberstam|title =Female Masculinity|isbn = 9780822322436|publisher=Duke University Press|year=1998|pages=61–62|accessdate=2010-12-19|url=}}</ref> Les dones acusades de ser penetrants durant l'[[Coit|activitat sexual]] estaven subjectes al ridícul o al càstig.<ref name="Zimmerman" /><ref name="Halberstam" /><ref name="Goodman">{{cite book|title=Marie-Antoinette: writings on the body of a queen|author=Dena Goodman|publisher=Psychology Press|year=2003|pages=144–145|accessdate=February 19, 2012|isbn=0-415-93395-1|url=}}</ref> En els temps moderns, el terme sol referir-se a diverses formes de sexe (o [[frottage|''frottage'']]) sense penetració entre dones. També pot implicar la penetració vaginal per l'ús dels [[Dit|dits]], un [[consolador]] o un [[consolador de doble penetració]],<ref name="Carroll" /><ref name="Halberstam" /> o es refereix a una tècnica de [[masturbació]] en la qual una dona frega la seva vulva contra un objecte inanimat com un reforç per aconseguir l'[[orgasme]].
Línia 29:
{{Vegeu també|Pràctiques sexuals lèsbiques}}
[[File:Wiki-tribadism02.png|thumb|dreta|<center>Dues dones que practiquen el tribadisme en la [[posició del missioner]], fregant-se les vulves, una de les diverses posicions en què una dona frega la seva vulva contra el cos de la seva parella amb el propòsit d'obtenir plaer sexual</center>]]
El tribadisme és una pràctica sexual comuna entre les [[dones que tenen relacions sexuals amb dones]].<ref name="Carroll"/><ref name=" Zenilman & Shahmanesh">{{cite book | title = Sexually Transmitted Infections: Diagnosis, Management, and Treatment| publisher = [[Jones & Bartlett Learning|Jones & Bartlett Publishers]] | year = 2011 | pages = 329–330 | accessdate = November 4, 2012 |isbn = 0495812943| url =|quote= |author1=Jonathan Zenilman |author2=Mohsen Shahmanesh }}</ref><ref name="Greenberg">{{cite book|title =Exploring the Dimensions of Human Sexuality|isbn = 9780763741488|publisher=Jones & Bartlett Learning|year=2007|page=429|accessdate=2010-12-19|url=|author1=Jerrold S. Greenberg |author2=Clint E. Bruess |author3=Sarah C. Conklin }}</ref><ref name="Kimmel">{{cite book|title =Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender aging: research and clinical perspectives|isbn = 9780231136181|publisher=Jones & Bartlett Learning|year=2006|page=73|accessdate=2010-12-19|url=|author1=Douglas C. Kimmel |author2=Tara Rose |author3=Steven David }}</ref> Encara que el terme tribadisme s'aplica sovint a l'acte de l'estimulació vulva-vulva,<ref name="Carroll"/><ref name="Westheimer">{{cite book | title = Encyclopedia of sex | publisher = [[Continuum International Publishing Group|Continuum]] | year = 2000 | page = 166 | accessdate = November 4, 2012 |isbn = 0826412408| url =|quote=A common variation is 'tribadism,' where two women lie face to face, one on top of the other. The genitals are pressed tightly together while the partners move in a grinding motion. Some rub their clitoris against their partner's pubic bone. | author = Ruth Karola Westheimer}}</ref> engloba una varietat d'activitats sexuals. A més de la «posició de la tisora», (que implica que la parella interconnectenuneixi les cames en una posició similar a la forma de les [[tisores]] i pressionenpressionar les seves vulves alhora), el tribadisme pot implicar una [[posició missioneradel missioner]], una [[Postura de la dona dominant|dona en la posició superior]], una posició d'[[Postura del gosset|estil doggygosset]] o altres,<ref name="Hite, Tribadism"/><ref name="Schell"/> o Simpleun simple moviment de la vulva de la dona contra la cuixa delde seula sociseva parella, l'estómacla panxa, les natges, el braç o una altra part del cos.<ref name="Belge"/><ref name="Schell"/><ref name="Crooks">{{cite book | title = Our Sexuality | publisher = [[Cengage Learning]] | year = 2010 | page = 239 | accessdate = November 4, 2012 |isbn = 0495812943| url =|quote=Rubbing genitals together or against other parts of a partner's body can be included in any couple's sexual interaction and is common in lesbian lovemaking... ...Many lesbians like [tribadism] because it involves all-over body contact and a generalized sensuality. Some women find the thrusting exciting; others straddle a partner's leg and rub gently. Some rub the clitoris on the partner's pubic pone (Loulan, 1984). |author1=Robert Crooks |author2=Karla Baur }}</ref> LaEl tribadisme pot anar acompanyat amb la penetració vaginal per[[Fingering|usant l'ús delsels dits]] o per l'ús d'un consolador pot anar acompanyada, de manera que de vegades "«la mutualitat i la reciprocitat no solen ser l'objectiu principal, tot i que la satisfacció dels dos socismembres de la parella per mitjà de diferents mitjans és el seu objectiu"».<ref name="Halberstam"/> Les dones que gaudeixen o prefereixen el tribadisme informendescriuen que el plaer del seu contacte amb el cos sencer, l'experiència del moviment hip-timingrítmic del [[maluc]] i la sensació dedels moviments delde seula sociseva parella sense l'estimulació manual, que es consideraconsiderat emocionant, eròtic i molt més fàcil d'aconseguir l'[[orgasme]] a causa de l'amplitudàmplia Estimulacióestimulació del clítoris.<ref name="Belge"/><ref name="Schell"/><ref name="Crooks"/>[[Image:Wiki-tribadism.png|thumb|esquerra|<center>Dues dones practicant la ''posició de la tisora'', una posició debatuda entre les [[Lesbiana|lesbianes]]<ref name=""/><ref name=""/><ref name="Carpentier"/></center>]]
SomeAlgunes lesbiandones andlesbianes bisexuali women[[Bisexualitat|bisexuals]] dono notpractiquen engagela in''posició thede scissoringla position,tisora'' becauseperquè theyla findtroben itfísicament physicallyincòmoda uncomfortable,i feelconsideren thatque itno isés notrepresentativa representativede ofles [[lesbianpràctiques sexualsexuals practiceslèsbiques]], andi isque moreés attributablemés toatribuïble thea maleles [[Fantasia sexual|fantasies ofmasculines]] thede heterosexualla indústria pornogràfica [[Sex industryHeterosexualitat|porn industryheterosexual]], oro becauseperquè theyd'altra otherwisemanera haveno notl'haurien includedinclòs itcom asa part ofde theirla sexseva livesvida sexual.<ref name="">{{cite web|first=Nikki|last=Dowling|title=Girl On Girl: 11 Misconceptions About Lesbians|date=December 4, 2009|accessdate=December 29, 2010||url= |work=[[The Frisky (website)]]}}</ref><ref name="">{{cite web|first=Mia|last=Jones|title=All lesbians are good at sports, and other misconceptions|date=December 22, 2009|accessdate=December 29, 2010|publisher=[[ and|]]|url=}}</ref><ref name="Hess">{{cite web|first=Amanda|last=Hess|title=Lesbians Don't Scissor Edition|date=November 24, 2009|accessdate=December 29, 2010|publisher=[[Washington City Paper]]|url=}}</ref><ref name="Parello">{{cite web|first=Jennifer|last=Parello|title=Scissor Sex|date=July 28, 2011|accessdate=December 1, 2013|publisher=''[[Lavender (magazine)|Lavender]]''|url=}}</ref> ''[[The Raw Story]]'' states,afirma "Whetherque ''«ja sigui [thela scissoringposició positionde la tisora] describesque adescriu traditionalun oracte evenlèsbic commontradicional lesbiano actfins remainsi uptot forcomú debatequeda debatut»''."<ref name="Carpentier">{{Cite web|title=Sarah Silverman offers to ‘scissor' Sheldon Adelson for Obama|publisher=''[[The Raw Story]]''|date= July 16, 2012|accessdate=November 4, 2012|url=}}</ref> SomeNo sourcesobstant això, howeveralgunes fonts, suchcom la investigació asde [[Shere Hite]]'s de 1976 andi 1981 research, showmostren thatque womenles maydones enjoypoden performinggaudir thede scissoringla position''posició withde otherla womentisora'' becauseamb italtres isdones, aja que és una variació variationdel ofcontacte vulva-to-vulva contacto orpot canpermetre allowel forcontacte maximummàxim de vulva-to-vulva contacti, andper thereforetant, anun elevatedelevat levelnivell of intimacyd'intimitat.<ref name="Hite, Tribadism"/><ref name="Schell"/>
Tribadism is a common sexual practice among [[women who have sex with women]] (WSW). Although the term ''tribadism'' is often applied to the act of vulva-to-vulva stimulation, it encompasses a variety of sexual activity. In addition to the scissoring position, which involves the partners interlocking their legs in a position similar to the shape of scissors and pressing their vulvas together, tribadism may involve a [[missionary position]], a [[Woman on top (sex position)|woman on top]] position, a [[doggy style]] position or others, or simple movement of the woman's vulva against her partner's thigh, stomach, buttocks, arm, or another body part. Vaginal penetration by [[Fingering (sexual act)|use of the fingers]] or by use of a [[dildo]] may be accompanied, and so sometimes "mutuality and reciprocation tend not to be the main objective, although satisfaction for both partners through different means most definitely is its aim". Women who enjoy or prefer tribadism report finding pleasure from its allowance of whole-body contact, the experience of timing hip movement and feeling their partner's motions without manual stimulation, which is considered exciting, erotic and a much easier way to achieve [[orgasm]] due to ample [[Clitoris|clitoral]] stimulation.
[[Image:Wiki-tribadism.png|thumb|esquerra|<center>Dues dones practicant la ''posició de la tisora'', una posició debatuda entre les [[Lesbiana|lesbianes]]<ref name=""/><ref name=""/><ref name="Carpentier"/></center>]]
La paraula «tisora» s''Scissoring''utilitza ishabitualment commonlycom useda asterme angeneral [[umbrellaper term]]a fortotes allles formsformes ofde tribadismtribadisme,<ref name="Rivera">{{Cite web|first=Stephanie|last= Rivera|title=CSULB students protest censorship of lesbian terminology||date=November 17, 2010|accessdate=November 4, 2012|url=}}</ref> andi manymoltes lesbianlesbianes andi bisexualdones womenbisexuals areno unawaresaben thatque somealguns ofdels theactes sexualsexuals actsque theypractiquen includesón inaspectes theirdel lovemakingque areés aspectsformalment ofetiquetat andcom aretribadisme, formallyja labeledque ''tribadism'',el astribadisme tribadismés isnormalment commonlyomès omittedde fromles mainstreaminvestigacions de la [[Sexology|sex researchsexologia]] convencional.<ref name="Halberstam" /><ref name="Peplau">{{cite book|title = Women's Sexualities: New Perspectives on Sexual Orientation and Gender (Volume 56 of Journal of Social Issues)|publisher=Wiley-Blackwell|year=2002|pages=320|accessdate=2010-12-19|url=|author1=Letitia Anne Peplau |author2=Linda D. Garnets |isbn = 978-1-4051-0080-9}}</ref> [[Judith Halberstam]], inen herel bookseu llibre ''Female Masculinity'', stated(Masculinitat femenina), "Ifva wedeclarar: trace''«Si therastregem usel'ús ofdel theterme termcap forwardendavant intofins al present, wetrobem findque thatel tribadismtribadisme isés oneuna ofd'aquestes thoseactivitats rarelysexuals discussedpoc butfreqüents oftenperò practicedsovint sexual activitiespracticades, andi theel silencesilenci thatque surroundsl'envolta itara nowés istan asdesconcertant puzzlingcom asel thedebat discourseque itva producedproduir inen earlierels centuriessegles anteriors»''." SheVa addedafegir thatque ''«[[Sigmund Freud]] "hadno nothingtenia tores say"a withdir»'' pel regardque tofa theal topictema, "and''«i fewfins contemporaryi lesbiantot sexalguns booksllibres evensexuals discusslèsbics it"contemporanis ho discuteixen»''.<ref name="Halberstam"/>
Some lesbian and bisexual women do not engage in the scissoring position, because they find it physically uncomfortable, feel that it is not representative of [[lesbian sexual practices]] and is more attributable to the male fantasies of the heterosexual [[Sex industry|porn industry]], or because they otherwise have not included it as part of their sex lives.<ref name="">{{cite web|first=Nikki|last=Dowling|title=Girl On Girl: 11 Misconceptions About Lesbians|date=December 4, 2009|accessdate=December 29, 2010||url= |work=[[The Frisky (website)]]}}</ref><ref name="">{{cite web|first=Mia|last=Jones|title=All lesbians are good at sports, and other misconceptions|date=December 22, 2009|accessdate=December 29, 2010|publisher=[[ and|]]|url=}}</ref><ref name="Hess">{{cite web|first=Amanda|last=Hess|title=Lesbians Don't Scissor Edition|date=November 24, 2009|accessdate=December 29, 2010|publisher=[[Washington City Paper]]|url=}}</ref><ref name="Parello">{{cite web|first=Jennifer|last=Parello|title=Scissor Sex|date=July 28, 2011|accessdate=December 1, 2013|publisher=''[[Lavender (magazine)|Lavender]]''|url=}}</ref> ''[[The Raw Story]]'' states, "Whether [the scissoring position] describes a traditional or even common lesbian act remains up for debate."<ref name="Carpentier">{{Cite web|title=Sarah Silverman offers to ‘scissor' Sheldon Adelson for Obama|publisher=''[[The Raw Story]]''|date= July 16, 2012|accessdate=November 4, 2012|url=}}</ref> Some sources, however, such as [[Shere Hite]]'s 1976 and 1981 research, show that women may enjoy performing the scissoring position with other women because it is a variation of vulva-to-vulva contact or can allow for maximum vulva-to-vulva contact and therefore an elevated level of intimacy.<ref name="Hite, Tribadism"/><ref name="Schell"/>
Segons estudis més antics, ''«aproximadament un terç de les dones lesbianes utilitzen el tribadisme o el contacte corporal, com a mitjà per aconseguir l'orgasme»'' (Saghir & Robins, 1973; Jay & Young, 1977).<ref name="Kimmel"/> L'estudi de [[Masters & Johnson]] de 1979 sobre pràctiques sexuals lèsbiques va trobar que és poc freqüent la penetració vaginal amb consoladors, i que les lesbianes solen fer més estímuls genitals globals que l'estimulació clitoral directa, que també sovint passa en les relacions heterosexuals.<ref name="Greenberg"/> El 1987, es va realitzar un estudi no científic (Munson) de més de 100 membres d'una organització social lèsbica en [[Colorado]], on es va preguntar quines tècniques van utilitzar en les seves últimes 10 relacions sexuals: el 100% van [[Petó|besar]], succionar els [[Mugró|mugrons]] i van estimular manualment el clítoris; més del 90% van fer [[Petó amb llengua|petons amb llengua]], [[sexe oral]] i van inserir dits a la [[vagina]]; i el 80% van practicar el tribadisme.<ref name="Carroll"/>
''Scissoring'' is commonly used as an [[umbrella term]] for all forms of tribadism,<ref name="Rivera">{{Cite web|first=Stephanie|last= Rivera|title=CSULB students protest censorship of lesbian terminology||date=November 17, 2010|accessdate=November 4, 2012|url=}}</ref> and many lesbian and bisexual women are unaware that some of the sexual acts they include in their lovemaking are aspects of and are formally labeled ''tribadism'', as tribadism is commonly omitted from mainstream [[Sexology|sex research]].<ref name="Halberstam"/><ref name="Peplau">{{cite book|title = Women's Sexualities: New Perspectives on Sexual Orientation and Gender (Volume 56 of Journal of Social Issues)|publisher=Wiley-Blackwell|year=2002|pages=320|accessdate=2010-12-19|url=|author1=Letitia Anne Peplau |author2=Linda D. Garnets |isbn = 978-1-4051-0080-9}}</ref> [[Judith Halberstam]], in her book ''Female Masculinity'', stated, "If we trace the use of the term forward into present, we find that tribadism is one of those rarely discussed but often practiced sexual activities, and the silence that surrounds it now is as puzzling as the discourse it produced in earlier centuries." She added that [[Sigmund Freud]] "had nothing to say" with regard to the topic, "and few contemporary lesbian sex books even discuss it".<ref name="Halberstam"/>
According to older studies, "approximately one-third of lesbian women used tribadism, or body contact, as a means of achieving orgasm (Saghir & Robins, 1973; Jay & Young, 1977)".<ref name="Kimmel"/> [[Masters and Johnson]]'s 1979 study on lesbian sexual practices found that vaginal penetration with dildos is rare, and that lesbians tend to do more overall genital stimulation than direct clitoral stimulation, which is also often the case for heterosexual relationships.<ref name="Greenberg"/> In 1987, a non-scientific study (Munson) "was conducted of more than 100 members of a lesbian social organization in Colorado" and "[w]hen asked what techniques they used in their last 10 lovemaking sessions, 100% were for kissing, sucking on nipples, and manual stimulation of the clitoris; more than 90% reported French kissing, oral sex, and fingers inserted into the vagina; and 80% reported tribadism".<ref name="Carroll"/>
In 2003, Julia V Bailey and her research team published data based on a sample from the [[United Kingdom]] of 803 lesbian and bisexual women attending two London lesbian sexual health clinics and 415 women who have sex with women from a community sample; the study reported that 85% of the women engaged in tribadism (whether genital-to-genital contact or rubbing genitals against another part of a partner's body), and, like older studies, that vaginal penetration with dildos, or with other sex toys, among women who have sex with women is rare.<ref name="Zenilman & Shahmanesh"/><ref name="Bailey">{{cite journal|title=Sexual behaviour of lesbians and bisexual women|author1=J V Bailey |author2=C Farquhar |author3=C Owen |author4=D Whittaker |journal=[[Sexually Transmitted Infections (journal)|Sexually Transmitted Infections]]|volume=79|issue=2|date=April 2003|pmid=12690139|doi=10.1136/sti.79.2.147|pages=147–150|url=|pmc=1744617}}</ref>