Bromur de magnesi: diferència entre les revisions

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Robot canvia de Chembox a Infotaula compost químic
Línia 1:
{{Infotaula compost químic}}
| Verifiedfields = changed
| Watchedfields = changed
| verifiedrevid = 430253912
| Reference = <ref name="hand">
{{ref-llibre|cognom= Lide
|nom= David R.
|any= 1998
|títol= Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
|edició= 87
|lloc= Boca Raton, FL
|editorial= CRC Press
|isbn = 0-8493-0594-2
|pàgines= 4–67
| OtherNames =
| ImageFile=Cadmium-iodide-3D-balls.png
| Section1 = {{Chembox Identifiers
| ChemSpiderID_Ref = {{chemspidercite|correct|chemspider}}
| ChemSpiderID = 74219
| UNII_Ref = {{fdacite|correct|FDA}}
| InChI = 1/2BrH.Mg/h2*1H;/q;;+2/p-2
| SMILES = [Mg+2].[Br-].[Br-]
| StdInChI_Ref = {{stdinchicite|correct|chemspider}}
| StdInChI = 1S/2BrH.Mg/h2*1H;/q;;+2/p-2
| StdInChIKey_Ref = {{stdinchicite|correct|chemspider}}
| CASNo = 7789-48-2
| CASNo_Ref = {{cascite|correct|CAS}}
| CASNo_Comment = (anhidre)
| CASNo2_Ref = {{cascite|changed|??}}
| CASNo2 = 13446-53-2
| CASNo2_Comment = (hexahidratat)
| CASNo3_Ref = {{cascite|changed|??}}
| CASNo3 = 75198-45-7
| CASNo3_Comment=
| PubChem = 522691
| Section2 = {{Chembox Properties
| Formula = MgBr<sub>2</sub> (anhidre)<br/>MgBr<sub>2</sub>·6H<sub>2</sub>O (hexahidrat)
| MolarMass = 184,113 g/mol (anhidre)<br/>292,204 g/mol (hexahidrat)
| Appearance = blanc [[higroscòpic]]; Cristalls [[Sistema hexagonal|hexagonals]] (anhidre); Cristalls [[monoclínic]]s incolors (hexahidrat)
| Density = 3,72 g/cm<sup>3</sup> (anhidre)<br/> 2,07 g/cm<sup>3</sup> (hexahidrat)
| Solubility = 102 g/100 mL (anhidre) <br> 316 g/100 mL (0 °C, hexahidrat)
| MeltingPtC = 711
| MeltingPt_notes = 172,4 °C, decomposes (hexahydrate)
| BoilingPtC = 1250
| SolubleOther = [[etanol]]: 6,9 g/100 mL <br> [[metanol]]: 21,8 g/100 mL
| Section3 = {{Chembox Structure
| Coordination = octaèdrica
| CrystalStruct = [[Romboèdric]], [[Símbol de Pearson|hP3]]
| SpaceGroup = P-3m1, No. 164
| Dipole =
| Section4 = {{Chembox Thermochemistry
| DeltaHf = -524,3 kJ·mol<sup>−1</sup>
| DeltaHc =
| Entropy = 117,2 J·mol<sup>−1</sup>·K<sup>−1</sup>
| HeatCapacity = 70 J/mol K
| Section7 = {{Chembox Hazards
| EUIndex = No està en la llista
| NFPA-H = 1
| NFPA-F = 0
| NFPA-R = 0
| RPhrases = {{R36}} {{R37}} {{R38}}
| SPhrases = {{S26}} {{S36}}
| Section8 = {{Chembox Related
| OtherAnions = [[Fluorur de magnesi]]<br/>[[Clorur de magnesi]]<br/>[[Iodur de magnesi]]
| OtherCations = [[Bromur de beril·li]]<br/>[[Bromur de calci]]<br/>[[Bromur d'estronci]]<br/>[[Bromur de bari]]<br/>[[Bromur de radi]]
El '''bromur de magnesi''', MgBr<sub>2</sub>, és un compost iònic de [[magnesi]] i [[brom]] de color blanc. Es presenta en forma de cristalls incolors. És [[deliqüescència|deliqüescent]] i apareix sovint formant [[hidrat]]s amb 4, 6 8 i 12 molècules d'[[aigua]]. Es comercialitza com a sal hexahidratada MgBr<sub>2</sub>·6H2O. La seva [[estructura cristal·lina]] és [[hexagonal]] com la del [[iodur de cadmi]]. S'empra en [[medicina]] com a [[sedant]], com a font de [[magnesi]], per al tractament de [[Rampa (mal)|rampes]] i com a [[depuratiu]]. El bromur de magnesi s'obté per reacció del brom, Br<sub>2</sub>, damunt del [[magnesi]] metall dins [[èter]] anhidre.
: ''Mg<sub>(s)</sub> + Br<sub>2(l)</sub> → MgBr<sub>2(s)</sub>''