Vladímir Vernadski: diferència entre les revisions

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[[File:Владимир Вернадский.jpg|thumb|right|Vladímir Vernadski, estudiant al 1er ''[[Gymnasium]]'' Clàssic de Sant Petersburg, 1878]]
[[File:1889-VernadskyVI-Paris.jpg|thumb|right|Vladímir Vernadski, Paris 1889]]
Vernadski va néixer a [[Sant Petersburg]], [[Imperi Rus]], el {{Calendari Julià|12 de març|1863|28 de febrer}} a la família de l'economista russoucraïnès de [[Kíev]] [[Ivan Vernadski]] i la professora de música [[Hanna Konstantínovitx]]. Segons la llegenda de la família, el seu pare era descendent dels [[Zaporoges|cosacs zaporoges]].<ref>{{ref-web|url=http://nplu.org/event.php?id=62 |títol=Книжкова виставка - «Життя, присвячене науці» - до 150-річчя від дня народження В. І. Вернадського (1863–1945)|títoltraduït=Exposició de llibres - "Vida dedicada a la ciència" - al 150 aniversari del naixement del V.I. Vernadski (1863-1945)|llengua=ucraïnès|editor=Nplu.org |data=12 de febrer del 2013|consulta=17 de maig del 2015}}</ref>Havia He had been aestat professor of d'[[politicaleconomia economypolítica]] ina [[Kiev]]Kíev beforeabans movingde totraslladar-se Sainta Sant Petersburg. HisLa motherseva wasmare aera Russianuna noblewomannoble ofrussa Ukrainiand'ascendència Cossackcosaca descentucraïnesa.<ref>В.В. Томазов. Генеалогія В.І. Вернадського: походження та родинні зв’язки</ref> Vernadski es va graduar a la [[Universitat Estatal de Sant Petersburg]] el 1885. Com que el càrrec de [[Mineralogia|mineralogista]] a la [[Universitat Estatal de Sant Petersburg]] era vacant, i [[Vassili Dokutxàiev]], un científic del sòl i un geòleg A[[Aleksei Petròvitx Pàvlov|Aleksei Pàvlov]], havien estat ensenyant mineralogia durant un temps, Vernadski va optar per entrar Mineralogia. Va escriure a la seva dona Nataixa el 20 de juny de 1888 de Suïssa:
He had been a professor of [[political economy]] in [[Kiev]] before moving to Saint Petersburg. His mother was a Russian noblewoman of Ukrainian Cossack descent.<ref>В.В. Томазов. Генеалогія В.І. Вернадського: походження та родинні зв’язки</ref>
Vernadsky graduated from [[Saint Petersburg State University]] in 1885. As the position of [[mineralogist]] in [[Saint Petersburg State University]] was vacant, and [[Vasily Dokuchaev]], a soil scientist, and [[Alexey Pavlov]], a geologist, had been teaching Mineralogy for a while, Vernadsky chose to enter Mineralogy. He wrote to his wife Natasha on 20 June 1888 from Switzerland:
{{citació|...to collect facts for their own sake, as many now gather facts, without a program, without a question to answer or a purpose, is not interesting. However, there is a task which someday those chemical reactions which took place at various points on earth; these reactions take place according to laws which are known to us, but which, we are allowed to think, are closely tied to general changes which the earth has undergone by the earth with the general laws of celestial mechanics. I believe there is hidden here still more to discover when one considers the complexity of chemical elements and the regularity of their occurrence in groups...}}