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→‎Vegeu també: - {{Portal|Història Militar de Catalunya}}
Etiqueta: editor de codi 2017
Línia 43:
[[FileFitxer:Arrow-head Olynthus BM GR1912.4-19.4.jpg|thumb|Punta de [[fletxa]] de bronze, segle IV aC, trobada a [[Olint]] (Grècia).]]
Com qualsevol altra professió, des de temps antics els soldats s'han distingit de la resta de membres de la seva societat per les eines, les armes i l'[[equipament militar]] que fan servir en combat. L'ús d'un resquill de [[sílex]] com a punta de [[llança]] pels humans de l'[[edat de pedra]] fou el primer exemple d'[[recerca aplicada|aplicació de la tecnologia]] per millorar armes.
As with any occupation, since the ancient times, the military has been distinguished from other members of the society by their tools, the military weapons, and [[military equipment]] used in combat. When [[Stone Age]] humans first took a sliver of flint to tip the [[spear]], it was the first example of [[applied research|applying technology]] to improve the weapon.
Since then, the advances made by human societies, and that of weapons, has been irretrievably linked. Stone weapons gave way to [[Bronze Age]] weapons, and later, the [[Iron Age]] weapons. With each technological change, was realised some tangible increase in military capability, such as through greater effectiveness of a sharper edge in defeating [[leather armour]], or [[Mechanics of materials|improved density of materials]] used in manufacture of weapons.