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Línia 49:
[[File:Caballero Armadura 4 Alcazar Segovia 2010.jpg|thumb|Recreació d'un cavaller amb armadura completa. La cavalleria va dominar el camp de batalla fins al desenvolupament de les armes de foc.]]
Es pot considerar que el principal invent que afectà no només els exèrcits, sinó tota la societat, després de l'adopció del foc, fou la [[roda]], que es féu servir per construir [[carro de guerra|carros de guerra]]. El proper avenç en tecnologia militar fou quan els [[antiga Grècia|grecs]], [[antic Egipte|egipcis]], [[Imperi Romà|romans]], [[Imperi Persa|perses]], [[antiga Xina|xinesos]] i altres civilitzacions desenvoluparen la [[maquinària de setge]] basant-se en l'acció del braç d'un foner. Els [[arc (arma)|arcs]] es fabricaven en versions cada vegada més grosses i potents per augmentar tant l'abast de l'arma com la seva capacitat de penetrar l'armadura. Evolucionaren en els potents [[arc compost|arcs compostos]], [[arc recorbat|arcs recorbats]] i [[ballesta|ballestes]] de l'[[antiga Xina]]. Resultaren ser particularment útils durant l'edat de la [[cavalleria]], quan els cavallers, protegits per [[armadura|armadures]] cada vegada més avançades, s'erigiren en les figures clau dels camps de batalla.
Arguably, the greatest invention that affected not just the military, but all society, after adoption of fire, was the [[wheel]], and its use in the construction of the [[chariot]]. There were no advances in military technology, until, from the mechanical arm action of a slinger, the [[Ancient Greece|Greeks]], [[Egyptians]], [[Roman Empire|Romans]], [[Persia]]ns, [[History of China#Ancient China|Chinese]], etc., development the [[siege engine]]s. The [[Bow (weapon)|bow]] was manufactured in increasingly larger and more powerful versions, to increase both the weapon range, and armour penetration performance. These developed into the powerful composite and recurve bows, and crossbows of [[History of China#Ancient China|Ancient China]]. These proved particularly useful during the rise of cavalry, as horsemen encased in ever-more sophisticated [[armour]] came to dominate the battlefield.
Somewhat earlier, in medieval China, [[gunpowder]] had been invented, and was increasingly used by the military in combat. The use of gunpowder in the early [[mortar (weapon)|vase-like mortars]] in Europe, and advanced versions of the [[long bow]] and [[cross bow]], which all had armour-piercing [[arrowhead]]s, that put an end to the dominance of the armoured knight. After the long bow, which required great skill and strength to use, the next most significant technological advance was the [[musket]], which could be used effectively, with little training. In time, the successors to muskets and [[cannon]], in the form of [[rifle]]s and [[artillery]], would become core battlefield technology.