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Línia 81:
[[Fitxer:Map of countries by military expenditure as percentage of GDP.png|thumb|upright=1.25|Mapa de països per despesa militar en percentatge del PIB, 2015.<ref>'''2015''' data obtinguda de: {{ref-web|url=http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/MS.MIL.XPND.GD.ZS|títol=Military expenditure (% of GDP). Stockholm International Peace Research Institute ( SIPRI ), Yearbook: Armaments, Disarmament and International Security.|consulta=4 maig 2017 | llengua = anglès}}</ref>]]
[[Fitxer:2014 militrary expenditures absolute.svg|thumb||upright=1.25|Mapa de països per despesa militar en dòlars, 2014.]]
L'[[economia de la defensa]] és la branca de l'economia que estudia les polítiques financeres i monetàries que es duen a terme per dotar els exèrcits dels recursos que necessiten i finançar les operacions militars, incloent-hi els conflictes bèl·lics.
[[Defense economics]] is the financial and monetary efforts made to resource and sustain militaries, and to finance military operations, including war.
The process of allocating resources is conducted by determining a [[military budget]], which is administered by a military finance organisation within the military. Military procurement is then authorised to purchase or contract provision of goods and services to the military, whether in peacetime at a permanent base, or in a combat zone from local population.