Gloria Conyers Hewitt: diferència entre les revisions

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Línia 17:
Els treballs de Hewitt se centren en dues àrees matemàtiques: l'[[àlgebra abstracta]] i la [[teoria de grups]].<ref name=":1" />Té vuit treballs de recerca publicats i vint-i-una conferències inèdites.<ref name=":1" />
OneHom wouldpodria expectesperar que Hewitt tohaurà havehagut tod’afrontar, facedal manyllarg racialde andla genderseva orientedvida, molts obstacles racials i de gènere; howeverno obstant això, inen auna entrevista personal, interviewva sheafirmar statedque thatno shesentia didque nothi feelhagués therehagut hadcap been anyincidència racial incidencesa inla herseva careercarrera thatque hadtingués aun efecte detrimentalperjudicial effecten onels herseus studiesestudis.<ref name=":0" /> She did however, write an article in the [[Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences|Annals of the New York Academy of Science]], titled "The Status of Women in Mathematics".<ref>{{Cite journal|last=Hewitt|first=Gloria C.|date=1979-04-01|title=The Status of Women in Mathematics|journal=Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences|language=en|volume=323|issue=1|pages=100–109|doi=10.1111/j.1749-6632.1979.tb16844.x|issn=1749-6632}}</ref> Hewitt has said that "Some of my fellow graduate students did all they could to help and encourage me. They included me in most of their activities. I know this situation was not the norm for a lot of Blacks studying mathematics, but I was fortunate enough to be at the right place at the right time"<ref name="Gloria Hewitt"/>
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