Han Xin: diferència entre les revisions

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Línia 21:
===Servint a Xiang Yu===
En el 209 aEC, Han es va unir a l'exèrcit rebel de [[Xiang Liang]] quan les rebel·lions van esclatar en tota la Xina per enderrocar a la [[Dinastia Qin]]. Han va continuar servint a [[Xiang Yu]] (el nebot de Xiang Liang) després que Xiang Liang fos mort en combat a la [[Batalla de Dingtao]]. Ell no va estar considerat en alta estima i va treballar com a sentinella i preparant menjars. Ell constantment proposava estratègies a Xiang, però era completament ignorat. En el 206 aEC, Han va desertar de l'exèrcit de Xiang Yu i va marxar a unir-se a [[Emperador Gaozu de Han|Liu Bang]].
===Unint-se a Liu Bang===
Inicialment després d'unir-se a l'exèrcit de [[Emperador Gaozu de Han|Liu Bang]], a Han no se li va assignar cap rol important. Una vegada, ell va violaracabar violant la llei militar andi wasva duehaver tode beser punishedcastigat byper executionexecució. WhenQuan iten wasva arribar el hisseu turntorn toper beser beheadeddecapitat, Han va veure a [[Xiahou Ying]] (oneun ofdels Liugenerals Bang'sde trustedconfiança generals)de andLiu saidBang), "Ii thoughtva dir: "Pensí theque kingel wantedrei tovolia rulegovernar anun empireimperi. WhyLlavors isper hequè killingestà valiantmatant menals thenhomes valents?"; Xiahou wasva surprisedrestar andparat sparedi li va salvar la vida a Han's, lifeper andmés recommendedtard himrecomanar-li toa Liu Bang. Liu wasno hi va notquedar impressedimpressionat withamb Han andi putel himva inposar chargea ofcàrrec thedels foodsubministraments suppliesd'aliments. DuringDurant thateixe timetemps, Han metva conéixer a [[Xiao He]] (oneun ofdels Liu'sprincipals chiefassessors advisorsde Liu), whoel qual va reconéixer recognizedel hisseu talent.
En 206 aEC, a[[Xiang Liu Bang seYu]] li va concedir el títol "Rei de [[Dinastia Han|Han]]" bya [[XiangLiu Yu]]Bang després que aquest últimXiang va dividir l'Imperi Qin en [[Divuit Regnes]], i va ser traslladat a la remota regió de Bashu (avui en dia [[Sichuan]]).<!-- Alguns dels homes de Liu became discontented després de passar mesos a Bashu i van desertar. Mentrestant, Han was expecting Xiao He to recommend him to Liu, but he had not received news for a long time so he became disappointed and left as well. When Xiao heard that Han had left, he immediately rushed to find Han and bring him back, and did not manage to inform Liu Bang in time. Xiao eventually caught up with Han and managed to persuade Han to go back with him. This event gave rise to the saying, "Xiao He chases Han Xin under the moonlight" (蕭何月下追韓信). In the meantime, Liu thought that Xiao had also deserted him but was relieved when he saw Xiao returning with Han. Liu asked Xiao, "Of all those who deserted, why did you choose to bring back Han Xin only?" Xiao then strongly recommended Han to Liu, saying that Han's talent was unmatched. Liu accepted Xiao's suggestion and held a special ceremony to appoint Han as a general and [[commander-in-chief]] of his army.
===Conquerint els Tres Qins===