Bagshot Park: diferència entre les revisions

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Pàgina nova, amb el contingut: «'''Bagshot Park''' és l'actual residència del príncep Eduard del Regne Unit i de Sofia Rhys-Jones, comtes de W...».
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Línia 3:
Boagshot Park es troba a la localitat de Bagshot al comtat de [[Surrey]]. La residència fou construïda al segle XVII, des de [[1631]] a [[1633]], com una sèrie de petits palaus dissenyats per Iñigo Jones pel rei [[Carles I d'Anglaterra]]. L'any [[1796]], sir Hans Sloane redissenyà la finca sota les ordres del [[Guillem IV del Regne Unit|Duc de Clarence]] que habità Bagshot fins el [[1816]].
Posteriorment, la residència passà a mans del príncep [[Guillem Frederic del Regne Unit]], duc de Gloucester i espòs de la princesa [[Maria del Regne Unit]]. La casa es clasurà el [[1847]], a la mort de la duquessa de Gloucester i posteriorment, l'any [[1860]] fou enderrocada. Un nou edifici es començà a construir el [[1860]] i s'acabà el [[1879]]. El nou Bagshot Park amb més de 120 habitacions fou la residència del [[Artur del Regne Unit (duc de Connaught)|Duc de Connaught]] fins a la seva mort el [[1842]] al mateix Bagshot Park.
Posteriorment, la residència passà a mans del príncep [[Guillem del Regne Unit]], duc de Gloucester
Des de l'any [[2001]], Bagshot Park ha esdevingut la residència oficial dels comtes de Wessex. La finca se situa a onze milles al sud del [[Castell de Windsor]] i a escassa distància de [[Sunninghill Park]], antiga residència del [[Andreu del Regne Unit|Duc de York]].
Bagshot Park in Bagshot, Surrey is the current home of the Earl (Prince Edward) and Countess (Sophie) of Wessex. (Grid reference: SU 9164)
Tot i que la casa ha estat enormememt criticada per un suposat mal gust de l'arquitecte, la casa ha esdevingut un magnífic exemple del gust indi que es desenvolupà en el si de la societat anglesa a finals del segle XIX. Alhora és l'aventura constructora reial més important després de la mort del príncep [[Albert de Saxònia-Coburg Gotha]].
Prince Edward renovated Bagshot Park, a former royal residence at Bagshot, Surrey, as a residence for himself and (until he closed the business) as a base for his film production company, Ardent Productions.
Bagshot Park, 11 miles south of Windsor, is on Bagshot Heath, a 50 square mile tract of formerly open land in Surrey and Berkshire. It is only a few miles from Sunninghill Park, the former residence of the Duke of York.
[[Categoria:Palaus dels Regne Unit]]
Bagshot Park was subsequently used by Prince William Frederick, Duke of Gloucester, nephew of King George III. The duke's widow, Princess Mary, daughter of King George III, continued to live there after his death until she moved out in 1847. The original house was demolished in 1860.
A new building was built from the 1860s. Completed in 1879, it has 120 rooms. This was the principal residence of the Duke of Connaught, son of Queen Victoria, from 1880. The duke had a long and successful military career, rising to become Inspector-General of the Forces. He was subsequently Governor-General of Canada 1911-1916. The Duke of Connaught died at Bagshot Park in 1942.
The house was thereafter the regimental Headquarters and depot of the Royal Army Chaplains' Department, who famously placed a notice by the pond reading "Do not walk on the water". They in turn vacated the building shortly before the Earl of Wessex took over the tenancy from the Crown.
Although the house was criticised by the archiectural historian Sir Nikolaus Pevsner for being ugly[citation needed], Bagshot Park was the most adventurous royal house to be created since the death of the Prince Consort in 1861, and is a remarkable monument in the history of Indian taste in Britain. An Indian billiard room wing, which inspired the more famous Durbar Room at Osborne House, was added in the 1880s.