My Great Predecessors: diferència entre les revisions

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Línia 13:
* La part II cobreix del cinquè al vuitè Campions del món: [[Max Euwe]], [[Mikhaïl Botvínnik]], [[Vasili Smislov]], i [[Mikhaïl Tal]]. Euwe va interrompre breument el regnat d'Alekhin. Botvínnik tingué un llarg regnat que fou interromput per Smislov i per Tal.
* PartLa part III coverscobreix theel ninthnovè andi tenthdesè championscampions, [[Tigran Petrosian]] andi [[BorisBorís SpasskySpasski]]. Petrosian endedva Botvinnik'sacabar reignamb inel regnat de Botvínnik el 1963. Spasski Spasskyes challengedva enfrontar a Petrosian unsuccessfullysense inèxit el 1966 andi amb successfullyèxit inel 1969.
* PartLa part IV startscomença bycobrint coveringalguns someforts strongjugadors Westernoccidentals playersque whono werearribaren nota worldCampions championsdel món: [[Samuel Reshevsky]], [[Miguel Najdorf]], andi [[Bent Larsen]]. The primaryEl focus ofprincipal thisd'aquest volumevolum isés thel'onzè eleventhCampió Worlddel Championmón, [[Bobby Fischer]].
* Part V covers World Championship contender [[Victor Korchnoi]] and the twelfth World Champion [[Anatoly Karpov]]. Korchnoi and Karpov played three matches in the World Championship, in [[World Chess Championship 1975|1974]], [[World Chess Championship 1978|1978]], and [[World Chess Championship 1981|1981]]. The first match was in the [[Candidates Tournament]] to determine who would challenge Fischer in [[World Chess Championship 1975|1975]]. Fischer refused to defend his title, making the 1974 Karpov versus Korchnoi match a ''de facto'' World Championship match.