Shirley Jackson

escriptora estatunidenca

Shirley Jackson (San Francisco, 14 de desembre de 19168 d'agost de 1965) fou una escriptora estatunidenca especialitzada en el gènere de terror. Va influir fortament en autors com Stephen King, Nigel Kneale i Richard Matheson.[1]

Plantilla:Infotaula personaShirley Jackson
Naixement14 desembre 1916 Modifica el valor a Wikidata
San Francisco (Califòrnia) Modifica el valor a Wikidata
Mort8 agost 1965 Modifica el valor a Wikidata (48 anys)
North Bennington (Vermont) Modifica el valor a Wikidata
Causa de mortinsuficiència cardíaca Modifica el valor a Wikidata
ResidènciaSan Francisco Modifica el valor a Wikidata
FormacióUniversitat de Syracuse - Grau en Arts (–1940)
Brighton High School
Universitat de Rochester
Burlingame High School Modifica el valor a Wikidata
Ocupacióperiodista, escriptora de no-ficció, escriptora, novel·lista, escriptora de literatura infantil Modifica el valor a Wikidata
Activitat1940 Modifica el valor a Wikidata -
GènereLiteratura de terror, ficció detectivesca, memòries, literatura gòtica i ciència-ficció feminista Modifica el valor a Wikidata
CònjugeStanley Edgar Hyman (1940–1965) Modifica el valor a Wikidata
Signatura Modifica el valor a Wikidata

Lloc Modifica el valor a Wikidata
IMDB: nm0414047 Allocine: 94308 Allmovie: p317029 IBDB: 13717 70038
Musicbrainz: a24a0f23-900a-4335-8f3f-ddf7bd4f0ae9 Discogs: 2165226 Goodreads author: 13388 Find a Grave: 8439 Modifica el valor a Wikidata

El seu relat més conegut és possiblement «The Lottery» (1948), que suggereix l'existència d'un tètric i estremidor submón en les petites ciutats de l'Amèrica profunda. El conte es publicà el 28 de juny de 1948 en The New Yorker i donà origen a centenars de commocionades cartes per part dels lectors.

La seva producció literària inclou sis novel·les, dos llibres autobiogràfics, nombrosos assajos, més de cent relats i unes quantes històries infantils.

L'escriptora americana no va rebre bones crítiques en vida. Els seus primers textos es van publicar en revistes sota el perfil d'escriptora ocasional, esposa i mare de quatre fills, que s'entretenia escrivint en les seves estones lliures.

Obra publicada




Antologia de contes

Contes infantils

  • The Witchcraft of Salem Village (1956)
  • The Bad Children (1959)
  • Nine Magic Wishes (1963)
  • Famous Sally (1966)

Relats breus (llista no exhaustiva)

  • "About Two Nice People", Ladies' Home Journal, July 1951
  • "Account Closed", Good Housekeeping, April 1950
  • "After You, My Dear Alphonse", The New Yorker, Jan. 1943
  • "Afternoon in Linen", The New Yorker, Sept. 4, 1943
  • "All the Girls Were Dancing", Collier's, Nov. 11, 1950
  • "All She Said Was Yes", Vogue, Nov. 1, 1962
  • "Alone in a Den of Cubs", Woman's Day, Dec. 1953
  • "Aunt Gertrude", Harper's, April 1954
  • "The Bakery", Peacock Alley, Nov. 1944
  • "Birthday Party", Vogue, Jan. 1, 1963
  • "The Box", Woman's Home Companion, Nov. 1952
  • "Bulletin", The Magazine of Science Fiction and Fantasy, March 1954
  • "Call Me Ishmael", Spectre, Fall 1939
  • "A Cauliflower in Her Hair", Mademoiselle, Dec. 1944
  • "Charles", Mademoiselle, July 1948
  • "The Clothespin Dolls", Woman's Day, March 1953
  • "Colloquy", The New Yorker, Aug. 5, 1944
  • "Come Dance with Me in Ireland", The New Yorker, May 15, 1943
  • "Concerning … Tomorrow", Syracusan, March 1939
  • "The Daemon Lover ['The Phantom Lover']", Woman's Home Companion, Feb. 1949
  • "Daughter, Come Home", Charm, May 1944
  • "Day of Glory", Woman's Day, Feb. 1953
  • "Don't Tell Daddy", Woman's Home Companion, Feb. 1954
  • "Every Boy Should Learn to Play the Trumpet", Woman's Home Companion, Oct. 1956
  • "Family Magician", Woman's Home Companion, Sept. 1949
  • "A Fine Old Firm", The New Yorker, March 4, 1944
  • "The First Car Is the Hardest", Harper's, Feb. 1952
  • "The Friends", Charm, Nov. 1953
  • "The Gift", Charm, Dec. 1944
  • "A Great Voice Stilled", Playboy, March 1960
  • "Had We But World Enough", Spectre, Spring 1940
  • "Happy Birthday to Baby", Charm, Nov. 1952
  • "Home", Ladies' Home Journal, Aug. 1965
  • "The Homecoming", Charm, April 1945
  • "The House", Woman's Day, May 1952
  • "I Don't Kiss Strangers", Just an Ordinary Day (Bantam, 1995)
  • "An International Incident", The New Yorker, Sept. 12, 1943
  • "I.O.U.", Just an Ordinary Day (Bantam, 1995)
  • "The Island," New Mexico Quarterly Review, 1950, vol. 3
  • "It Isn't the Money", The New Yorker, Aug. 25, 1945
  • "It's Only a Game", Harper's, May 1956
  • "Journey with a Lady", Harper's, July 1952
  • "Liaison a la Cockroach", Syracusan, April 1939
  • "Little Dog Lost", Charm, Oct. 1943
  • "A Little Magic", Woman's Home Companion, Jan. 1956
  • "Little Old Lady", Mademoiselle, Sept. 1944
  • "The Lottery", The New Yorker, June 26, 1948
  • "Louisa, Please Come Home", Ladies' Home Journal, May 1960
  • "The Lovely Night", Collier's, April 8, 1950
  • "Lucky to Get Away", Woman's Day, Aug. 1953
  • "The Man in the Woods", The New Yorker, April 28, 2014
  • "Men with Their Big Shoes", Yale Review, March 1947
  • "The Missing Girl", The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Dec. 1957
  • "Monday Morning", Woman's Home Companion, Nov. 1951
  • "The Most Wonderful Thing", Good Housekeeping, June 1952
  • "Mother Is a Fortune Hunter", Woman's Home Companion, May 1954
  • "Mrs. Melville Makes a Purchase", Charm, Oct. 1951
  • "My Friend", Syracusan, Dec. 1938
  • "My Life in Cats", Spectre, Summer 1940
  • "My Life with R.H. Macy", The New Republic, Dec. 22, 1941
  • "My Son and the Bully", Good Housekeeping, Oct. 1949
  • "Nice Day for a Baby", Woman's Home Companion, July 1952
  • "Night We All Had Grippe", Harper's, Jan. 1952
  • "Nothing to Worry About", Charm, July 1953
  • "The Omen", The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, March 1958
  • "On the House", The New Yorker, Oct. 30, 1943
  • "One Last Chance to Call", McCall's, April 1956
  • "One Ordinary Day, With Peanuts", The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Jan. 1955
  • "The Order of Charlotte's Going", Charm, July 1954
  • "Pillar of Salt", Mademoiselle, Oct. 1948
  • "Paranoia", The New Yorker, August 5, 2013
  • "The Possibility of Evil", The Saturday Evening Post, Dec. 18, 1965
  • "Queen of the May", McCall's, April 1955
  • "The Renegade", Harper's, Nov. 1949
  • "Root of Evil", Fantastic, March–April 1953
  • "The Second Mrs. Ellenoy", Reader's Digest, July 1953
  • "Seven Types of Ambiguity", Story, 1943
  • "Shopping Trip", Woman's Home Companion, June 1953
  • "The Smoking Room", Just an Ordinary Day (Bantam, 1995)
  • "The Sneaker Crisis", Woman's Day, Oct. 1956
  • "So Late on Sunday Morning", Woman's Home Companion, Sept. 1953
  • "The Strangers", Collier's, May 10, 1952
  • "Strangers in Town", The Saturday Evening Post, May 30, 1959
  • "Summer Afternoon", Just an Ordinary Day (Bantam, 1995)
  • "The Summer People", Charm, 1950
  • "The Third Baby's the Easiest", Harper's, May 1949
  • "The Tooth", The Hudson Review, 1949, vol. 1, no. 4
  • "Trial by Combat", The New Yorker, Dec. 16, 1944
  • "The Very Strange House Next Door", Just an Ordinary Day (Bantam, 1995)
  • "The Villager", The American Mercury, Aug. 1944
  • "Visions of Sugarplums", Woman's Home Companion, Dec. 1952
  • "When Things Get Dark", The New Yorker, Dec. 30, 1944
  • "Whistler's Grandmother", The New Yorker, May 5, 1945
  • "The Wishing Dime", Good Housekeeping, Sept. 1949
  • "Worldly Goods", Woman's Day, May 1953
  • "Y and I", Syracusan, Oct. 1938
  • "Y and I and the Ouija Board", Syracusan, Nov. 1938
  • "The Witch", 1949

Premis i reconeixements



  1. «Shirley Jackson» (en anglès). Encyclopaedia Britannica. [Consulta: 8 juny 2020].
  2. Pagès Jordà, Vicenç «Els fantasmes som nosaltres». Cultura (El Punt Avui), 12-12-2014, p. 3.


  • King, Stephen. Danse Macabre. Everest House, 1981.
  • Kittredge, Mary. "The Other Side of Magic: A Few Remarks About Shirley Jackson", in Darrell Schweitzer ed., Discovering Modern Horror Fiction. Mercer Island, WA: Starmont House, July 1985, pp. 3–12.
  • Kosenko, Peter. "A Reading of Shirley Jackson's The Lottery Arxivat 2020-08-12 a Wayback Machine.. New Orleans Review, vol. 12, no. 1 (Spring 1985), pp. 27–32.
  • Murphy, Bernice. Shirley Jackson: Essays on the Literary Legacy.
  • Oppenheimer, Judy. Private Demons: The Life of Shirley Jackson. New York: Putnam, 1988.
  • Shapiro, Laura. Something from the Oven: Reinventing Dinner in 1950s America.
  • Shirley Jackson Papers. Library of Congress, Washington DC.