Discussió:Ancistrus dolichopterus

Darrer comentari: fa 14 anys per

Sorry that I can't write in french, but I think it's important to correct this: The identity of this fish in the pictures on this page is not Ancistrus dolichopterus - it is a "common bristlenose", whose species identity is not entirely known. There is some more info here: http://www.planetcatfish.com/scripts/clog_link.php?q=ancistrus+cf_cirrhosus and here: http://www.planetcatfish.com/shanesworld/shanesworld.php?article_id=377

Ancistrus dolichopterus is pretty much unique in the Ancistrus genus in that it has more dorsal rays, and it is an inky black fish with bright white spots, juveniles have a white border to the unpaired fins (dorsal and caudal).

-- Mats Petersson Cat-eLog updater at PlanetCatfish. el comentari anterior sense signar és fet per (disc.contr.) 11:30, 9 des 2009 (CET)Respon

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