Discussió:Temporada 1923-1924 del Liceu

The 3 Russian operas in 1923-1924 del Liceu have the same cast and characters for each work, they should be as follows:-

El príncep Ígor Aleksandr Borodín Albert Coates Alexandre Sanine Georges Jurenieff (Prince Igor), Smirnova (Yaroslavna), Wesselwsky (Ígorevitch), Zaporójets (Konchak), Sadoven (Konkadovna) Kaidanov (Galitsky)

23 de novembre[1]

Borís Godunov Modest Mússorgski Albert Coates Alexandre Sanine Georges Lanskoy (Boris), Sadoven (Marina), Wesselwsky (Dimiti & Prince Shuisky), Davidoff or Davidova (Hostess), Kaidanov(Pimen), Zaporozhets (Varlaam) also senoras: Svatchinskaya, Lucci, Ivanova, senores: D'Arnal, Boydaroff. Ritch indisposed.

7 al 15 de desembre[6]

Khovànxtxina Modest Mússorgski Albert Coates Alexandre Sanine Senoras: Smirnova, Davidova, Brunova. Senores: Wesselwsky, Zaporójets, Lanskoy, Yurenev, Baydaroff, Nanoboff.

19 de desembre[8]

The above information is from the Spanish newspapers quoted for each work [1], [6], [8].

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