William Harvey: diferència entre les revisions

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Línia 44:
== Bibliografia ==
* {{ref -llibre | autor = Butterfield, Herbert | títol = The Origins of Modern Science | any = 1957 | editorial = The Free Press | lloc = New York | edició = revised }}
* {{ref -llibre | autor = Gregory, Andrew | títol = Harvey's Heart, The Discovery of Blood Circulation | editorial = Icon Books | lloc = Cambridge, England | any = 2001 }}
* {{ref -llibre | autor = Munk, William | enllaçautor = William Munk | títol = The Roll of the Royal College of Physicians of London, Vol. I | any = 1878 | lloc = London | edició = 2nd | pàgines = 124 – 146 | url = http://www.rcplondon.ac.uk/heritage/munksroll/munk_details.asp?ID=5069}}
* {{ref -llibre | autor = Harvey, William | títol = On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals | editorial = George Bell and Sons | lloc = London | any = 1889 | url = http://books.google.cat/?id=ewAIAAAAIAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=william+harvey }}
* {{ref -llibre | autor = Rapson, Helen | títol = The Circulation of the Blood | any = 1982 | editorial = Frederick Muller | lloc = London }}
* {{ref -llibre | autor= Harvey, William |coautorcoautors=Translated by Kenneth J. Franklin. Introduction by Dr. Andrew Wear| títol= The Circulation of the Blood and Other Writings | editorial = Everyman: Orion Publishing Group | lloc= London | any= 1993 | isbn=0-460-87362-8}}
* {{ref -llibre | autor= Willis, Robert (translator) | títol=The Works of William Harvey | any= 1847 | editorial= Sydenham Society| lloc= London | url= http://www.archive.org/details/workswilliamhar00harvgoog}}
*{{ref -llibre | autor = Harris, Paul | títol = William Harvey, Folkestone's Most Famous Son | any = 2007 | editorial = Lilburne Press | lloc = Folkestone }}
* {{ref -llibre | autor = Royal Society of Medicine (Great Britain) | títol = Portraits of Dr. William Harvey | any = 1913 | editorial = Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press | lloc = London | url = http://www.archive.org/details/portraitsofdrwil00royarich}}
* {{ref -llibre | autor = Kearney, Hugh | títol = Science and Change 1500 - 1700 | any = 1971 | editorial = McGraw-Hill | lloc = New York }}
* {{ref -llibre | autor = Singer, Charles | títol = A History of Biology | any = 1959 | lloc = London | editorial = Abelard-Schuman | edició = third, revised }}
* {{ref -llibre | autor = Mitchell, Silas Weir | títol = Some Memoranda in Regard to William Harvey, M.D. | any = 1907}}
== Enllaços externs ==