Criança d'infants: diferència entre les revisions

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Una eina que pares utilitzen en les cultures indígenes d'Amèrica és la incorporació dels nens a la vida quotidiana, incloent les activitats d'adults, per a transmetre el coneixement dels pares en permetre que el nen aprengui a través de l'observació. En aquesta pràctica, els nens s'integren en tots els tipus d'activitats diàries madures i se'ls anima a observar i contribuir a la comunitat. Aquesta inclusió com una eina educativa promou la participació i l'aprenentatge en la comunitat.<ref>{{ref-publicació|cognom1=Paradise|nom1=Ruth|cognom2=Rogoff|nom2=Barbara|títol=Side by Side: Learning by Observing and Pitching In|publicació=Journal of the Society of Psychological Anthropology|pàgines=102–137}}</ref> En algunes comunitats [[Maia|maies]], les noies joves no tenen permès estar al voltant de la [[llar de foc]] durant un període prolongat de temps ni tocar el [[Dacsa|blat de moro]], ja que és [[sagrat]]. Tot i ser una excepció de la pràctica indígena americana més comuna d'integració dels nens en totes les activitats per a adults, incloent la cuina, és un fort exemple d'aprenentatge per observació. Aquestes nenes maies només poden veure a les seves mares fent [[Plancake|''tortitas'']] en petites porcions, i alhora, van a continuació a practicar els moviments de la seva mare sobre altres objectes, com l'exemple pastant petites peces de plàstic com una ''tortita''. A partir d'aquesta pràctica, quan una nena és major d'edat, ja és capaç de seure i fer ''tortites'' sense cap instrucció verbal explícita, com a resultat del seu aprenentatge per observació.<ref>{{ref-llibre|cognom1=Gaskins|nom1=Suzanne|cognom2=Paradise|nom2=Ruth|editor1-last=Lancy|editor1-first=David|editor2-last=Bock|editor2-first=John|editor3-last=Gaskins|editor3-first=Suzanne|títol=The Anthropology of Learning in Childhood|data=2010|editorial=AltaMira
Press|lloc=United Kingdom|capítol=Learning Through Observation in Daily Life}}</ref>
====La criança en el Judaisme i en la cultura jueva ====
El [[judaisme]] té una extensa tradició de la criança amb un èmfasi en l'educació.<ref>{{ref-notícia|cognom1=Pinker|nom1=Steven|títol=THE LESSONS OF THE ASHKENAZIM. Groups and Genes|url=|agency=The New Republic Online|data= 17 juny 2006|citació=Though never exceeding 3 percent of the American population, Jews account for 37 percent of the winners of the U.S. National Medal of Science, 25 percent of the American Nobel Prize winners in literature, 40 percent of the American Nobel Prize winners in science and economics, and so on. On the world stage, we find that 54 percent of the world chess champions have had one or two Jewish parents. (STEVEN PINKER is Johnstone Professor of Psychology at Harvard University)}}</ref><ref>{{ref-publicació|cognom1=DERSHOWITZ|nom1=ALAN M.|títol=The Vanishing American Jew In Search of Jewish Identity for the Next Century|exemplar=The "Jewish Question" for the Twenty-first Century: Can We Survive Our Success?|url=|editorial=Little, Brown and Company, accessed at The New York Times|citació=Of America's Nobel Prize winners in science and economics, nearly 40 percent have been Jews. Of America's 200 most influential intellectuals, half are full Jews, and 76 percent have at least one Jewish parent. Jews attend Ivy League colleges at ten times their presence in the general population. It is no wonder that so many non-Jews believe that we constitute so much higher a percentage of the American population than we actually do.}}</ref><ref>{{ref-notícia|títol=Eighth Annual Rancho Santa Fe Chanukah Celebration|url=|agency=UT Community Press|editorial=San Diego Union-Tribune, LLC|data=22 desembre 2014|lloc=San Diego, California|citació=This January, the center’s Jewish Learning Institute will be offering a new six-week course on the Art of Parenting}}</ref><ref>{{ref-notícia|títol=Franklin Lakes Jewish Center Offers 'The Art of Parenting'|url=|agency=Wyckoff Patch|data=31 desembre 2014|lloc=Franklin Lakes, New Jersey|citació=The course was designed by the Jewish Learning Institute - the largest Jewish education network in the world with educational programming in more than 962 communities - and is accredited by the Washington School of Psychiatry.}}</ref><ref>{{ref-notícia|cognom1=Tribune staff report|títol=Navigating parenthood: Courses offered|url=|agency=Tahoe Daily Tribune|editorial=Swift Communications, Inc.|data=31 desembre 2014|lloc=Lake Tahoe, Utah|citació=The [[Rohr Jewish Learning Institute]] (JLI) will present The Art of Parenting... “As parents we are constantly being bombarded with various educational approaches and methods,” said Rabbi Zalman Abraham of JLI’s New York headquarters. “How do you strike the correct balance between discipline and freedom? This course answers these great questions by looking to timeless Jewish wisdom.”}}</ref><ref>{{ref-notícia|cognom1=Hanson|nom1=Alesha|títol=Jewish Learning Institute Presents 'The Art Of Parenting' In Bronxville|url=|editorial=Eastchester Daily Voice|data= 2 gener 2015|lloc=BRONXVILLE, New York|citació=The [[Rohr Jewish Learning Institute]] will present The Art of Parenting.... “Empires and civilizations have come and gone, but the Jewish people have survived,” says Rabbi Sruli Deitsch the local Learning Institute instructor in Bronxville. “This course taps into the great Jewish parenting success story that is our people’s survival, against all odds, over the course of thousands of years.”}}</ref><ref>{{ref-web|cognom1=Lieder|nom1=Yaakov|títol=Twelve Ways to Build your Child's Self-Esteem|url=| is a division of the Chabad-Lubavitch Media Center · Under the auspices of the Lubavitch World Headquarters|lloc=Crown Heights, New York|citació=Rabbi Yaakov Lieder has served as a teacher and principal, and in a variety of other educational positions, for more than 30 years in Israel, the U.S., and Sydney, Australia. He is the founder and director of the Support Centre to aid families struggling with relationship and child-rearing issues}}</ref><ref>{{ref-notícia|cognom1=GOOTMAN|nom1=ELISSA|títol=In Bronx School, Culture Shock, Then Revival|url=|editorial=New York Times|data= 8 febrer 2008|citació=Some parents at J.H.S. 22, also called Jordan L. Mott, were suspicious, viewing Mr. Waronker as too much an outsider. In fact, one parent, Angie Vazquez, 37, acknowledged that her upbringing had led her to wonder: “Wow, we’re going to have a Jewish person, what’s going to happen? Are the kids going to have to pay for lunch?” Ms. Vazquez was won over by Mr. Waronker’s swift response after her daughter was bullied, saying, “I never had no principal tell me, ‘Let’s file a report, let’s call the other student’s parent and have a meeting.’ ” For many students and parents, the real surprise was that like them, Mr. Waronker speaks Spanish; he grew up in South America, the son of a Chilean mother and an American father, and when he moved to Maryland at age 11, he spoke no English.}}</ref><ref>{{ref-notícia|cognom1=Brackman|nom1=Benjy|títol=Parenting Course Helps Navigate World’s Hardest Job|url=|agency=Boulder Jewish News|data= 5 gener 2015|lloc=Boulder, ‍‍5 January 2015|citació=The Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) will present The Art of Parenting....The course was designed by JLI in order to help parents, caregivers and anyone with an interest in child development navigate the stormy waters of child-rearing.}}</ref><ref>{{ref-web|cognom1=Admin|títol=New ‘Art of Parenting’ course looks at child-rearing from a Jewish perspective|url=|editor=Amway Healthline|lloc=Portland, Oregon|data= 9 gener 2015|citació=“How do you strike the correct balance between discipline and freedom? This course answers these great questions by looking to the timeless teachings of the Torah,” said Rabbi Zalman Abraham of the [[Rohr Jewish Learning Institute]]}}</ref>
==La criança al llarg de la vida==