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Línia 4:
== Exemples ==
* ''To get'' : Obtenir - ''To get in'' : Entrar (quan l'accés és difícil), pujar (a l'autobús), encomanar (menjar)
* ''To go'' : Anar - ''To go on'' : Continuar, parlar massa, eixir (en un espectacle)
* ''To look'' : Mirar - ''To look after'': Tenir cura, fer-se'n càrrec
* ''To make'' : Fer - ''To make up'': Maquillar-se, inventar, improvisar, constar de, crear, reconciliar-se amb algú.
* BLACK OUT (‘perdre el coneixement’). When Sandra fell off her bike, she hit her head and blacked out for a few seconds.
* BREAK UP WITH (‘trencar, rompre amb algú, separar-se’) He broke up with his girlfriend last week.
* BRING BACK (‘fer tornar records, fer recordar’). This old film brings back memories. I saw it when I was a child.
* COME TO (‘recobrar el coneixement’). Emily has come to after the accident, but she doesn’t remember what happened.
* CHEER UP (‘animar-se, engrescar-se’). Cheer up! The exams are over now and we can enjoy the summer holidays.
* COME ACROSS (‘topar amb, trobar per casualitat’). Where did you find the video? I came across it in a second-hand book shop. (‘agradar, ser simpàtic, o no, als altres’). He comes across as a ​bit of a bore in interview.
* COME UP WITH (‘tenir una idea’, 'aportar, venir amb quelcom??'). Dan’s very creative. He always comes up with great ideas for our advertising campaigns.
* DEAL WITH (‘tractar o (con)viure amb alguna cosa o algú’). The best thing about my job is dealing with the customers. I enjoy helping them choose the right product. (‘ocupar-se d’alguna cosa’, ‘resoldre-la’). We have to deal with problems as they arise.
* END UP (‘acabar fent una cosa o en una situació que no hom no s'esperava’). I had always wanted to live in France, but I ended up living in New Zealand.
* ''ToGET get''IN : Obtenir - ''To get in'' : Entrar(entrar (quan l'accés és difícil),; pujar (a l'autobús),; encomanar (menjar)
* ''ToGO go''ON : Anar - ''To go on'' : Continuar,(continuar; parlar massa,; eixir (en un espectacle)
* KEEP UP WITH (‘estar al dia d’alguna cosa’). Rachel works in a clothes shop, so she has no problem keeping up with the latest fashions. (‘anar tan ràpidament com algú’). I went jogging with my friends, but I couldn’t keep up with them
* LOOK BACK ON (‘recordar una cosa del passat’). It wasn’t such a bad experience when I look back on it.
* LOOK ALTER (tenir cura, fer-se càrrec de quelcom o qualcú)
* ''ToMAKE make'' : FerUP (maquillar-se, ''To make up'': Maquillarpintar-se,; inventar,; improvisar,; constar de,; crear,; reconciliar-se amb algú.)
* SETTLE FOR (‘conformar-se amb menys que hom no voldria’). They were hoping to sell their car for £2,000, but settled for £1,500.
SPLIT UP WITH (‘trencar, rompre amb algú, separar-se’). He split up with his girlfriend last week.
* TURN DOWN (‘rebutjar, destornar’). She was offered the chance to go to Hollywood, but she turned it down. ('abaixar ; apagar'). Please turn down the radio volume.
* TURN UP (‘acceptar, destornar’). ('apujar'). Please turn up the radio volume.
* TAKE ON (‘contractar algú’). I’m going for an interview at The Bay Café. They are taking on new staff for the summer.
* TAKE OVER (‘Get control of a business or job’). The ​firm was badly in need of restructuring when she took over.
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