Qassiarsuk: diferència entre les revisions

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{{infotaula geografia política}}
'''Qassiarsuk''' és un municipipoblet del sud de [[Groenlàndia]] que pertany a la [[Divisió administrativa de Groenlàndia|municipalitat]] de [[Kujalleq]]. La 60seva població era de 89 habitants el 2010.<ref name=statbank>{{cite web
'''Qassiarsuk''' is a settlement in the [[Kujalleq]] municipality, in southern [[Greenland]]. Its population was 89 in 2010.<ref name=statbank>{{cite web
|title=Statistics Greenland
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== Història ==
[[Brattahlíð]] isestà locatedsituat bypel [[Tunulliarfikfiord Fjordde Tunavierarfik]] (''Skovfjorden'' inen Danish[[danès]]), andi itel waslloc thea sitepertànyer ofa [[ErikEric theel RedRoig]]'s estateen inels thetemps times of thede l'[[Norsemen|Norseassentament oriental]] dels [[Eastern Settlementnòrdics]] (''Austerbygda'' inen Danishdanès). RuinsLes ofruïnes severalde ofdiversos the buildingsedificis, includinginclosos livingels quartershabitatges, outhouses,les anddependències ai una churchesglésia, areencara stillsón clearlyclarament visiblevisibles.<ref>{{cite web
|title=Archaeological Excavations at Qassiarsuk 2005 – 2006
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El poble actual va ser fundat com la primera [[granja ovina]] de Groenlàndia el 1924 i es troba al mateix lloc.
The current village was founded as Greenland's first [[sheep farm]] in 1924 and is located in the same place.
UntilFins Decemberal 31, de desembre de 2008, thel'assentament settlementva wasser part ofdel municipi de [[Narsaq Municipality]], inen thel'[[amt]] de [[Kitaa]] amt. OnL'1 Januaryde 1,gener de 2009, Qassiarsuk becameva passar a formar part ofdel Kujalleqmunicipi municipalityde Kujalleq, whenquan thel'amt Kitaade amtKitaa, asaixí wellcom asels themunicipis municipalities ofde Narsaq, [[Qaqortoq]], andi [[Nanortalik]] ceasedvan deixar tod'existir existcom asa administrativeentitats entitiesadministratives.
== Geografia ==
TheL'assentament settlementse issitua locateda onla península de Narsaq, Peninsulaa roughlyuns 5&nbsp; km (3.1&nbsp;mi)a westl'oest ofde [[Narsarsuaq]] acrossa thetravés Tunulliarfikdel Fjordfiord de Tunulliarfik. It hasplanes fertilefèrtils plainsmés wideramples thanque thoseles foundque ates troben a [[Narsaq]] on, thea southernl'extrem endsud ofde thela peninsulapenínsula.
== Infraestructures i transport ==
TheL'establiment settlement hasuna abotiga general storeoperada operatedpel by [[KNI A/S|KNI]],<ref name=narsaq>{{cite web
|title=Narsaq Kommuneplan 2008-2018
|accessdate=June 4, 2012
}}</ref> andi therehi isha aun youthalberg hosteljuvenil availabledisponible forper touristsa andturistes [[hiking|hikers]]i excursionistes. ThereTambé ishi alsoha auna smallpetita churchesglésia.[[Fitxer:Tunulliarfik-qassiarsuk.jpg|thumb|esquerra|Aerial view of the farms of Qassiarsuk from the north]]The electricity needs for the settlement are provided for by a local power station.
The Qassiarsuk area has a relatively extensive network of traversable dirt and gravel roads, totalling over 120 kilometers and requiring DKK 500,000 annually for service.<ref name=roadex>{{cite web