John Alexander Reina Newlands: diferència entre les revisions

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Línia 11:
[[Fitxer:J.A.R. Newlands - house.JPG|thumb|right|upright|El lloc de naixement de Newlands a [[West Square]], Lambeth.]]
Newlands va ser la primera persona a idear una taula periòdica d'[[element químic|elements químics]] ordenats per ordre de les seves [[massa atòmica|masses atòmiques]] relatives.<ref>Like many of his contemporaries, Newlands first used the terms ''equivalent weight'' and ''atomic weight'' without any distinction of meaning and in his first paper during 1863. He used the values accepted by his predecessors. It is now referred to as ''[[standard atomic weight]]''.</ref>
Newlands was the first person to devise a periodic table of [[chemical element]]s arranged in order of their relative [[atomic mass]]es.<ref>Like many of his contemporaries, Newlands first used the terms ''equivalent weight'' and ''atomic weight'' without any distinction of meaning and in his first paper during 1863. He used the values accepted by his predecessors. It is now referred to as ''[[standard atomic weight]]''.</ref> Continuing [[Johann Wolfgang Döbereiner]]'s work with [[Döbereiner's triads|triads]] and [[Jean-Baptiste Dumas]]' families of similar elements, he published in 1865 his 'Law of Octaves', which stated that 'any given element will exhibit analogous behaviour to the eighth element following it in the table.' Newlands arranged all of the known elements, starting with [[hydrogen]] and ending with [[thorium]] (atomic weight 90), into seven groups of eight, which he likened to [[octave|octaves of music]].<ref>{{cite journal | title = On Relations Among the Equivalents | author = Newlands, John A. R. | journal = Chemical News | volume = 10 | pages = 94&ndash;95 | date = 1864-08-20 | url =}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal | title = On the Law of Octaves | author = Newlands, John A. R. | journal = Chemical News | volume = 12 | page = 83 | date = 1865-08-18 | url =}}</ref> In Newlands' table, the elements were ordered by the atomic weights that were known at the time and were numbered sequentially to show their order. [[Group (periodic table)|Groups]] were shown going across the table, with [[Period (periodic table)|Periods]] going down – the opposite from the modern form of the periodic table.
Continuant l'obra de [[Johann Wolfgang Döbereiner]] amb [[triades de Döbereiner|triades]] i les famílies de [[Jean-Baptiste Dumas]] d'elements similars, va publicar el 1865 la seva "Law of Octaves", que va afirmar que "qualsevol element donat mostrarà un comportament anàleg al vuitè element que segueix a la taula. Newlands va disposar tots els elements coneguts, començant amb l'[[hidrogen]] i acabant amb el [[tori]] (pes atòmic 90), en set grups de vuit, que va comparar amb [[octava|octaves de música]].<ref>{{cite journal | title = On Relations Among the Equivalents | author = Newlands, John A. R. | journal = Chemical News | volume = 10 | pages = 94&ndash;95 | date = 1864-08-20 | url =}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal | title = On the Law of Octaves | author = Newlands, John A. R. | journal = Chemical News | volume = 12 | page = 83 | date = 1865-08-18 | url =}}</ref> A la taula de Newlands, els elements van ser ordenats pels pesos atòmics que es coneixien en el moment i es van numerar de forma seqüencial per mostrar el seu ordre. Es van mostrar [[grup (taula periòdica)|grups]] a través de la taula, amb [[Període (taula periòdica)|períodes]] baixant, al contrari de la forma moderna de la taula periòdica.
[[Fitxer:Newlands periodiska system 1866.png|thumb|450px|upright|right|alt=image|Taula de elements de Newland.]]