Abasan al-Kabira: diferència entre les revisions

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graella palestina, ce
Línia 6:
| admin_tipus1 =
| admin1 = [[Llista de ciutats administrades per l'Autoritat Nacional Palestina|Ciutat]]
| admin_tipus2 = [[Graella palestina]]
| admin2 = 087/081
| pais_historic = [[Franja de Gaza]] {{Banderes|Palestina}}
| etiqueta_org_territorial = [[Governacions de Palestina|Governació]]
Linha 23 ⟶ 25:
===Mandat britànic===
En el [[cens de Palestina de 1922]] realitzat pel [[Mandat britànic de Palestina]] ''Abassan'' (presumiblement Abassan al-Kabira i [[Abassan al-Saghira]]) tenia una població de 695; tots ells musulmans,<ref name=Census1922>Barron, 1923, Table V, Sub-district of Gaza, p. [https://archive.org/detailsstream/PalestineCensus1922/Palestine%20Census%20%281922%29#page/n10/mode/1up 8]</ref> incrementats en el [[cens de Palestina de 1931]] a 1144, encara tots ells musulmans, en 186 cases.<ref name=censusP4>Mills, 1932, p. [https://archive.org/details/CensusOfPalestine1931.PopulationOfVillagesTownsAndAdministrativeAreas 2]</ref>
En [[Village Statistics, 1945|el cens de 1945]] els dos Abasans encara es comptaven plegats, i tenien una població de 2,230, tots àrabs, amb 16,084 ''[[dúnam]]s'' de terra, segons l'enquesta oficial de terra i població.<ref name=Hadawi45>Government of Palestine, Department of Statistics. ''Village Statistics, April, 1945.'' Quoted in Hadawi, 1970, p. [http://www.palestineremembered.com/download/VillageStatistics/Table%20I/Gaza/Page-045.jpg 45]</ref> D'aquests, 92 ''dúnams'' eren de plantacions i terra irrigada, 15,616 usats per als cereals,<ref>Government of Palestine, Department of Statistics. ''Village Statistics, April, 1945.'' Quoted in Hadawi, 1970, p. [http://www.palestineremembered.com/download/VillageStatistics/Table%20II/Gaza/Page-086.jpg 86]</ref> i 69 ''dúnams'' eren sòl edificat.<ref>Government of Palestine, Department of Statistics. ''Village Statistics, April, 1945.'' Quoted in Hadawi, 1970, p. [http://www.palestineremembered.com/download/VillageStatistics/Table%20III/Gaza/Page-136.jpg 136]</ref>
===1948, i posterior===
Linha 34 ⟶ 36:
== Bibliografia ==
* {{ref-llibre| editor =Barron, J. B. |títol= Palestine: Report and General Abstracts of the Census of 1922 |url= https://archive.org/details/PalestineCensus1922 | editorial= Government of Palestine |any= 1923}}
*{{ref-llibre|títol=Village Statistics, April, 1945 |url=http://web.nli.org.il/sites/nli/Hebrew/library/Pages/BookReader.aspx?pid=856390|autor=Govern de Palestina, Departament d’Estadística|any=1945}}
* {{citar ref|títol=Village Statistics of 1945: A Classification of Land and Area ownership in Palestine|url= http://www.palestineremembered.com/Articles/General-2/Story3150.html|nom1nom=SamiS.|cognom1cognom=Hadawi|enllaçautor=Sami Hadawi|any=1970| editorial=Palestine Liberation Organization Research Center}}
* {{ref-llibre|cognom1= Hütteroth |nom1=Wolf-Dieter |nom2=Kamal |cognom2=Abdulfattah |títol= Historical Geography of Palestine, Transjordan and Southern Syria in the Late 16th Century |any= 1977 | editorial= Erlanger Geographische Arbeiten, Sonderband 5. Erlangen, Germany: Vorstand der Fränkischen Geographischen Gesellschaft|ISBN= 3-920405-41-2}}
* {{ref-llibre| editor = Mills, E. |títol= Census of Palestine 1931. Population of Villages, Towns and Administrative Areas |url= https://archive.org/details/CensusOfPalestine1931.PopulationOfVillagesTownsAndAdministrativeAreas | editorial= Government of Palestine |lloc= Jerusalem |any= 1932}}