Operacions en profunditat: diferència entre les revisions

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==Les Operacions en profunditat en la teoria i la pràctica==
===Regulacions de camp===
Les Operacions en profunditat foren formalment expressades per primer cop com un concepte en les regulacions de camp de 1929 de l'Exèrcit Roig, i més abastament desenvolupades en les ''Instruccions de Batalla Profunda'' del 1936. El concepte fou finlament consolidat per l'exèrcit en les ''Regulacions provisionals de camp'' del 1936.
Deep Operations were first formally expressed as a concept in the Red Army's "Field Regulations" of 1929, and more fully developed in the 1935 ''Instructions on Deep Battle''. The concept was finally codified by the army in 1936 in the ''Provisional Field Regulations'' of 1936.
===TheL'impacte impactde ofles the purgesPurgues===
Les [[Grans Purgues]] de 1937-1939 vàren eliminar molts dels oficials comandants de l'Exèrcit Roig, incloent-hi Tukhachevsky. Com a conseqüència directa - i també com a resultat de les experiències a la [[Guerra Civil Espanyola]] i la [[Guerra d'Hivern]] contra [[Finlàndia]] - el concepte d'Operacions en profunditat s'abandonà, fins que la seva potencialitat s'intuí en la veloç victòria que els alemanys assoliren sobre França en l'operació [[Batalla de França|Fall Gelb]] del 1940. Un exemple temprà de l'efectivitat potencial de la doctrina d'Operacions en profunditat es pot trobar en la victòria soviètica sobre [[Japó]] en la Batalla de [[Batalla de Khalkhin Gol|Khalkhin Gol]] (Nomonhan), on un cos soviètic comandat per [[Gregory Zhukov|G. K. Zhukov]] sota les premises de Tukhachevsky derrotà contundentment una nombrosa força japonesa l'Agost-Septembre de 1939.
===Operacions en profunditat durant la Segona Guerra Mundial===
The [[Great Purges]] of 1937–1939 removed many of the leading officers of the Red Army, including Tukhachevsky. As a consequence, and as a result of experiences from the [[Spanish Civil War]] and the [[Winter War]] against [[Finland]], the concept of Deep Operations was abandoned, until its potential was shown again during the rapid German victory over France in [[Battle of France|Operation Yellow]] in 1940. An early example of the potential effectiveness of deep operations can be found in the Soviet victory over [[Japan]] at the Battle of [[Battle of Khalkhin Gol|Khalkhin Gol]] (Nomonhan), where a Soviet corps under the command of Tukhachevsky's disciple [[Georgy Zhukov|G. K. Zhukov]] defeated a substantial Japanese force in August–September, 1939.
===Deep Operations during World War II===
The development of Soviet operational doctrine during [[World War II]] owes a lot to the sound doctrinal base that was present in the 1936 Field Regulations, and the ideas of Deep Operations. The rapid growth of a competent mechanised force, as well as its adept handling, were remarked on by German officers such as [[Friedrich von Mellenthin|F.W. von Mellenthin]]. The two military operations that came closest to the ideal of Deep Operations were probably the [[Vistula-Oder Offensive]] against the [[Wehrmacht]] in January/February 1945, and the [[Operation August Storm]] against the Japanese [[Kwantung Army]] in [[Manchuria]] in August 1945. Both were rapid and crushing victories for the Red Army.