Valeria Archimó: diferència entre les revisions

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Línia 6:
== Teatre ==
=== 2006 - 2010: ''Barbieri, Cherruti, Reech, Guerrero i Farro'' ===
A principis del 2007, Archimó, que aleshores era coneguda pel seu nom francès familiar (Archimaut), es va inscriure en la revista mixta i la comèdia musical, "Irresistible, Otra Historia de Humor", seqüela de "Invidible, Una Historia de Humor" . Estudia com a primera vedette de l’espectacle, d’altres al musical on Adabel Guerrero i Sabrina Ravelli, els ballarins principals i vedettes destacades. Sergio Marcos va ser el redactor principal, Reina Reech va ser la directora creativa i Miguel Ángel Cherruti el productor principal, a banda d’actuar a la revista de teatre. Carmen Barbieri va ser la seva figura principal ballant, interpretant, cantant, fent monòlegs i fins i tot dirigint.<ref>{{ref-web|url=|títol=Teatro: "Irresistible, Otra Historia De Humor"|data=8 de gener de 2007|llengua=castellà}}</ref> El 2008 va tornar a signar per continuar amb Barbier i Cherruti en la seva segona seqüela, "Incomparable, El Humor Continúa", però aquesta vegada treballaria com a coreògrafa principal i no com a figura del musical. Les figures on: Matías Sayágo, Cristian Ponce, Vanina Escudero, Adabel Guerrero, Rodrigo Rodríguez, Diego Reinhold, Celina Rucci, Miguel Ángel Cherutti i dirigits per Carmen Barbieri, dirigits per Cherruti i Reech.<ref>{{ref-web |url= |títol=Elenco de "Incomparable... El humor continúa" |obra=Red Teatral |llengua=castellàÇÇcastellà}}</ref> Aquell any va ser la primera ballarina vedette del "Planeta Show".
-In early 2007 Archimó, who at the time was still known by her family French name (Archimaut) got signed into the mixed [[revue]] and [[musical comedy]], '''''"Irresistible, Otra Historia De Humor"''''', sequel to, '''''"Inolvidable, Una Historia De Humor"'''''. She stud as the first vedette of the show, others in the musical where [[Adabel Guerrero]] and Sabrina Ravelli, the lead dancers and outstanding vedettes. Sergio Marcos was the head writer, [[Reina Reech]] was the creative director and Miguel Ángel Cherruti was the head producer, apart from acting in the theatre magazine. [[Carmen Barbieri]] was its lead figure dancing, acting, singing, making monologs and even directing. In 2008 she re-signed to continue with Barbier and Cherruti in their second sequel, '''''"Incomparable, El Humor Continúa"''''', but this time she would work as the head choreographer and not as a figure in the musical. The figures where: Matías Sayágo, Cristian Ponce, Vanina Escudero, Adabel Guerrero, Rodrigo Rodríguez, Diego Reinhold, [[Celina Rucci]], Miguel Ángel Cherutti and led by Carmen Barbieri, directed by Cherruti and Reech. That year she was the first vedette-dancer of '''"Planeta Show"'''.