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Línia 19:
Dear Pala, I made a short article for [[Damla Sönmez]] and [[Usuari:Metralleta95|Metralleta]] kindly revised it for me and arranged the sources; but I understand could not do the first two of them. You know I'm a total ignorant in this area, would you mind giving us a hand (un cop de mà) at this? Moltes gràcies anticipades, amic. Gràcies a tu tambe, Metralleta. Salutacions a ambdos. --[[Usuari:E4024|E4024]] ([[Usuari Discussió:E4024|disc.]]) 01:39, 20 feb 2021 (CET)
:Thanks for letting me know. I've arranged all. Hope you guys are satisfied with it! Thanks again --[[Usuari:Palaangelino|Palaangelino]] ([[Usuari Discussió:Palaangelino#top|disc.]]) 21:17, 20 feb 2021 (CET)