Regne (biologia): diferència entre les revisions

Contingut suprimit Contingut afegit
Línia 4:
Com a rang taxonòmic és tradicionalment el rang superior i en el més recent sistema dels tres dominis, el rang zoològic sota el [[domini (biologia)|domini]] biològic.
Els regnes es divideixen en grups més petits anomenats [[fílum]]s (en [[zoologia]]) o divisions in [[botànica]]. La seqüència completa de rangs és [[vida]], [[domini (biologia)|domini]], regne, [[fílum]], [[classe (biologia)|classe]], [[ordre (biologia)|ordre]], [[família (biologia)|família]], [[gènere (biologia)|gènere]], i [[espècie]].
Actualment als [[Estats Units]] pocs llibres de text utilitzen el sistema de sis regnes ([[Animalia]], [[Plantae]], [[Fungi]], [[Protista]], [[Archaea]], [[Bacteria]]) mentre que a Gran bretanya, Austràlia i Colòmbia els llibres de text poden descriure cinc regnes ([[Animalia]], [[Plantae]], [[Fungi]], [[Protista]], i [[Prokaryota]] o [[Monera]]).
Línia 16:
|label1=life Vida
|1=Regnum Vegetabile
Línia 29:
|1=KingdomRegne Protoctista
|2=KingdomRegne Plantae
|3=KingdomRegne Animalia
Línia 39:
==Quatre regnes==
El desenvolupament del microscopi i el [[microscopi electrònic]] en particular, revelaren una distinció important entre els organismes que eren unicel·lulars les cèl·lules dels quals no tenien nucli diferenciat [[procarioteprocariotes]]s, i aquells organismes unicel·lulars o plurice·lulars que sí que en tenien [[eucarioteeucariotes]]s. ElàEs va fer una classificació en quatre regnes, desplaçant els dos grups procariotes, bacteris i ''algues blaves'', en un regne separat '''Monera'''.<ref name=Scamardella1999/>
|1=KingdomRegne Monera (procariotes, és a dir bacteris i "algues blaves")
|2=KingdomRegne Protista (eucariotes unicel·lulars)
|3=KingdomRegne Plantae
|4=KingdomRegne Animalia
Línia 55:
ItLa graduallydistinció becameentre apparentprocariotes/eucariotes howes importantva therevetllar prokaryote/eukaryotemolt distinctionimportant is, andi Stanier andi van Niel popularizedpopularitzaren la proposta de [[Édouard Chatton]]'s proposalcap ina thela 1960sdècada tode recognize1960 thisde divisionreconéixer informalment aaquesta formal classificationdivisió. ThisAixò requiredva therequerir creation,que forper theprimera firstvegada time,s'establis ofun arang ranksuperior aboveal kingdomde ''regne'', aun superkingdomsuperregne oro empireimperi.<ref name="Stanier">{{Citation |last=Stanier |first=R.Y. |last2=Van Neil |first2=C.B. |year=1962 |title=The concept of a bacterium |journal=Archiv Für Mikrobiologie |volume=42 |pages=17–35 |pmid=13916221 |lastauthoramp=yes |doi=10.1007/BF00425185 }}</ref>
|1=KingdomRegne Monera
|1=KingdomRegne Protista
|2=KingdomRegne Plantae
|3=KingdomRegne Animalia
Línia 79:
==Vinc regnes==
==Five kingdoms== <!-- This section is linked from [[Monera]] -->
TheLa differencesdiferència betweenentre [[fungifongs]] andi otheraltres organismsorganismes regardedvists ascom plantsa hadplantes longhavia beenestat recognized.reconeguda Fordes example,de atfeia onetemps. Per pointexemple Haeckel movedva thedesplaçar fungiels outfongs offora de Plantae intocap a Protista, beforeabans changingde hiscanviar mindd'idea.<ref name=Scamardella1999/> [[Robert Whittaker]] recognizedva anreconéixer additionalun kingdomregne foraddicional thepel regne dels [[Fungus|Fungifongs]]. TheEl resultingsistema five-kingdomresultant system,era proposedde incinc 1969regnes, hasproposat becomeel a1969, populari standardque andha withpassat somea refinementser ismolt stillutilitzat usedi informa manyla worksbase anddels formsnou thesistemes basisamb for newer multi-kingdomdiversos systemsregnes. ItEstà isbasat basedprincipalment mainlyen onles differencesen innutrició [[nutrition]]; his Plantae were mostly multicellular( plantes[[autotrophautòtrof]]ses, his Animalia multicellularanimals [[heterotrophheteròtrof]]s, and his Fungi multicellularfongs [[saprotrophsapròfit]]s). TheEls remainingdos tworegnes kingdoms,restants són Protista andi Monera, included unicellular and simple cellular colonies.<ref name="Whittaker1969">{{Citation |last=Whittaker |first=R.H. |year=1969 |title=New concepts of kingdoms or organisms. Evolutionary relations are better represented by new classifications than by the traditional two kingdoms |journal=Science |volume=163 |issue=863 |pages=150–60 |url= |month=January |pmid=5762760 }}</ref> TheEl fivesistema kingdomdels systemcinc mayregnes bepot combinedcombinar-se withamb theel twosistema dels empiredos systemimperis.
The differences between [[fungi]] and other organisms regarded as plants had long been recognized. For example, at one point Haeckel moved the fungi out of Plantae into Protista, before changing his mind.<ref name=Scamardella1999/> [[Robert Whittaker]] recognized an additional kingdom for the [[Fungus|Fungi]]. The resulting five-kingdom system, proposed in 1969, has become a popular standard and with some refinement is still used in many works and forms the basis for newer multi-kingdom systems. It is based mainly on differences in [[nutrition]]; his Plantae were mostly multicellular [[autotroph]]s, his Animalia multicellular [[heterotroph]]s, and his Fungi multicellular [[saprotroph]]s. The remaining two kingdoms, Protista and Monera, included unicellular and simple cellular colonies.<ref name="Whittaker1969">{{Citation |last=Whittaker |first=R.H. |year=1969 |title=New concepts of kingdoms or organisms. Evolutionary relations are better represented by new classifications than by the traditional two kingdoms |journal=Science |volume=163 |issue=863 |pages=150–60 |url= |month=January |pmid=5762760 }}</ref> The five kingdom system may be combined with the two empire system.
|1=KingdomRegne Monera
|1=KingdomRegne Protista
|2=KingdomRegne Plantae
|3=KingdomRegne Fungi
|4=KingdomRegne Animalia
Linha 106 ⟶ 105:
==SixSis kingdomsregnes==<!-- This section is linked from [[Monera]] -->
FromDes aroundde thela mid-1970smeitat onwards,de therela wasdècada ande increasing1970 emphasishi onha molecularahgut levelmolt comparisonsinterès ofen genesque el principal factor de classificació fossin les comparacions genètiques a nivell molecular (initiallyinicialment els gens de l'[[ribosome|ribosomalARN]] dels [[RNAribosomes]] genes). asEs theva primarypriamr factorla insimilitud classification;genètica geneticsobre similarityla wasmorfològica. stressedEls overgrups outwardtaxonòmics, appearancesinclosos andels behavior.regnes Taxonomichavien ranks,de includingser kingdoms,grups wered'organismes toamb beun groupsantecessor ofcomú organisms with a common ancestor,ja whetherfos [[monophyleticmonofilètic]] (''alltots'' descendantsells ofdescendents ad'un commonantecessor ancestorcomú) oro [[paraphyleticparafilètic]] (onlynomés somealguns descendantsdescendeixen ofd'un aantecessor common ancestorcomú). BasedBasant-se onen suchaquests RNAestudis studiesd'ARN, [[Carl Woese]] divideddivií theels prokaryotesprocariotes (Kingdomregne Monera) intoen twodos groupsgrups, calledanomenats [[bacterium|Eubacteria]] andi [[Archaea|Archaebacteria]],. stressingEls thatgrups thereeucariotes wascom asles much genetic difference between these two groups as between either of them and all eukaryotes. Eukaryote groupsplantes, suchfongs as plants, fungi andi animals mayencara lookque different,semblin butmolt arediferents moreentre similarells tosón eachmés othersimilars inentre theirells geneticque makeup at the molecular level than they are to either theals Eubacteria oro Archaebacteria. (Ita wasmés alsoels foundeucariotes thatestàn themés eukaryotesestretament arerelacionats moregenèticament closely related, genetically, to theals Archaebacteria thanque theyno arepas to theals Eubacteria.) Woese attemptedintentà toestablir establishun sistema a "three primary kingdom" oro "urkingdom" system.<ref name="Woese1977">{{Citation |last=Balch |first=W.E. |last2=Magrum |first2=L.J. |last3=Fox |first3=G.E. |last4=Wolfe |first4=C.R. |year=1977 |title=An ancient divergence among the bacteria |journal=J. Mol. Evol. |volume=9 |issue=4 |pages=305–11 |doi=10.1007/BF01796092 |coauthors=& Woese, C.R. |month=August |pmid=408502 }}</ref> InEl 1990, thees nameva proposar el nom de "domaindomini" waspel proposed for therang highestmés rankalt.<ref>{{Citation |last=Woese |first=C.R. |last2=Kandler |first2=O. |last3=Wheelis |first3=M. |year=1990 |title=Towards a natural system of organisms: proposal for the domains Archaea, Bacteria, and Eucarya |journal=Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A |volume=87 |issue=12 |pages=4576–9 |doi=10.1073/pnas.87.12.4576 |pmid=2112744 |pmc=54159 |lastauthoramp=yes }}</ref> TheEl six-kingdomsistema systemde shownsis belowregnes representsque es mostra a blendingsota ofrepresenta theuna classicfusió five-kingdomdel systemsistema andde cinc regnes Woesei els ''s [[three-domain system]]''. SuchAquest six-kingdomsistema systemsés have become standardl'estàndard inen manymolts workstreballs.
|1=KingdomRegne Bacteria
|1=KingdomRegne Archaea
|1=KingdomRegne Protista
|2=KingdomRegne Plantae
|3=KingdomRegne Fungi
|4=KingdomRegne Animalia
Linha 139 ⟶ 138:
Woese també reconegué que el regne Protista no era un grup monofilètic.
Woese also recognized that the Protista kingdom was not a monophyletic group and might be further divided at the level of kingdom.
==Cavalier-Smith's six kingdoms==
[[Thomas Cavalier-Smith]] has published extensively on the evolution and classification of life, particularly protists. His views have been influential but controversial, and not always widely accepted.<ref>{{Citation | |title=Origins of the Eukarya |url= |accessdate=2010-04-29 |archiveurl= |archivedate=2010-04-29 }}</ref> In 1998, he published a six-kingdom model,<ref>{{Citation |last=Cavalier-Smith |first=T. |year=1998 |title=A revised six-kingdom system of life |journal=Biological Reviews |volume=73 |pages=203–66 |url= |issue=03 |doi=10.1017/S0006323198005167 }}</ref> which has been revised in subsequent papers. The version published in 2004 is shown below.<ref name="CavalierSmith2004">{{Citation |last=Cavalier-Smith |first=T. |year=2004 |title=Only six kingdoms of life |journal=Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B |volume=271 |pages=1251–62 |url= |accessdate=2010-04-29 |doi=10.1098/rspb.2004.2705 |pmid=15306349 |issue=1545 |pmc=1691724 }}</ref> Cavalier-Smith does not accept the importance of the fundamental eubacteria–archaebacteria divide put forward by Woese and others. His Kingdom Bacteria includes the Archaebacteria as part of a subkingdom along with a group of eubacteria (Posibacteria).>-->
==Sis regnes de Cavalier-Smith==
No tothom accepta els punts de vista de [[Thomas Cavalier-Smith]] has published extensively on the evolution and classification of life, particularly protists. His views have been influential but controversial, and not always widely accepted.<ref>{{Citation | |title=Origins of the Eukarya |url= |accessdate=2010-04-29 |archiveurl= |archivedate=2010-04-29 }}</ref> InEl 1998, hepublicà publishedun amodel six-kingdomen modelsis regnes,<ref>{{Citation |last=Cavalier-Smith |first=T. |year=1998 |title=A revised six-kingdom system of life |journal=Biological Reviews |volume=73 |pages=203–66 |url= |issue=03 |doi=10.1017/S0006323198005167 }}</ref> whichque hasha beenanat revisedrevisant. inA subsequentsota Themostra versionla publishedrevisió inde l'any 2004 is shown below.<ref name="CavalierSmith2004">{{Citation |last=Cavalier-Smith |first=T. |year=2004 |title=Only six kingdoms of life |journal=Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B |volume=271 |pages=1251–62 |url= |accessdate=2010-04-29 |doi=10.1098/rspb.2004.2705 |pmid=15306349 |issue=1545 |pmc=1691724 }}</ref> Cavalier-Smith doesno notaccepta acceptla theimportáncia importancede of thela fundamentaldivisió eubacteria–archaebacteria divide put forward byde Woese andi othersaltres. HisEl Kingdomseu regne Bacteria includesinclou els the Archaebacteria ascom a part ofd'un asubregne subkingdomjunt alongamb withun a group ofgrup d'eubacteria (Posibacteria).>-->
|1=Regne Bacteria &mdash; inclou Archaebacteria com a part d'un subregne
|1=Regne Protozoa &mdash; e.g. [[Amoebozoa]], [[Choanozoa]], [[Rhizaria]], [[Excavata]], [[Alveolata]]
|2=Regne Chromista &mdash; e.g. [[cryptophyta]], [[Heterokonta]] (stramenopiles), [[Haptophyta]]
|3=Regne Plantae &mdash; e.g. [[glaucophyta]], [[algues vermelles]] i [[algues verdes]], plantes terrestres
|4=Regne Fungi
|5=Regne Animalia
La seqüència des del sistema de dos regnes fins el sistema de sisregnes de Cavalier-Smith es pot resumir en la taula de sota.
{{Sistemes biològics}}
S'ha de tenir en compte que les equivalències de la taula no són perfectes. Per exemple Haeckel ubicà les algues roges (la seva Florideae, les modernes [[Florideophyceae]]) i algues verd-blaves (la seva Archephyta, que ara es diuen [[Cyanobacteria]]) en el seu Plantae.
De tota manera, la recerca dels segle XXI no dóna suport a la classificació dels eucariotes en ''cap'' d'aquests sistemes (any 2010).<ref>{{Citation |last=Roger |first=A.J. |last2=Simpson |first2=A.G.B. |year=2009 |title=Evolution: Revisiting the Root of the Eukaryote Tree |journal=Current Biology |volume=19 |issue=4 |pages=R165–7 |doi=10.1016/j.cub.2008.12.032 |pmid=19243692 |lastauthoramp=yes }}</ref>
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