Revillagigedo (Alaska): diferència entre les revisions

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m r2.5.2) (Robot afegeix: en:Revillagigedo Island
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'''Illa Revillagigedo ''' és una [[illa]] de l'[[Arxipèlag Alexander]] al [[Comtat de Ketchikan Gateway, Alaska|Ketchikan Gateway Borough]] de l'[[Alaska Panhandle|southeastern region]] de l'estat d'[[Alaska]]. RunningS'extén aboutuns 89  km (50 mi)de nord a north-southsud andi 48  km (35 mi)d'est a east-westoest, itocupa isun territori de 2,754.835  km² (1,063.65 [[Squareque mile|mi²]])la infa area,la dotzena makingilla itmés thegran dels [[ListEstats of islands of the United States by area|12th largest island in the United StatesUnits]] andi thela [[List166a ofdel islandsmón. byEl area|166thseu largestcentre islandse insitua thea world]]. Its center is located nearprop de{{coord|55|35|N|131|22|W|region:US}}.
TheL'illa islandestà isseparada separateddel fromterritori thecontinental Alaskaa mainlandl'est to the east bypel [[canal Behm Canal]], fromde l' [[PrinceIlla ofdel WalesPríncep Islandde (Alaska)|Prince of Wales IslandGal.les]] toa thel'oest west by theper l'[[Clarenceestret StraitClarence]], andi fromde l'[[AnnetteIlla IslandAnnette]] toal thesud south by thepel [[canal Revillagigedo Channel]] andi el [[passatge Nichols Passage]]. ItFou wasexplorada exploredpels by[[explorador]]s [[Russiarus]]nsos, [[United Kingdom|Britishbritànic]]s andi [[Spain|Spanishespanyol]]s explorersdurant inel the[[segle 18th centuryXVIII]], andi namedbatejada by the latter forper [[Juan Vicente de Güemes]], 2ndsegon Count[[comte]] ofde Revillagigedo]], thenen viceroyaquell oftemps Mexico[[virrei]] de [[Mèxic]], inel [[1793]].
TheLa islandpoblació de l'silla populationera wasde 13,950 assegons ofel thecens [[Uniteddels StatesEstats Census,units de l'any 2000|2000 census]]. TheLes onlyúniques citiesciutats onde the islandl'illa aresón [[Ketchikan, Alaska|Ketchikan]] andi [[Saxman, Alaska|Saxman]]. TheLes principalprincipals industriesindústries aresón la [[fishingpesca]], [[canning]]les conserves, la [[loggingforestal]] andi el [[tourismturisme]]. In addition to the stationary cities, therehi areha several barge-based logging communitiescomunitatss which move about. These serve the unconnected systemsistema of logging roads that dot thel'illa island.
*[$10000US021300001001075&-geo_id=100$10000US021300001001076&-geo_id=100$10000US021300001001077&-geo_id=100$10000US021300001001078&-geo_id=100$10000US021300001001079&-geo_id=100$10000US021300001001080&-geo_id=100$10000US021300001001081&-geo_id=100$10000US021300001001082&-geo_id=100$10000US021300001001083&-geo_id=100$10000US021300001001084&-search_results=100$10000US021300001002000&-format=&-_lang=en&-show_geoid=Y Revillagigedo Island: Blocks 1075 to 1112, 1115 to 1120, 1122 and 1123, 1127 to 1130, 1137 to 1143, Block Group 1; and Block Groups 2 to 4, Census Tract 1; Census Tracts 2 to 4; Ketchikan Gateway Borough, Alaska] United States Census Bureau
[[Categoria: Arxipèlag Alexander]]
[[Category:Alexander Archipelago]]
[[CategoryCategoria:Ketchikan Gateway Borough, Alaska]]
[[categoria: Illes]]
[[de:Revillagigedo Island]]