Anglès escocès: diferència entre les revisions

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L''''Anglès escocès''' esés refereix a lesuna [[varietat (lingüistica)|varietatslingüística]] de l'[[anglès]] parlat a [[Escòcia]]. Es pot o no considerar diferent a l'[[Scots]]<ref name="Stuart-Smith J. 2008. p.48">Stuart-Smith J. ''Scottish English: Phonology'' in Varieties of English: The British Isles, Kortman & Upton (Eds), Mouton de Gruyter, New York 2008. p.48</ref> però sempre diferent al [[Gaèlic escocès]], una llengua celta.
{{Distingir|Scots|Gaèlic escocès}}
L''''Anglès escocès''' es refereix a les [[varietat (lingüistica)|varietats]] de l'[[anglès]] parlat a [[Escòcia]]. Es pot o no considerar diferent a l'[[Scots]]<ref name="Stuart-Smith J. 2008. p.48">Stuart-Smith J. ''Scottish English: Phonology'' in Varieties of English: The British Isles, Kortman & Upton (Eds), Mouton de Gruyter, New York 2008. p.48</ref> però sempre diferent al [[Gaèlic escocès]], una llengua celta.
La varietat formal i principal s'anomena '''''Scottish Standard English''''' (anglès estàndard escocès)<ref>[ "The SCOTS Corpus contains documents in Scottish Standard English, documents in different varieties of Scots, and documents which may be described as lying somewhere between Scots and Scottish Standard English."], [[Scottish Corpus of Texts and Speech]]</ref><ref>[ "... Scottish Standard English, the standard form of the English language spoken in Scotland"], [[Ordnance Survey]]</ref> o '''''Standard Scottish English''''' (anglès escocès estàndard),<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Teaching Secondary English in Scotland - Scottish Corpus of Texts and Speech | |date= |accessdate=2010-04-30}}</ref> sovint abreujat com a '''SSE'''.<ref>Aunque lthough there is some debate about the usefulness of the word ''standard'' here, most academics{{Who|date=December 2008}} agree on the use of the abbreviation '''SSE''' in order to distinguish the variety from the geographically English [[Standard English]], which is normally abbreviated to SE.</ref> SSE may be defined as "the characteristic speech of the professional class [in Scotland] and the accepted norm in schools."<ref>McClure (1994), pp. 79-80</ref>
In addition to distinct pronunciation, grammar and expressions, Scottish English has distinctive vocabulary, particularly pertaining to Scottish institutions such as the [[Church of Scotland]], [[Local government in Scotland|local government]] and the [[Education in Scotland|education]] and [[Scots law|legal]] systems.
Scottish Standard English is at one end of a bipolar [[linguistic continuum]], with focused broad [[Scots language|Scots]] at the other.<ref>Stuart-Smith J. ''Scottish English: Phonology'' in Varieties of English: The British Isles, Kortman & Upton (Eds), Mouton de Gruyter, New York 2008. p.47</ref>
Scottish English may be influenced to varying degrees by Scots.<ref name="Stuart-Smith J. 2008. p.48"/><ref>Macafee C. ''Scots'' in Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, Vol. 11, Elsevier, Oxford, 2005. p.33</ref>
Many Scots speakers separate Scots and Scottish English as different [[register (sociolinguistics)|registers]] depending on social circumstances.<ref name="Aitken A.J. 1979. p.85">Aitken A.J. ''Scottish Speech'' in Languages of Scotland, Association for Scottish Literary Studies, Occasional Paper 4, Edinburgh:Chambers 1979. p.85</ref> Some speakers [[code-switching|code switch]] clearly from one to the other while others [[Style-shifting|style shift]] in a less predictable and more fluctuating manner.<ref name="Aitken A.J. 1979. p.85"/> Generally there is a shift to Scottish English in formal situations or with individuals of a higher social status.<ref>Aitken A.J. ''Scottish Speech'' in Languages of Scotland, Association for Scottish Literary Studies, Occasional Paper 4, Edinburgh:Chambers 1979. p.86</ref>
== Referències ==
{{esborrany de lingüística}}
{{ORDENA:Angles Escoces}} <!--ORDENA generat per bot-->
==Vegeu també==
*[[Gaèlic escocès]]
{{ORDENA:Angles Escoces}} <!--ORDENA generat per bot-->