Estigma (sociologia)
En sociologia, l'estigma és una condició, atribut, tret o comportament que fa que el seu portador sigui inclòs en un marc social contra el que es genera una imatge negativa cap als seus membres i se'ls veu com culturalment inacceptables o inferiors. El concepte va ser encunyat el 1963 pel sociòleg nord-americà Erving Goffman, en el seu reconegut llibre del mateix títol, on precisa la noció sociològica del terme com fet de pertànyer a un grup social menystingut (grup ètnic, religió, nació, etc.), distingint entre les nocions anatòmica (abominació del cos) i psicològica (defectes del caràcter de l'individu).
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- Erving Goffman. estigma. la identitat deteriorada. Buenos Aires: Amorrortu, 1986 [ed original 1963]. ISBN 950-518-016-0.
- Erving Goffman, Stigma: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity, Prentice-Hall, 1963.
- George Ritzer, Contemporary Social Theory and its Classical Roots: The Basics (Second Edition), McGraw-Hill, 2006.
- Gerhard Falk, STIGMA: How We Treat Outsiders Arxivat 2006-05-01 a Wayback Machine., Prometheus Books, 2001.
- Heatherton, Kleck, Hebl & Hull, The Social Psychology of Stigma, The Guilford Press, 2000.
- Shana Levin and Colette van Laar, Stigma and Group Inequality, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, 2004.
- Émile Durkheim, Rules of Sociological Method (1895) The Free Press, 1982.
- Blaine, Bruce, Understanding The Psychology of Diversity, SAGE Publications Ltd, 2007.
- Anna Scheyett, The Mark of Madness: Stigma, Serious Mental illnesses, and Social Work Arxivat 2016-10-21 a Wayback Machine.
- Linda Shaw, Stigma and the Moral Careers of Ex-Mental Patients Living in Board and Care, Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 1991.
- Catherine Campbell & Harriet Deacon, Unraveling the Contexts of Stigma: From Internalisation to Resistance to Change, Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology September 2006.
- Link, B. G. & Phelan, J. C. (2001). Conceptualizing Stigma. Annual Review of Sociology, 27, 363-385.
- Jacoby, A. (2005). The Lancet Neurology
- Major, Brenda, O'Brien, Laurie T.. Annual Review of Psychology, 2005, Vol.56 Issue 1, p393-421, 29p, 1 diagram; DOI: 10.1146/annurev.psych.56.091103.070137, (AN 15.888.368)
- Fong, C. & Hung, A. (2002). Public Awareness, Attituse, and Underdstanding of Epilepsy in Hong Kong Special Administravtive Region, Xina. Epilèpsia, 43 (3), 311-316.
- Song, L., Chang, L., Yi Shih, C., & Yuan Lin, C. (2005). Community Attitudes Towards the mentally Ill: The Results of a National Survey of the Taiwanesa Population. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 51 (2), 162-176.
- Reece, M., Tanner, A. E., Karpiak, S. E., & Coffey, K. (2007). The Impact of HIV-Related Stigma on HIV Care and Prevention Providers. Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services, 6 (3), 55-73.
- Osborne, Jason W., Niagara county community college, November, 1993, "Academics, Self-ESTEEM, and Race: A look at the Underlying Assumptions of the Disidentification Hypothesis",
- Carol T. Miller, Ester D. Rothblum, Linda Barbour, Pamela A. Brand and Diane Felicio, University of Vermont, September 1989, "Social Interactions of Obeso and Nonobese Women"
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modifica- Paterson, Gillian, Elaborar conceptes sobre l'estigma, Pastoral de la SIDA, 2003 Arxivat 2007-04-15 a Wayback Machine.
- Centeno, Juan Carlos. Assaig sobre la identitat estigmatitzada des de la teoria de Erving Goffman, Global Media Journal en Espanyol (GMJE), Número 4, Gener-juny 2002 Arxivat 2007-05-23 a Wayback Machine.