Henioc (en llatí Heniochus, en grec antic Ἡνίοχος = "auriga") fou un poeta còmic atenenc de la comèdia mitjana.

Infotaula de personaHenioc
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MovimentComèdia mitjana Modifica el valor a Wikidata

Suides menciona les seves obres:

  • Τροχίλος
  • Ἐπίκληρος
  • Γοργόνες
  • Πολυπράγμων
  • Θωρύκιον
  • Πολύευκτος
  • Φιλέταιρος
  • Δὶς ἐξαπατώμενος

Suides fa una curiosa referència i diu que Polieuctos va escriure una obra que s'anomenava Ἡνίοχος (Henioc). L'obra Πολύευκτος (Polieuctos) escrita per Henioc fa referència a un orador del temps de Demòstenes. Ateneu de Naucratis va preservar alguns fragments de les obres d'Henioc.[1]


  1. Heniochus a: William Smith (editor), A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. Vol. II Boston: Little, Brown & Comp., 1867, p. 381


  • Brown, Andrew. 1998. "Ancient Greece." In The Cambridge Guide to Theatre. Ed. Martin Banham. Cambridge: Cambridge UP. 441-447. ISBN 0521434378.
  • Brockett, Oscar G. and Franklin J. Hildy. 2003. History of the Theatre. Ninth edition, International edition. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. ISBN 0205410502.
  • Carlson, Marvin. 1993. Theories of the Theatre: A Historical and Critical Survey from the Greeks to the Present. Expanded ed. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press. ISBN 0801481546.
  • Csapo, Eric, and William J. Slater. 1994. The Context of Ancient Drama. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P. ISBN 0472082752.
  • Freund, Philip. 2003. The Birth of Theatre. Illustrated ed. Vol 1. of Stage by Stage. London: Peter Owen. ISBN 9780720611670.
  • Janko, Richard, trans. 1987. Poetics with Tractatus Coislinianus, Reconstruction of Poetics II and the Fragments of the On Poets. By Aristotle. Cambridge: Hackett. ISBN 0872200337.
  • Ley, Graham. 2006. A Short Introduction to the Ancient Greek Theater. Rev. ed. Chicago and London: U of Chicago P. ISBN 0226477614.
  • Olson, S. Douglas, ed. 2007. Broken Laughter: Select Fragments of Greek Comedy. Oxford: Oxford UP. ISBN 9780199287857.
  • Taplin, Oliver. 1993. Comic Angels and Other Approaches to Greek Drama Through Vase-Painting. Oxford: Clarendon P. ISBN 019814797X.
  • Trypanis, Constantine Athanasius. 1981. Greek Poetry from Homer to Seferis. Chicago: U of Chicago P. ISBN 0226813169.