Mòdul:Infobox images demo 1/i18n
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local p = {}
local MLMT = require "Module:Multilang module tools"
local GIBTi = require "Module:Global infobox tools/items"
p.rs_val = { --reserved keys and their values for infobox configuration
-- When here a value is nil or "", the used value is the value read from Global infobox tools/i18n.rs_val
-- To see the values that these variables take, use |allitems=list
[GIBTi.rk.rs_colorbox] = "", --color for title and headers
[GIBTi.rk.rs_color_tit_cllps] = "", --color for header of the collapsible text data
[GIBTi.rk.rs_bodystyle] = "",
[GIBTi.rk.rs_titlestyle] = "", -- by default is rs_colorbox as background and centered text
[GIBTi.rk.rs_headerstyle] = "", -- by default is rs_colorbox as background
[GIBTi.rk.rs_subheaderstyle] = "", -- by default is rs_color_tit_cllps as background and centered text
[GIBTi.rk.rs_imagestyle] = "", -- by default is padding-bottom:0.1em;line-height:1.35;font-size:98%
[GIBTi.rk.rs_captionstyle] = "", -- by default is padding-top:0.3em;padding-bottom:0.1em;line-height:1.35;font-size:98%
[GIBTi.rk.rs_labelstyle] = "", -- by default is text-align:start; padding-right:1.2em; background:#eeeeee (approx. silver)
[GIBTi.rk.rs_datastyle] = "", -- by default is text-align:start
[GIBTi.rk.rs_belowstyle] = "", --
[GIBTi.rk.rs_icon] = "", -- filename of the icon that appears beside of the title
[GIBTi.rk.rs_icon_at_begin] = nil, -- the position in relation to the title
[GIBTi.rk.rs_icon_hint] = "", -- by default is the template name, displayed when hovering over the icon with the mouse cursor
[GIBTi.rk.rs_image_max_num] = 1, -- max number of images (1-2)
[GIBTi.rk.rs_def_image_size] = "150x150px", -- by default is 300x300px
--referred to label/data content
[GIBTi.rk.rs_changeable_lbls] = false, -- if true, allows users to change the label text, using the next prefix:
[GIBTi.rk.rs_param_prefix_lbl] = "", -- by default is l_
[GIBTi.rk.rs_def_charnum_cllps] = nil, --number of characters from which the text will appear collapsed (for some label-data items)
[GIBTi.rk.rs_below] = "", --fixed text (i.e. information) for for all the same infoboxes
p.items = { --This is (perhaps) the only table you need to modify to localize the content
-- To see the current values for above variables use |allitems=list
[MLMT.k.Args] = { -- alternative (localized) names for parameters
--Warning: If an item has more one value: These values must be written between "{" and "}". More than two values are allowed.
[MLMT.k.Labels] = { -- alternative (localized) name to header/label returned from Wikidata
-- If possible, it is always best to modify the locazation in Wikidata
return p