Plantilla:Numerar filera

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Açò és una plantilla provisional que fa d'interfície al mòdul:Row indexer.

This is a stop-gap template that serves as an interface to Module:Row indexer.

La plantilla possibilita, en molts casos, d'incloure una columna ordinal en una taula en la qual afegir o llevar files modifica de manera automàtica la numeració de les files succesives.

This template makes it possible, in many cases, to have an incrementing row indexer/counter in a table so that adding or removing rows automatically adjusts the numbering of subsequent rows.

La plantilla present serà obsoleta quan MediaWiki admeta numerar fileres automàticament en la sintaxi de les WikiTable. Vegeu en Phabricator "jquery.tablesorter: Add support for a 'fixed' column of row numbers" (afegir suport per a una numeració 'fixa' de columnes) i les seccions de numeració de columnes (row numbering) i jerarquia automàtica (auto-ranking) en en:Help:Sorting (l'ús de {{Numerar filera}} és un dels mètodes descrits en la pàgina).

This template will become obsolete if and when MediaWiki supports automatically adding row numbers via WikiTable syntax. See Phab:  - "jquery.tablesorter: Add support for a 'fixed' column of row numbers." And see en:Help:Sorting, and the sections on row numbering and auto-ranking. Using {{numerar filera}} is one of the methods described on that page.

La plantilla té un paràmetre: la taula. Hi ha un requisit: la taula deu estar compresa entre les etiquetes <nowiki>...</nowiki> per a evitar la confusió amb tots els separadors que conté una infotaula. Internament, el módul manté un comptador d'increment d'una unitat. El módul busca les claus _row_count o _row_count_hold i canvia cada _row_count per la xifra següent, i _row_count_hold pel mateix valor de l'anterior.

This template takes one parameter: the table.  There is a caveat: the table must be wrapped inside <nowiki>...</nowiki> tags so that all of the pipe characters (|) required in a wiki table do not confuse the template into thinking that they are all individual template parameters.  Internally, the Module maintains a monotonically increasing counter.  The Module looks for the keywords _row_count and _row_count_hold in the table. Keyword _row_count is replaced with the next counter value; keyword _row_count_hold is replaced with the value from the last _row_count replacement.
{{numerar filera|<nowiki>
{| class="wikitable"
|+test incrementor
!count !! lorem
|_row_count || {{Str left|{{Lorem ipsum}}|123}}
|_row_count || {{Str left|{{Lorem ipsum}}|27}}
|_row_count || {{Str left|{{Lorem ipsum}}|5}}
|_row_count_hold || {{Str left|{{Lorem ipsum}}|11}}
|_row_count || {{Str left|{{Lorem ipsum}}|123}}

test incrementor
count lorem
1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
2 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
3 Lorem
3 Lorem ipsum
5 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
There are further caveats. When wrapped in <nowiki>...</nowiki>, the '<' and '>' characters that begin and end all html-like markup, are replaced with &lt; and &gt; html entities respectively. Because the Module cannot know if there are html entities already in use before the table was wrapped in the <nowiki>...</nowiki> tags required here, when the module replaces the html entities with '<' and '>' characters, something may break. caveat lector.