Tema de Viquiprojecte Discussió:Trobada d'Estratègia 2019/Difusió/Ingressos 1

ESM (discussiócontribucions)
  • We are unsure about the heavy usage of the Wikimedia API. Data or some research would be appreciated as a foundation for the recommendation
  • The concept of "large enterprises" sounds a bit too subjective to us.
  • How can we ensure knowledge equity while commecialisating the API?
Doc James (discussiócontribucions)

The heavy users are the large voice assistants. Large enterprises are companies such as Apple, Google, and Amazon.

We can ensure knowledge equity by 1) having a service that is the same for everyone, as the service gets better it gets better for everyone 2) only sending invoices to those who are using millions of API queries 3) retaining the ability to provide waivers to NGOs / educational institutions upon request.

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