Rabia Gülnuş Sultan, soldà otomana.
Turkish Cypriot kid hugging all women on their day, with tonnes of love!

Prox article


"Aquell avi pacient que no li molestava en absolut que m'assegués sobre la seva falda mentre li posava els dits al nas o m'adormia deixant caure una babeta sobre els seus pantalons..."

(Text des de Wikidata)

Mihri Rasim Hanım, pintora turca

Mihri Hanım (Mihri, her name, Hanım "lady", "Ms") was born as Mihri Rasim. (Single women used their father's name as a surname.) She was married for a short time to a Selami Müşfik, for which reason she was called "Mihri Müşfik". After the divorce she became "Mihri Rasim" again. I have no idea if she has any relation to Anchabadze dynasty, but I am sure her name has never ever been "Mihri Achba". More importantly, the only source of the English Wikipedia article, where there is also a reference to the sentence claiming she was an "Anchabadze princess", does not mention at all: 1) That she belongs to the mentioned dynasty. 2) That she is a princess. 3) That her name is "Mihri Achba"; none of these claims, nothing at all are in the source. (On the contrary the author states that the name should be used as Mihri Rasim.) Let me express it more openly, there is a source falsification (possibly made with the thought "who will read and understand Turkish, just do it") in the article. Why am I writing all this here, in Wikidata: Firstly, I am permanently blocked from English Wikipedia, I cannot write there; but that is not the question. (If they do not need my contributions, I have no need to help them either. BTW every time I enter the said WP to check something I see I am pinged for sock allegations, none of which have nothing to do with me. Rest assured.) Secondly, and more importantly, the names of the person in Wikidata, therefore, do not reflect the truth. Thirdly, and most importantly, other WPs -in this case I understand German and Hungarian, although I cannot spare time to see who wrote what first- translate from English WP the wrong content and use it. (And believe me this is not the only example I have noticed.) This is why I wrote all this here. Summary: Her name, royal title, family background have been based on "source falsification" in English Wikipedia and this forgery may have passed to other WPs through translation from English. I had to write this here because I am not allowed to edit English Wikipedia. Please be informed that you can reach me at CA:WP (where I will soon add this article) and I will always help on Turkish issues that I may be informed about -sometimes- better than others. Please do not delete this talk. Thank you. --E4024 (disc.) 11:02, 23 juny 2016 (CEST)

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Líriques d'"Helvacı"


helvacıya gidelim biraz helva yiyelim tanrı bize şevkat vermiş biz ona şükredelim tanrı bize şevkat vermiş biz ona şükür edelim helvacı helva şeker lokum bu helva helvacı helva şeker lokum bu helva şeker lokum bu helva helvacı helva yapar helvası baldan tat helvacı helva yapar helvası baldan tat helva helva helvaaaa şeker lokum helva helvacıya gidelim biraz helva yiyelim tanrı bize şevkat vermiş biz ona şükür edelim tanrı bize şevkat vermiş biz ona şükredelim helvacı helva şeker lokum bu helva helvacı helva şeker lokum bu helva şeker lokum bu helva helvacı helva yapar helvası baldan tat helvacı helva yapar helvası baldan tat helva helva helvaaaa şeker lokum helva

Let's go to "helvacı" (candy shop) Let's have a little candy God has given us affection Let us thank him God has given us affection Let us thank him Helvacı this candy candy candy Turkish delight Helvacı this candy candy candy Turkish delight Turkish delight, candy, sugar Helvacı makes helva with honey flavor Helvacı makes helva with honey flavor Halva with helvaaa Turkish delight candy sugar Let's go to "helvacı" Let's have a little candy God has given us affection Let us thank him God has given us affection Let us thank him Helvacı this candy candy candy delight Helvacı this candy candy candy delight Turkish delight, candy, sugar Helvacı makes helva with honey flavor Helvacı makes helva with honey flavor Helva with helvaaa Turkish delight, candy, sugar

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