
Darrer comentari: fa 8 anys per Sguastevi

Per què es posa a parlar del llaüts emmig de l'article? Llull · (vostè dirà) 21:16, 12 mar 2006 (UTC)

per que la bandúrria és un llaüt, o sigues és de la família del llaüt, igual que no es pot parlar del Violí sense parlar de la Viola, Violncel i contrabaix unentretants

L'article en anglès diu: "Of note are the "catlines" used as basses on historical instruments. Catlines are several gut strings wound together and soaked in heavy metal solutions which increase the mass of the strings. Catlines can be quite large in diameter by comparison with wound nylon strings for the same pitch. They produce a bass which differs somewhat in timbre from nylon basses". Una altra referència parla de :

"When these special strings, called ‘catlins’ in England (apparently from its 'Catalan' origins when the name was established) were not available later in the century, lira players had to cope. The tuning given by Praetorius," Crec que caldria afegir-ho. De moment no puc fer-ho. Si algú es decideix...--Roger Liart (disc.) 14:01, 24 feb 2011 (CET)Respon

--guastevi (disc.) 19:59, 23 juny 2016 (CEST)Respon

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