Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners: diferència entre les revisions

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[[File:LGSM at the BFI.JPG|thumb|Antics membres de Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners el 2015]]
'''Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners''' ('''LGSM'''; literalment en català, "lesbianes i gais donen suport als miners") va ser una aliança de persones [[Lesbiana|lesbianes]] i [[gai]][[Gai|<nowiki/>]]<nowiki/>s que cooperaren per donar suport als miners vaguistes durant la llarga [[vaga de miners del Regne Unit de 1984-1985]]. L'any 1985 hi havia onze grups per tot el Regne Unit. Només el grup londinenc ja va recaptar uns 11.000£.<span data-sourceid="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEFisher2014_1-0" class="reference" id="cxcite_ref-FOOTNOTEFisher2014_1-0" rel="dc:references" contenteditable="false">[[#cite_note-FOOTNOTEFisher2014-1{{sfn|<nowiki>[1]</nowiki>]]</span>Fisher|2014}}
== Història ==
El govern [[Margaret Thatcher|Thatcher]] va apropiar-se dels fons de la [[National Union of Mineworkers]] (NUM), que inutilitzava fer donacions a la NUM. Per evitar aquest bloqueig, els grups de suport de tot el Regne Unit demanaven "agermanar-se" directament amb les diverses comunitats mineres d'Anglaterra, Escòcia o Gal·les. L'organització Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners va ser impulsada inicialment per Mark Ashton i el seu amic Michael (Mike) Jackson, després que ambdós recollissin donacions pels miners durant la marxa de l'Orgull Lèsbic i Gai de Londres de 1984.{{Plantilla:Sfnsfn|Kelliher|2014}} El grup LGSM de Londres es trobaven i recaptaven fons en diversos llocs, entre ells, la mítica llibreria [[Gay's the Word]] que alhora era usada com la seu del grup de Londres i on es realitzaven les seves reunions periòdiques.{{sfn|Kelliher|2014}} El LGSM de Londres s'agermanà amb els grups de suport miners de [[Neath]], [[Dulais]]{{Plantilla:Sfnsfn|Hall–Carpenter Archives|1989|p = 215–216}} i [[Swansea Valleys]].{{Plantilla:Sfn|Kelliher|2014}}
El grup va destinar principalment la seva ajuda a la zona minera de [[De Cymru]], perquè creien que el president del NUM Arthur Scargill distribuïa injustament les donacions i afavoria els comtats de [[Kent]] i [[Yorkshire]] on tenien un major nombre de militants.{{Plantilla:Sfnsfn|Doward|2014}}
A banda de recaptar unes 20.000£ per a les famílies en vaga, els dos grups es visitaren mútuament. L'acte amb major recaptació va ser el concert benèfic "Pits and Perverts"{{sfn|Clews|2012}}{{sfn|Robinson|2007}} a l'[[Electric Ballroom]] de [[Camden Town]][[Camden Town|<nowiki/>]] (Londres) el 10 de desembre de 1984. El cap de cartell va ser [[Bronski Beat]] amb [[Jimmy Somerville]] com a vocalista.<div>{{Plantilla:Sfnsfn|Clews|2012}}{{Plantilla:Sfnsfn|Robinson|2007}}{{Plantilla:Sfnsfn|Frost|2014}} Segons diverses fons,{{sfn|Frost|2014}}{{sfn|Doward|2014}} el nom del esdeveniment podria ser inspirat en un titular ofensiu del diari sensacionalista [[The Sun]].{{Plantilla:Sfn|Frost|2014}}{{Plantilla:Sfn|Doward|2014}}</div>
L'aliança que va forjar la campanya entre els col·lectius LGBT i els [[Moviment obrer|grups de treballadors]] també va esdevenir un punt d'inflexió en el progrés en la qüestió LGBT al Regne Unit.{{Plantilla:Sfn|Kelliher|2014}} Els grups miners van començar a donar suport i a participar en diversos esdeveniments del [[Dia Internacional de l'Orgull LGBT|dia de l'orgull LGBT]] per tot el Regne Unit;{{sfn|Kelliher|2014}} el [[Partit Laborista (Regne Unit)|Partit Laborista]] va aprovar una resolució que, per primer cop, comprometia el partit a donar suport a la igualtat de drets a la conferència de [[Bournemouth]] de 1985, una resolució que s'aprovava principalment gràcies al suport en bloc de la National Union of Mineworkers. Els grups miners van ser una de les cares més visibles que donaven suport a la comunitat LGBT durant la companya contra la [[Secció 28, 2A|Secció 28]] de l'any 1988.{{Plantilla:Sfn|Kelliher|2014}}{{Plantilla:Sfnsfn|Kelliher|2014}}
El museu [[People's History Museum]] de [[Manchester]] alberga l'arxiu del grup de Londres que disposa de les actes de les reunions setmanals que feia el grup, la seva correspondència, els seus retalls de premsa, el material publicitari, els pins corporatius, les fotografies i les pancartes.{{Plantilla:Sfnsfn|Fisher|2014}}
L'any 2014 es va dur al cinema la pel·lícula ''[[Pride (pel·lícula|Pride]]'' (Orgull) dirigida per [[Matthew Warchus]] que mostra en forma de comèdia l'aliança entre el grup de Londres i un poble miner gal·lès.<span class="reference" id="cxcite_ref-FOOTNOTEDoward2014_4-2" rel="dc:references" data-sourceid="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEDoward2014_4-2" contenteditable="false">[[#cite_note-FOOTNOTEDoward2014-4{{sfn|<nowiki>[4]</nowiki>]]</span><span class="reference" id="cxcite_ref-FOOTNOTEKellaway2014_8-0" rel="dc:references" data-sourceid="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEKellaway2014_8-0" contenteditable="false">[[#cite_note-FOOTNOTEKellaway2014-8Doward|<nowiki>[8]</nowiki>]]</span><span class="reference" id="cxcite_ref-FOOTNOTEHealy2014_9-0" rel="dc:references" data-sourceid="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEHealy2014_9-0" contenteditable="false">[[#cite_note-FOOTNOTEHealy2014-92014}}{{sfn|<nowiki>[9]</nowiki>]]</span>Kellaway|2014}}{{sfn|Healy|2014}}
== Referències ==
== Bibliografia Bibliography==
* Blain, Terence (9 octubre 2013). {{Plantilla:Ref-notíciacite news|last = Blain|first = Terence|title = Pits and Perverts by Micheál Kerrigan|work = [[Irish Theatre Magazine]]|date = 9 October 2013|url = http://www.irishtheatremagazine.ie/Reviews/Current/Pits-and-Perverts}}
* Clarke, Cath (12 setembre 2014). {{Plantilla:Ref-notíciacite news|last = Clarke|first = Cath|title = Meet the people who inspired ‘Pride’|work = [[Time Out (magazine)|Time Out London]]|date = 12 September 2014|url = http://www.timeout.com/london/film/meet-the-people-who-inspired-pride|ref = harv}}
* Clews, Colin (10 setembre 2012). "{{Plantilla:Citecite web|last = Clews|first = Colin|title = 1984. Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners. Part One|work = Gay in the 80s|date = 10 September 2012|url = http://www.gayinthe80s.com/2012/09/10/1984-lesbians-and-gays-support-the-miners-part-one/|ref = harv}}
* {{Plantilla:Citecite web|last = Clews|first = Colin|title = 19841985. Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners. Part OneTwo|work = Gay in the 80s|date = 1013 September 2012|url = http://www.gayinthe80s.com/2012/09/10/19841985-lesbians-and-gays-support-the-miners-part-onetwo/|ref = harv}}
* Clews, Colin (13 setembre 2012). "{{Plantilla:Citecite web|last = Clews|first = Colin|title = 19851984. Lesbians‘Pits and GaysPerverts’ SupportBenefit the Miners. Part TwoConcert|work = Gay in the 80s|date =27 13 SeptemberMay 20122013|url = http://www.gayinthe80s.com/20122013/0905/19851984-lesbianspits-and-gaysperverts-supportbenefit-the-miners-part-twoconcert/|ref = harv}} {{Plantilla:Cite web|last = Clews|first = Colin|title = 1985. Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners. Part Two|work = Gay in the 80s|date = 13 September 2012|url = http://www.gayinthe80s.com/2012/09/1985-lesbians-and-gays-support-the-miners-part-two/|ref = harv}}
* Clews, Colin (27 maig 2013). "{{Plantilla:Citecite web|last = Clews|first = Colin|title = 1984. ‘Pits and Perverts’ Benefit Concert|work = Gay in the 80s|date = 27 May 2013|url = httpPolitics://www.gayinthe80s.com/2013/05/1984-pits-and-perverts-benefit-concert/|ref =Lesbians harv}}Against {{Plantilla:CitePit web|last = Clews|first = Colin|title = 1984. ‘Pits and Perverts’ Benefit ConcertClosures|work = Gay in the 80s|date =15 27 MaySeptember 20132014|url = http://www.gayinthe80s.com/20132014/0509/1984-pitspolitics-andlesbians-pervertsagainst-benefitpit-concertclosures/|ref = harv}}
* {{cite news|last=Doward|first=Jamie|title=The real-life triumphs of the gay communist behind hit movie Pride|work=[[The Guardian]]|date=21 September 2014|url=http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2014/sep/21/mark-ashton-gay-pride-film|ref=harv}}
* Clews, Colin (15 setembre 2014). "{{Plantilla:Cite web|last = Clews|first = Colin|title = 1984. Politics: Lesbians Against Pit Closures|work = Gay in the 80s|date = 15 September 2014|url = http://www.gayinthe80s.com/2014/09/1984-politics-lesbians-against-pit-closures/|ref = harv}} {{Plantilla:Cite web|last = Clews|first = Colin|title = 1984. Politics: Lesbians Against Pit Closures|work = Gay in the 80s|date = 15 September 2014|url = http://www.gayinthe80s.com/2014/09/1984-politics-lesbians-against-pit-closures/|ref = harv}}
* Doward, Jamie (21 setembre 2014). {{Plantilla:Ref-notíciacite web|last = DowardField|first = JamieNicola|title =New Thefilm real-lifePride triumphstells ofan theextraordinary gaystory communistof behindsolidarity hitin movie Pridestruggle|work = [[TheSocialist GuardianWorker]]|issue=2417|date =19 21 SeptemberAugust 2014|url = httphttps://www.theguardiansocialistworker.co.com/uk-news/2014art/sep38800/21/mark-ashton-gay-pride-New+film+Pride+tells+an+extraordinary+story+of+solidarity+in+struggle|ref = harv}}
* Camp, Nicola (1995). {{Plantilla:Citecite book|last = Field|first = Nicola|title = Over the Rainbow: Money, Class and Homophobia|location = London|publisher = [[Pluto Press]]|year = 1995|isbn = 978-0-7453-0826-5|ol = 7955132M|pages = 163-165|ref = harv}}
* Camp, Nicola (19 August 2014). {{Plantilla:Citecite web|last = Field|first = Nicola|title =Veteran Newactivists filmremember Pride tells an extraordinary story ofLGBT solidarity inwith struggleminers|work = [[Socialist Worker]]|issue = 24172381|date =26 19 AugustNovember 20142013|url = httpshttp://www.socialistworker.co.uk/art/3880036951/NewVeteran+filmactivists+Prideremember+tells+an+extraordinary+story+ofLGBT+solidarity+inwith+struggleminers|ref = harv}}
* Camp, Nicola (1995). {{Plantilla:Cite book|last = Field|first = Nicola|title = Over the Rainbow: Money, Class and Homophobia|location = London|publisher = [[Pluto Press]]|year = 1995|isbn = 978-0-7453-0826-5|ol = 7955132M|pages = 163-165|ref = harv}}
* Camp, Nicola (26 novembre 2013). {{Plantilla:Citecite web|last = FieldFisher|first = NicolaEmily|title =Lesbians Veteranand activistsGays rememberSupport LGBTthe solidarityMiners withmaterial miners|workat =the [[SocialistPeople’s Worker]]History Museum|issue work= 2381PHMMcr|date =29 26September November2014 2013|url = http://socialistworkerphmmcr.cowordpress.ukcom/art2014/3695109/Veteran+activists+remember+LGBT+solidarity+with+29/lesbians-and-gays-support-the-miners-material-at-the-peoples-history-museum/|ref = harv}}
* Francis, Hywel (2009). {{Plantilla:Citecite book|last = Francis|first = Hywel|authorlink = Hywel Francis|title = History on our Side: Wales and the 1984-85 Miners' Strike|location = London|publisher = Iconau|year = 2009|isbn = 978-1-905762-45-3|ref = harv}}
* Fisher, Emily (29 setembre 2014). {{Plantilla:Cite web|last = Fisher|first = Emily|title = Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners material at the People’s History Museum|work = PHMMcr|date = 29 September 2014|url = http://phmmcr.wordpress.com/2014/09/29/lesbians-and-gays-support-the-miners-material-at-the-peoples-history-museum/|ref = harv}}
* {{cite web|last=Frost|first=Peter|title=‘Pits and Perverts:’ The Legacy of Communist Mark Ashton|work=[[Morning Star (British newspaper)|Morning Star]]|date=11 September 2014|url=http://www.morningstaronline.co.uk/a-772e-Pits-and-perverts-the-legacy-of-communist-Mark-Ashton|ref=harv}}
* Francis, Hywel (2009). {{Plantilla:Cite book|last = Francis|first = Hywel|authorlink = Hywel Francis|title = History on our Side: Wales and the 1984-85 Miners' Strike|location = London|publisher = Iconau|year = 2009|isbn = 978-1-905762-45-3|ref = harv}}
* Gebrada, Peter (11 setembre 2014). {{Plantilla:Citecite web|last = FrostGoodspeed|first = PeterRay|title =Here ‘PitsWe andGo! Perverts:’ TheLesbians Legacyand ofGays CommunistSupport Markthe AshtonMiners 1984-1985|work = [[MorningLeft StarUnity (British newspaperUK)|MorningLeft StarUnity]]|date =3 11 SeptemberOctober 2014|url = http://www.morningstaronline.coleftunity.ukorg/a-772e-Pits-and-pervertspride-the-legacytrue-of-communist-Mark-Ashtonstory/|ref = harv}}
* {{Plantilla:Citecite book|author = [[Hall–Carpenter Archives]]|title = Walking After Midnight: Gay Men's Life Stories|location = London|publisher = [[Routledge]]|year = 1989|isbn = 978-0-415-02957-5|ol = 15164674W|ref = harv}} (1989). {{Plantilla:Cite book|author = [[Hall–Carpenter Archives]]|title = Walking After Midnight: Gay Men's Life Stories|location = London|publisher = [[Routledge]]|year = 1989|isbn = 978-0-415-02957-5|ol = 15164674W|ref = harv}}
* Goodspeed, Ray (3 octubre 2014). {{Plantilla:Cite web|last = Goodspeed|first = Ray|title = Here We Go! – Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners 1984-1985|work = [[Left Unity (UK)|Left Unity]]|date = 3 October 2014|url = http://leftunity.org/pride-the-true-story/|ref = harv}}
* {{cite news|last=Healy|first=Patrick|title=An Unlikely Alliance at the Barricades: ‘Pride’ Recalls Alliance Between Gay Activists and Miners|work=[[The New York Times]]|date=18 September 2014|url=http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/21/movies/pride-recalls-alliance-between-gay-activists-and-miners.html|ref=harv}}
* {{Plantilla:Cite book|author = [[Hall–Carpenter Archives]]|title = Walking After Midnight: Gay Men's Life Stories|location = London|publisher = [[Routledge]]|year = 1989|isbn = 978-0-415-02957-5|ol = 15164674W|ref = harv}} (1989). {{Plantilla:Cite book|author = [[Hall–Carpenter Archives]]|title = Walking After Midnight: Gay Men's Life Stories|location = London|publisher = [[Routledge]]|year = 1989|isbn = 978-0-415-02957-5|ol = 15164674W|ref = harv}}
* Healy, Patrick (18 setembre 2014). {{Plantilla:Ref-notíciacite news|last = HealyJones|first =Owen|author-link1=Owen PatrickJones (writer)|title =Heroes Anof Unlikely2014: AllianceMike atJackson theof Barricades:Lesbians ‘Pride’and RecallsGays AllianceSupport Between Gay Activists andthe Miners|work = [[The New York TimesGuardian]]|date =23 18 SeptemberDecember 2014|url = http://www.nytimestheguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/09dec/2123/movies/prideheroes-recalls2014-alliancemike-betweenjackson-gaylesbians-activistsgays-andsupport-miners.html-pride|ref = harv}}
* Jones, Owen (23 desembre 2014). {{Plantilla:Ref-notíciacite news|last = JonesKellaway|first = OwenKate|author-link1 authorlink=Kate Owen Jones (writer)Kellaway|title =When Heroesminers ofand 2014:gay Mikeactivists Jacksonunited: ofthe Lesbiansreal andstory Gays Supportof the Minersfilm Pride|work = [[The Guardian]]|date =31 23 DecemberAugust 2014|url = http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfreefilm/2014/decaug/2331/heroespride-2014film-mikegay-jacksonactivists-lesbiansminers-gaysstrike-support-miners-prideinterview|ref = harv}}
* Kelliher, Diarmaid (2014). {{Plantilla:Citecite journal|last = Kelliher|first = Diarmaid|title = Solidarity and Sexuality: Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners 1984–5|date = 2014|journal = [[History Workshop Journal]]|publisher = Oxford Journals|volume = 77|issue = 1|pages = 240-262|url = http://hwj.oxfordjournals.org/content/77/1/240.full|doi = 10.1093/hwj/dbt012|ref = harv}}
* Kellaway, Kate (31 August 2014). {{Plantilla:Ref-notícia|last = Kellaway|first = Kate|authorlink = Kate Kellaway|title = When miners and gay activists united: the real story of the film Pride|work = [[The Guardian]]|date = 31 August 2014|url = http://www.theguardian.com/film/2014/aug/31/pride-film-gay-activists-miners-strike-interview|ref = harv}}
* Cavaller, Karina (10 setembre 2014). {{Plantilla:Citecite web|last = Knight|first = Karina|title = Pride! The power of solidarity|work = [[Solidarity (newspaper)|Solidarity]]|issue = 335|date = 10 September 2014|url = http://www.workersliberty.org/node/23794|ref = harv}}
* Kelliher, Diarmaid (2014). {{Plantilla:Cite journal|last = Kelliher|first = Diarmaid|title = Solidarity and Sexuality: Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners 1984–5|date = 2014|journal = [[History Workshop Journal]]|publisher = Oxford Journals|volume = 77|issue = 1|pages = 240-262|url = http://hwj.oxfordjournals.org/content/77/1/240.full|doi = 10.1093/hwj/dbt012|ref = harv}}
* Leeworthy, Daryl (5 March 2015). {{Plantilla:Citecite web|last = Leeworthy|first = Daryl|title = ‘Don’t worry about him, he’s a Scargill man’: The Miners’ Strike and after|work = History On The Dole|date = 5 March 2015|url = https://historyonthedole.wordpress.com/2015/03/05/dont-worry-about-him-hes-a-scargill-man-the-miners-strike-and-after/|ref = harv}}
* Cavaller, Karina (10 setembre 2014). {{Plantilla:Cite web|last = Knight|first = Karina|title = Pride! The power of solidarity|work = [[Solidarity (newspaper)|Solidarity]]|issue = 335|date = 10 September 2014|url = http://www.workersliberty.org/node/23794|ref = harv}}
* Nelson, Jeff (10 octubre 2014). {{Plantilla:Ref-notíciacite news|last = Nelson|first = Jeff|title = Meet the Real-Life Heroes Who Inspired the Movie Pride|work = [[People (magazine)|People]]|date = 10 October 2014|url = http://www.people.com/article/pride-movie-oscar-buzz-sian-james-jonathan-blake-mike-jackson-dominic-west-toronto-film-festival-favorite|ref = harv}}
* Leeworthy, Daryl (5 March 2015). {{Plantilla:Cite web|last = Leeworthy|first = Daryl|title = ‘Don’t worry about him, he’s a Scargill man’: The Miners’ Strike and after|work = History On The Dole|date = 5 March 2015|url = https://historyonthedole.wordpress.com/2015/03/05/dont-worry-about-him-hes-a-scargill-man-the-miners-strike-and-after/|ref = harv}}
* Robinson, Lucy (2007). {{Plantilla:Citecite book|last = Robinson|first = Lucy|title = Gay men and the left in post-war Britain: how the personal got political|location = Manchester|publisher = [[Manchester University Press]]|year = 2007|isbn = 978-0-7190-7434-9|ol = 21837097M|ref = harv|url = https://books.google.com/books?id=F_RmSjy3K0EC&printsec=frontcover}}
* Nelson, Jeff (10 octubre 2014). {{Plantilla:Ref-notícia|last = Nelson|first = Jeff|title = Meet the Real-Life Heroes Who Inspired the Movie Pride|work = [[People (magazine)|People]]|date = 10 October 2014|url = http://www.people.com/article/pride-movie-oscar-buzz-sian-james-jonathan-blake-mike-jackson-dominic-west-toronto-film-festival-favorite|ref = harv}}
* Wilson, Colin (21 setembre 2014). {{Plantilla:Ref-notíciacite news|last = Wilson|first = Colin|title = Dear Love of Comrades: The politics of Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners|work = rs21|date = 21 September 2014|url = http://rs21.org.uk/2014/09/21/dear-love-of-comrades-remembering-lesbians-and-gays-support-the-miners/|ref = harv}}
* Robinson, Lucy (2007). {{Plantilla:Cite book|last = Robinson|first = Lucy|title = Gay men and the left in post-war Britain: how the personal got political|location = Manchester|publisher = [[Manchester University Press]]|year = 2007|isbn = 978-0-7190-7434-9|ol = 21837097M|ref = harv|url = https://books.google.com/books?id=F_RmSjy3K0EC&printsec=frontcover}}
* Wilson, Colin (21 setembre 2014). {{Plantilla:Ref-notícia|last = Wilson|first = Colin|title = Dear Love of Comrades: The politics of Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners|work = rs21|date = 21 September 2014|url = http://rs21.org.uk/2014/09/21/dear-love-of-comrades-remembering-lesbians-and-gays-support-the-miners/|ref = harv}}
==External links==
* {{IMDb title|0402951|All Out! Dancing in Dulais (1986)}}