Usuari:Wgarcia/proves: diferència entre les revisions

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Línia 99:
L'armeni turc [[Artin Penik]] va suicidar-se el 1982 per [[immolació]] en protesta per l'atac terrorista del 7 d'agost de 1982 a l'aeroport internacional d'[[Ankara]] <ref>{{ref-web|url=,9171,925699,00.html|títol=Turkey: A Cry for Bloody Vengeance|data=23 d'agost de 1982||consulta=11 de juny de 2015}}</ref> per l'[[Exèrcit Secret Armeni per a l'Alliberament d'Armènia]]. Penik died five days after he set himself on fire in [[Taksim Square|Taksim]] plaza, the main square of [[Istanbul]], [[Turkey]], and his stance was reflected by the Turkish mass media as a protest of most Turkish-Armenians against such attacks. Nine people had been killed and more than 70 wounded in the attack on the Turkish airport.
Un altre punt turbulent per a la comunitat armènia de Turquia va ser el molt publicitat judici del pistoler armeni i un dels perpetradors de l'atac, [[Levon Ekmekjian]] de 25 anys, que va ser considerat culpable i eventualment penjat a la presó civil d'[[Ankara]] el 30 de Juny de 1983. Havia estat sentenciat a mort al setembre de 1982 després de confessar que havia portat a terme l'atac a l'aeroport amb una altre militant d'ASALA, i malgrat que va condemnar públicament els actes violentes durant el seu propi judici i que va demanar als militants armenis que aturessin la violència.
Another turbulent point for the Armenian community of Turkey was the highly publicized public trial of the Armenian gunman and one of the perpetrators of the attack, the 25-year-old [[Levon Ekmekjian]], who was found guilty and eventually hanged at [[Ankara]]'s civilian prison on January 30, 1983. He had been sentenced to death in September 1982 after having confessed that he had carried out the airport attack with another gunman on behalf of ASALA, and despite the fact that he publicly condemned violent acts during his own trial and appealed to the Armenian militants to stop the violence.
The [[Turkish Armenian Reconciliation Commission]] (TARC)<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Turkish Armenian Reconciliation Commission|publisher=|accessdate=11 June 2015}}</ref> was set up in July 2001 a joint project of a number of Turkish and Armenian intellectuals and political experts to discuss various aspects of the Turkish-Armenian relations and approving a set of recommendations to the governments of [[Turkey]] and [[Armenia]] on how to improve the strained relations between the two countries.