Socialdemocràcia: diferència entre les revisions

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La '''socialdemocràcia''' (també anomenada '''democràcia social''' o '''reformisme''') és una [[ideologiamatamala política]]t'estimo que defensa la [[intervencionisme|intervenció econòmica i social]] per promoure la [[justícia social]] en el marc d'una [[capitalisme|economia capitalista]], amb un règim polític que inclou la [[negociació col·lectiva]], la [[democràcia representativa]], mesures per la [[distribució de la riquesa]], i la regulació de l'economia segons l'[[bé comú|interès general]] i l'[[estat del benestar]].{{sfn|Heywood|2012|p=128|ps=: "Social democracy is an ideological stance that supports a broad balance between market capitalism, on the one hand, and state intervention, on the other hand. Being based on a compromise between the market and the state, social democracy lacks a systematic underlying theory and is, arguably, inherently vague. It is nevertheless associated with the following views: (1) capitalism is the only reliable means of generating wealth, but it is a morally defective means of distributing wealth because of its tendency towards poverty and inequality; (2) the defects of the capitalist system can be rectified through economic and social intervention, the state being the custodian of the public interest […]"}}<ref>{{harvnb|Miller|1998|p=827}}: "The idea of social democracy is now used to describe a society the economy of which is predominantly capitalist, but where the state acts to regulate the economy in the general interest, provides welfare services outside of it and attempts to alter the distribution of income and wealth in the name of social justice."</ref>{{sfn|Badie|Berg-Schlosser|Morlino|2011|p=2423|ps=: "Social democracy refers to a political tendency resting on three fundamental features: (1) democracy (e.g., equal rights to vote and form parties), (2) an economy partly regulated by the state (e.g., through Keynesianism), and (3) a welfare state offering social support to those in need (e.g., equal rights to education, health service, employment and pensions)."}} Per tant, l'objectiu de la socialdemocràcia és crear les condicions, dins d'una societat capitalista, per aconseguir més democràcia, [[igualitarisme]] i [[solidaritat]]; i sovint s'associa amb el conjunt de polítiques socioeconòmiques que s'han fet famoses al nord i l'oest d'Europa durant l'última meitat del [[segle XX]] (particularment el [[model escandinau]] dels [[països nòrdics]]).{{sfn|Weisskopf|1992|p=10|ps=: "Thus social democrats do not try to do away with either the market or private property ownership; instead, they attempt to create conditions in which the operation of a capitalist market economy will lead to more egalitarian outcomes and encourage more democratic and more solidaristic practices than would a more conventional capitalist system."}}{{sfn|Sejersted|2011}}{{sfn|Gombert|Bläsius|Krell|Timpe|2009|p=8}}
L'origen de la socialdemocràcia es va originar en una ideologia política que proposava una transició [[reformisme|evolutiva]] i pacífica del capitalisme al [[socialisme]] fent servir processos polítics establerts, en contrast amb l'estratègia revolucionària de transició associada altres corrents socialistes. La socialdemocràcia se separà del comunisme arran del suport dels partits socialdemòcrates als respectius estats i el seu colonialisme durant la primera Guerra Mundial, en contrast amb l'oposició de comunistes i anarquistes a aquesta. Més tard, als inicis de la [[postguerra]] a l'Europa Occidental, els partits social democràtics van rebutjar el model polític i econòmic estalinista que tenia la Unió Soviètica, i es van comprometre a seguir una via alternativa per arribar al socialisme o a una entesa entre el capitalisme i el socialisme.{{sfn|Adams|1993|pp=102-103|ps=: "The emergence of social democracy was partly a result of the Cold War. People argued that if the Stalinist Soviet empire, where the state controlled everything, showed socialism in action, then socialism was not worth having. [...] The consensus policies of a mixed and managed economy and the welfare state, developed by the post-war Labour government, seemed in themselves to provide a basis for a viable socialism that would combine prosperity and freedom with social justice and the possibility of a full life for everyone. They could be seen as a compromise between socialism and capitalism."}} En aquest període, els socialdemòcrates van adoptar una [[economia mixta]] basada en el predomini de la [[propietat privada]], amb només una minoria de serveis essencials sota propietat pública. Degut a això, la socialdemocràcia es va associar amb l'[[economia keynesiana]], l'intervencionisme estatal i l'estat del benestar, i abandonà l'antic objectiu de substituir el sistema capitalista (factor de mercat, [[propietat privada]] i treball pagat){{sfn|Weisskopf|1992|p=10|ps=: "Thus social democrats do not try to do away with either the market or private property ownership; instead, they attempt to create conditions in which the operation of a capitalist market economy will lead to more egalitarian outcomes and encourage more democratic and more solidaristic practices than would a more conventional capitalist system."}} per un [[sistema econòmic]] socialista qualitativament diferent.<ref>{{harvnb|Miller|1998|p=827}}: "In the second, mainly post-war, phase, social democrats came to believe that their ideals and values could be achieved by reforming capitalism rather than abolishing it. They favored a mixed economy in which most industries would be privately owned, with only a small number of utilities and other essential services in public ownership."</ref>{{sfn|Jones|2001|p=1410|ps=: "In addition, particularly since World War II, distinctions have sometimes been made between social democrats and socialists on the basis that the former have accepted the permanence of the mixed economy and have abandoned the idea of replacing the capitalist system with a qualitatively different socialist society."}}{{sfn|Heywood|2012|pp=125–128|ps=: "As an ideological stance, social democracy took shape around the mid-twentieth century, resulting from the tendency among western socialist parties not only to adopt parliamentary strategies, but also to revise their socialist goals. In particular, they abandoned the goal of abolishing capitalism and sought instead to reform or ‘humanize’ it. Social democracy therefore came to stand for a broad balance between the market economy, on the one hand, and state intervention, on the other."}}