Tribadisme: diferència entre les revisions

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Línia 15:
En la sexualitat grega i [[Sexualitat a l'antiga Roma|romana]], una ''tribas'' o ''tribade''<ref>''Oxford English Dictionary'' 2nd. Ed.</ref> era una dona o individu [[Intersexualitat|intersexual]] que penetrava activament a una altra persona (home o dona) a través de l'ús del clítoris o un consolador. El terme ''«tribade»'' no va començar a referir-se exclusivament a l'[[erotisme]] entre dones fins a la [[Antiguitat tardana]].<ref name="Zimmerman" /><ref name="Halberstam" /> Atès que la penetració es veia com un «acte sexual masculí», les ''tribas'' es consideraven les lesbianes més vulgars.<ref name="Penner" /><ref name="Halberstam" /><ref name="Norton">{{cite web|author=[[Rictor Norton]] |title=A Critique of Social Constructionism and Postmodern Queer Theory, "The 'Sodomite' and the 'Lesbian' | |date=July 12, 2002 |accessdate=July 30, 2011 |url= |deadurl=unfit |archiveurl= |archivedate=February 15, 2008 }}</ref><ref name="Craven">{{cite book |author1=Sihvola, Juha |author2=Nussbaum, Martha Craven |title=The sleep of reason: erotic experience and sexual ethics in ancient Greece and Rome |publisher=University of Chicago Press |location=Chicago |year=2002 |isbn=0-226-60915-4}}</ref> Els [[Antiga Grècia|grecs]] i els [[Antiga Roma|romans]] van reconèixer l'[[Homosexualitat|atracció del mateix sexe]], però com es creia que qualsevol dels actes sexuals exigia que un de la parella fos «[[Fal·lus|fàl·lic]]» i que, per tant, l'activitat sexual entre dues dones era impossible sense aquesta característica. La [[cultura popular]] va associar a les lesbianes amb un clítoris molt gran o com a incapaces de gaudir de l'activitat sexual sense la substitució d'un [[Penis humà|penis]].<ref name="Blumenfeld">{{cite book|title =Looking at gay and lesbian life|publisher=Beacon Press|year=1993|page=93|isbn=0-8070-7923-5|accessdate=February 19, 2012|url=|author=Warren J. Blumenfeld|author2=Diane Christine Raymond}}</ref><ref name="Skinner">"Invading the Roman Body: Manliness and Impenetrability in Roman Thought," pp. 30–31, and Pamela Gordon, "The Lover's Voice in ''Heroides'' 15: Or, Why Is Sappho a Man?," p. 283, both in ''Roman Sexualities''. {{cite book|title =Roman Sexualities|author=Marilyn B. Skinner|publisher=Princeton University Press|year=1997|page=14|isbn=0-691-01178-8|accessdate=February 22, 2012|url=}}</ref><ref name="Fredrick">"Look Who's Laughing at Sex: Men and Women Viewers in the ''Apodyterium'' of the Suburban Baths at Pompeii," in ''The Roman Gaze'', p. 168. The dildo is rarely mentioned in Roman sources, but was a popular comic item in Classical Greek literature and art; Richlin, "Sexuality in the Roman Empire," p. 351. {{cite book|title =The Roman Gaze: Vision, Power, and the Body|author=David Fredrick|publisher=JHU Press|year=2002|page=149|isbn=0-8018-6961-7|accessdate=February 22, 2012|url=}}</ref><ref name="Clarke">Martial 1.90 and 7.67, 50; Richlin, "Sexuality in the Roman Empire," p. 347. {{cite book|title =Looking at lovemaking: constructions of sexuality in Roman art, 100 B.C.-A.D. 250, Part 250|author=John R. Clarke|publisher=University of California Press|year=2001|page=55|isbn=0-520-22904-5|accessdate=February 22, 2012|url=}}</ref> Això ja apareix a [[Segle I|principis del segle primer]] a les [[Sàtira|sàtires]] gregues i llatines.<ref name="Norton" />
En els texts anglesos, la paraula ''«tribade»'' apareix a partir de 1601, en el ''Praeludium'' de [[Ben Jonson]] (Poema X en ''The Forest''),<ref name="Zimmerman"/> fins a mitjans del [[{{segle |XIX]]}}, quan la paraula «lesbià» va començar a ser més comuna en els texts europeus,<ref name="Norton"/> a través de la proliferació de la [[literatura clàssica]], els manuals d'[[anatomia]], [[obstetrícia]] i d'assessorament sexual, i la [[pornografia]].<ref name="Zimmerman"/> També es tractava de referir-se a les pràctiques sexuals lesbianes en general, tot i que la investigació anatòmica a mitjans del {{segle |XVIII}} va portar a l'escepticisme sobre les històries de grans clítoris, i els [[Anatomia|anatomistes]] i [[Medicina|metges]] van argumentar una distinció més precisa entre la [[Hipertròfia|hipertròfia del clítoris]] i l'[[Hermafrodita|hermafroditisme]].<ref name="Zimmerman"/>
Author Bonnie Zimmerman stated, More often, however, [European] writers avoided the term, instead euphemistically invoking 'unnatural vice,' 'lewd behavior,' 'crimes against nature,' 'using an instrument,' and 'taking the part of a man.'<ref name="Zimmerman"/> In the eighteenth century, where the term saw one of its most popular uses, it was employed in several pornographic [[Defamation|libels]] against [[Marie Antoinette]], who was "tried and roundly convicted in the press" as being a tribade.<ref name="Zimmerman"/><ref name="Goodman"/> "[Her] rumored tribadism had historically specific political implications," stated author Dena Goodman. "Consider her final (fictive) testimony in ''The Confession of Marie-Antoinette'': 'People!' she protests, 'because I ceded to the sweet impressions of nature, and in imitating the charming weakness of all the women of the court of France, I surrendered to the sweet impulsion of hold me, as it were, captive within your walls?'" Goodman elaborated that in one libel, Marie-Antoinette is described as generously providing details of her husband's "incapacity in the venereal act" and that her lust resulted in her taking an aristocratic beauty [[Yolande de Polastron]], the Duchess of Polignac (1749-1793), "into [her] service" and later specifying that what makes sex with a woman so appealing is "Adroit in the art of stimulating the clitoris"; Marie-Antoinette is described as having stated that La Polignac's attentions produced "one of those rare pleasures that cannot be used up because it can be repeated as many times as one likes".<ref name="Goodman"/>