Goryeo: diferència entre les revisions

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=== Període tardà ===
[[Fitxer:Yi hae-hyun of 1504.jpg|miniatura|160px|Yi Je-hyun (1287–1367), aun buròcrata civil bureaucrati andprimer earlyerudit Neo-Confucianneoconfucià scholara inla Goryeodinastia DynastyGoryeo.]]
After 1270 Goryeo became a semi-autonomous [[client state]] of the [[Yuan dynasty]]. The Mongols and the Kingdom of Goryeo tied with marriages and Goryeo became ''quda'' (marriage alliance) vassal of the Yuan dynasty for about 80 years and monarchs of Goryeo were mainly imperial sons in-law (''khuregen''). The two nations became intertwined for 80 years as all subsequent Korean kings married Mongol princesses,<ref name="Mongols"/> and the last empress of the Yuan dynasty, [[Empress Gi]], was a daughter of a Goryeo lower-ranked official;<ref name=":0">{{Cite book|last=Hwang|first=Kyung Moon|url=https://www.worldcat.org/oclc/1191052736|title=A history of Korea|date=2016|isbn=978-1-137-57359-9|edition=Second|location=Basingstoke, Hampshire|pages=47–49|oclc=1191052736}}</ref> Empress Gi was sent to Yuan as one of the many ''kongnyŏ'' (貢女; lit. 'tribute women', who were in effects slaves sent over as a sign of Goryeo submission to the Mongols<ref name=":0" />) and became empress in 1365.<ref>{{Cite journal|last1=Kim|first1=Jinyoung|last2=Lee|first2=Jaeyeong|last3=Lee|first3=Jongoh|date=2015|title=Goryeoyang and Mongolpung in the 13 th –14 th centuries *|url=https://akjournals.com/doi/10.1556/062.2015.68.3.3|journal=Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae|language=en|volume=68|issue=3|pages=281–292|doi=10.1556/062.2015.68.3.3|issn=0001-6446}}</ref> Empress Gi had great political influence both the Yuan and the Goryeo court, and even manage to significantly increase the status and influence of her family members, including her father was formally made into a king in the Yuan and her brother Gi Cheol who at some point manage to get more authority than the Goryeo king.<ref name=":0" /> In 1356, [[Gongmin of Goryeo|King Gong Ming]] purged the family of Empress Gi.<ref name=":0" /> The kings of Goryeo held an important status like other important families of Mardin, the [[Uyghurs]] and Mongols ([[Oirats]], [[Khongirad]], and Ikeres).<ref>Ed. Morris Rossabi - China among equals: the Middle Kingdom and its neighbors, 10th-14th centuries, p.244</ref><ref>The Mongols Co-opt the Turks to Rule All under Heaven: Crippled the Dual-System and Expelled by Chinese Rebellion by Wontack Hong</ref> It is claimed that one of Goryeo monarchs was the most beloved grandson of [[Kublai Khan]].<ref>Baasanjavyin Lkhagvaa-Solongos, Mongol-Solongosyin harilstaanii ulamjlalaas, p.172</ref>
AfterDesprés de 1270, Goryeo becamees ava semi-autonomousconvertir en un [[estat client state]] ofsemiautònom thede la [[dinastia Yuan dynasty]]. TheEls Mongolsmongols andi theel Kingdomregne ofde Goryeo tiedes withvan marriagesvincular andamb matrimonis i Goryeo becamees va convertir en ''quda'' (marriagealiança alliancematrimonial) vassalvassall ofde thela dinastia Yuan dynastydurant for aboutuns 80 yearsanys andi monarchsels ofmonarques de Goryeo wereeren mainlyprincipalment imperialgendres sons in-lawimperials (''khuregen''). TheLes twodues nationsnacions becamevan intertwinedquedar forentrellaçades durant 80 yearsanys, asja allque subsequenttots Koreanels kingsreis marriedcoreans Mongolposteriors princesseses van casar amb princeses mongoles,<ref name="Mongols"/>i andl'última theemperadriu lastde empressla of thedinastia Yuan dynasty, l'[[Empressemperadriu Gi]], wasera afilla daughterd'un offuncionari ade Goryeorang lower-rankedinferior officialde Goryeo;<ref name=":0">{{Cite book|last=Hwang|first=Kyung Moon|url=https://www.worldcat.org/oclc/1191052736|title=A history of Korea|date=2016|isbn=978-1-137-57359-9|edition=Second|location=Basingstoke, Hampshire|pages=47–49|oclc=1191052736}}</ref> Empressl'emperadriu Gi wasva sentser toenviada a Yuan ascom oneuna ofde theles manymoltes ''kongnyŏ'' ({{lang-zh@|貢女}} [[coreà]] 공녀; lit. 'tributenoia womende tribut', whoen werela inpràctica effects[[concubina]], slavesque senten overefecte aseren esclaus enviats com a signsigne ofde Goryeola submissionsubmissió tode theGoryeo Mongolsals mongols<ref name=":0" />)i andesdevingué becameemperadriu empress inel 1365. <ref>{{Cite journal|last1=Kim|first1=Jinyoung|last2=Lee|first2=Jaeyeong|last3=Lee|first3=Jongoh|date=2015|title=Goryeoyang and Mongolpung in the 13 th –14 th centuries *|url=https://akjournals.com/doi/10.1556/062.2015.68.3.3|journal=Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae|language=en|volume=68|issue=3|pages=281–292|doi=10.1556/062.2015.68.3.3|issn=0001-6446}}</ref> EmpressrefL'emperadriu Gi hadva greattenir politicaluna influencegran bothinfluència thepolítica tant els Yuan andcom theels Goryeola courtcort de Goryeo, andi evenfins managei totot significantlyvan increaseaconseguir theaugmentar statussignificativament andl'estatus influencei ofla influència dels membres de herla familyseva membersfamília, includinginclòs herel fatherseu waspare formallyva madeser intoformalment aconvertit kingen inrei theal Yuan andi herel brotherseu germà Gi Cheol whoque aten somealgun pointmoment manageaconsegueixen toobtenir getmés moreautoritat authorityque thanel therei de Goryeo king.<ref name=":0" /> InEl 1356, el rei [[Gongmin ofde Goryeo|King Gong Ming]] purgedva thepurgar familyla offamília Empressde l'emperadriu Gi.<ref name=":0" />Els Thereis kings ofde Goryeo heldtenien anun estatus important statusigual likeque otheraltres importantfamílies familiesimportants ofde Mardin, theels [[Uyghursuigurs]] andi Mongolsels mongols ([[Oiratsoirat]]s, [[Khongiradkungrats]], andi Ikeres[[ikeres]]).<ref>Ed. Morris Rossabi - China among equals: the Middle Kingdom and its neighbors, 10th-14th centuries, p.244</ref><ref>The Mongols Co-opt the Turks to Rule All under Heaven: Crippled the Dual-System and Expelled by Chinese Rebellion by Wontack Hong</ref>S'afirma Itque isun claimeddels thatmonarques one ofde Goryeo monarchsera wasel thenét mostmés belovedestimat grandson ofde [[Kublai Khan]].<ref>Baasanjavyin Lkhagvaa-Solongos, Mongol-Solongosyin harilstaanii ulamjlalaas, p.172</ref>
The Goryeo dynasty survived under the Yuan until King [[Gongmin]] began to push the Mongolian garrisons of the Yuan back in the 1350s. By 1356 Goryeo regained its lost northern territories.
La dinastia Goryeo va sobreviure sota els Yuan fins que el rei [[Gongmin de Goryeo|Gongmin]] va començar a empènyer les guarnicions mongols dels Yuan a la [[dècada del 1350]]. El 1356 Goryeo va recuperar els seus territoris del nord perduts.
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