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{{ about .3. .3. the anti-tank missile .3. At-5 Spandrel .3. spandrels in evolutionary biology .3. Spandrel (biology)}} ..
{{about||the anti-tank missile|AT-5 Spandrel|spandrels in evolutionary biology|Spandrel (biology)}}
[[Image:Spandrel.jpg .3. thumb .3. Illustration of spandrel]] ..
{{about||the anti-tank missile|AT-5 Spandrel|spandrels in evolutionary biology|Spandrel (biology)}}
A ((((( spandrel ))))) (less often (( spandril )) or (( splaundrel )) ) is the space between two ARCHES or between an arch and a rectangular enclosure. ..
(==) Definition (==) ..
There are four or five accepted and cognate meanings of (( spandrel )) in ARCHITECTURAL and ART HISTORY , mostly relating to the space between a curved figure and a rectangular boundary - such as the space between the curve of an arch and a rectilinear bounding moulding , or the wallspace bounded by adjacent arches in an arcade and the stringcourse or moulding above them , or the space between the central medallion of a carpet and its rectangular corners , or the space between the circular face of a clock and the corners of the square revealed by its hood. Also included is the space under a flight of STAIRS , if it is not occupied by another flight of stairs. This is a common location to find storage space in residential structures. ..
[[Image:Spandrel.jpg|thumb|Illustration of spandrel]]
[[Image:SpandrelFiguresDc1.jpg .3. thumb .3. 175px .3. right .3. Spandrel figures]] ..
[[Fitxer:Spandrel.jpg|thumb|Il·lustració de carcanyol]]
A '''spandrel''' (less often ''spandril'' or ''splaundrel'') is the space between two [[arch]]es or between an arch and a rectangular enclosure.
In a building with more than one floor , the term spandrel is also used to indicate the space between the top of the window in one story and the sill of the window in the story above. The term is typically employed when there is a sculpted panel or other decorative element in this space , or when the space between the windows is filled with opaque or translucent glass , in this case called (( spandrel glass )) . In concrete or steel construction , an exterior beam extending from column to column usually carrying an exterior wall load is known as a ((((( spandrel beam ))))). <ref>. </ref>. ..
Un '''carcanyol''' (menys sovint ''spandril'' o ''splaundrel'' ) és l'espai entre dos [[arc (arquitectura)|arcs]] o entre un arc i un clos rectangular.
[[Image:SpandrelPanels1.jpg .3. thumb .3. 140px .3. left .3. Spandrel panels]] ..
The spandrels over doorways in PERPENDICULAR WORK are generally richly decorated. At MAGDALEN COLLEGE , OXFORD is one which is perforated. The spandrel of doors is sometimes ornamented in the DECORATED PERIOD , but seldom forms part of the composition of the doorway itself , being generally over the label. ..
[[Image:Wash Br square truss jeh.Jpg .3. thumb .3. 170px .3. Open-spandrel bridge , 1888]] ..
Because arches are commonly used in BRIDGE construction , spandrels may also appear in those structures. Historically , most arch spans were SOLID-SPANDREL , meaning that the areas between arches were completely filled in &mdash ; usually with STONE &mdash ; until the advent of STEEL and REINFORCED CONCRETE in the 19th and 20th centuries. Open-spandrel bridges later became fairly common , where thin ribs were used to connect the upper deck to the bridge arches , resulting in significant savings in material and weight , and therefore in cost. The ROMAN TRAJAN'S BRIDGE across the Danube is one of the oldest examples. Reinforced-concrete open-spandrel bridges were fairly common for crossing large distances in the 1920s and 1930s. ..
== Definició ==
Spandrels can also occur in the construction of domes and are typical in grand architecture from the medieval period onwards. Where a dome needed to rest on a square or rectangular base , the dome was raised above the level of the supporting pillars , with three-dimensional spandrels called PENDENTIVES taking the weight of the dome and concentrating it onto the pillars. ..
There are four or five accepted and cognate meanings of ''spandrel'' in [[architecture|architectural]] and [[art history]], mostly relating to the space between a curved figure and a rectangular boundary - such as the space between the curve of an arch and a rectilinear bounding moulding, or the wallspace bounded by adjacent arches in an arcade and the stringcourse or moulding above them, or the space between the central medallion of a carpet and its rectangular corners, or the space between the circular face of a clock and the corners of the square revealed by its hood. Also included is the space under a flight of [[stairs]], if it is not occupied by another flight of stairs. This is a common location to find storage space in residential structures.
(==) See also (==) ..
Hi ha quatre o cinc significats acceptats i cognate de ''carcanyol'' en [[arquitectura|arquitectònic]] i [[història de l'art]], principalment sobre l'espai entre una xifra curvilínia i un límit rectangular - com l'espai entre la corba d'un arc i un emmotllament que botava rectilini, o el wallspace botaven a prop adjacent arcs en una arcada i el stringcourse o emmotllament damunt ells, o l'espai entre el medalló central d'una catifa i les seves cantonades rectangulars, o l'espai entre la cara circular d'un rellotge i les cantonades de el quadrat mostrada per la seva caputxa. També inclòs és l'espai sota un ram d'escala, si no està ocupat per un altre ram d'escala. Això és una localització comuna per trobar espai d'emmagatzematge en estructures residencials.
(==) References (==) ..
{{ Reflist}} ..
[[Image:SpandrelFiguresDC1.jpg|thumb|175px|right|Spandrel figures]]
{{ Commonscat .3. Spandrels}} ..
[[Fitxer:SpandrelFiguresDc1.jpg|thumb|175px|right|Xifres de carcanyol]]
{{ 1911}} ..
[[Category:Ornaments]] ..
In a building with more than one floor, the term spandrel is also used to indicate the space between the top of the window in one story and the sill of the window in the story above. The term is typically employed when there is a sculpted panel or other decorative element in this space, or when the space between the windows is filled with opaque or translucent glass, in this case called ''spandrel glass''. In concrete or steel construction, an exterior beam extending from column to column usually carrying an exterior wall load is known as a '''spandrel beam'''.<ref></ref>
[[Category:Architectural elements]] ..
En un edifici amb més d'un pis, el carcanyol de terme també es fa servir per indicar l'espai entre la part superior de la finestra en una història i el sill de la finestra en la història a dalt. El terme s'empra típicament quan hi ha un plafó esculpit o altre element decoratiu en aquest espai, o quan s'omple l'espai entre les finestres de got opac o translúcid, en aquest cas es crida ''got de carcanyol'' . En formigó o construcció d'acer, una biga exterior que s'estén des de columna fins a columna que normalment comporta una càrrega de paret exterior es coneix com un '''biga de carcanyol'''.<Ref>biga de </ref>.
[[de:Zwickel (Architektur)]] ..
[[es:Enjuta]] ..
[[fr:Écoinçon]] ..
[[nl:Zwik]] ..
[[Image:SpandrelPanels1.jpg|thumb|140px|left|Spandrel panels]]
[[ru:Пазуха сводов]] ..
[[fi:Spandrilli]] ..
[[Fitxer:SpandrelPanels1.jpg|thumb|140px|deixat|Plafons de carcanyol]]
[[sv:Spandrill]] ..
The spandrels over doorways in [[perpendicular style|Perpendicular work]] are generally richly decorated. At [[Magdalen College, Oxford]] is one which is perforated. The spandrel of doors is sometimes ornamented in the [[Decorated period]], but seldom forms part of the composition of the doorway itself, being generally over the label.
[[th:โค้งสแปนเดรล]] ..
paraulesenllacos ..
Els carcanyols sobre entrades en EL [[Treball perpendicular]] ricament es decoren generalment. En [[Col·legi De Magdalen, Oxford]] és un que es perfora. El carcanyol de portes es guarneix a vegades en el [[Període decorat]], però rarament forma part de la composició de l'entrada mateixa, sent generalment sobre l'etiqueta.
[[Image:Wash Br square truss jeh.JPG|thumb|170px|Open-spandrel bridge, 1888]]
[[Braguer quadrat de Image:Wash Br jeh.Jpg|thumb|170px|Pont de carcanyol obert, 1888]]
Because arches are commonly used in [[bridge]] construction, spandrels may also appear in those structures. Historically, most arch spans were [[solid-spandrel]], meaning that the areas between arches were completely filled in &mdash; usually with [[rock (geology)|stone]] &mdash; until the advent of [[steel]] and [[reinforced concrete]] in the 19th and 20th centuries. Open-spandrel bridges later became fairly common, where thin ribs were used to connect the upper deck to the bridge arches, resulting in significant savings in material and weight, and therefore in cost. The [[Ancient Rome|Roman]] [[Trajan's Bridge]] across the Danube is one of the oldest examples. Reinforced-concrete open-spandrel bridges were fairly common for crossing large distances in the 1920s and 1930s.
Perquè els arcs s'utilitzen comunament en construcció de [[pont]], els carcanyols també poden aparèixer en aquelles estructures. Històricament, la majoria de les múrries amplituds eren [[carcanyol sòlid]], significant que les àrees entre arcs s'omplissin completament en —; normalment amb LA [[roca|pedra]] —; fins a l'adveniment de [[acer|steel]] i [[formigó armat]] als 19ns i 20ns segles. Els ponts de carcanyol obert més tard es feien bastant comuns, on les costelles primes es fa servirven per connectar la coberta superior als arcs de ponts, ocasionant estalvis significatius en material i pes, i per això en el cost. El [[Pont]] del TRAJAN [[Antiga Roma|Romà]] a l'altre costat del Danube és un dels exemples més vells. Els ponts de carcanyol obert de formigó reforçat eren bastant comuns per creuar distàncies grans els anys 1920 i el 1930.
Spandrels can also occur in the construction of domes and are typical in grand architecture from the medieval period onwards. Where a dome needed to rest on a square or rectangular base, the dome was raised above the level of the supporting pillars, with three-dimensional spandrels called [[pendentives]] taking the weight of the dome and concentrating it onto the pillars.
Els carcanyols també poden ocórrer en la construcció de cúpules i són típics en la gran arquitectura del període medieval cap endavant. On una cúpula necessitava recolzar-se en una base quadrada o rectangular, la cúpula s'alçava damunt el nivell dels pilars que donaven suport, amb carcanyols tridimensionals anomenats [[petxina (arquitectura)|petxines]] que prenen el pes de la cúpula i que el concentren als pilars.
==See also==
== Vegeu també ==
*[[Cathedral architecture]]
* [[Arquitectura de]] CATEDRAL
== Referències ==
[[Categoria:Elements arquitectònics]]
[[Categoria:Decoració d'interiors]]
[[Category:Architectural elements]]
[[de:Zwickel (Architektur)]]
[[ru:Пазуха сводов]]