Majestic 12 (abreujat com MJ-12 o MJ-XII) és el nom en clau, segons els creients de l'origen extraterrestre del fenomen ovni, d'un presumpte comitè secret de científics, líders militars i oficials del govern format en 1947 sota la direcció del president nord-americà Harry Truman.

Vegeu també



  • Grant Cameron i T. Scott Crain, UFOs MJ-12 and the Government, 1992, Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), ISBN 99914-2-090-8
  • Kendrick Frazier, Barry Karr, i Joe Nickell (editors), The UFO Invasion: The Roswell Incodent, Alien Abductions, and Government Coverups, 1997, Prometheus Books, ISBN 1-57392-131-9, chap 7-9.
  • Stanton T. Friedman, TOP SECRET/MAJIC, 1997, Marlowe & Co., ISBN 1-56924-741-2
  • Philip J. Klass, The MJ-12 Crashed Saucer Documents, Skeptical Inquirer, vol XII, #2, Winter 1987-88, 137-146. Reprinted (sans figuris) as chapter 7 of The UFO Invasion, above.
  • Philip J. Klass, The MJ-12 Papers - part 2, Skeptical Inquirer, vol XII, #3, Spring 1988, 279-289.
  • Philip J. Klass, MJ-12 Papers "Authenticated"?, Skeptical Inquirer, vol 13, #3, Spring 1989, 305-309. Reprinted as chapter 8 of The UFO Invasion, above.
  • Philip J. Klass, New Evidence of MJ-12 Hoax, Skeptical Inquirer, vol 14, #2, Winter 1990, 135-140.
  • Philip J. Cors, The Day After Roswell, escrit amb William J. Birnes, 1998, ISBN 978-0-671-01756-9

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