El Premi Jean Nicod, en honor del filòsof i lògic homònim, és un guardó atorgat a París als especialistes en cognició i filosofia de la ment més destacats.[1]

Plantilla:Infotaula esdevenimentPremi Jean Nicod
Tipuspremi científic Modifica el valor a Wikidata
EpònimJean Nicod Modifica el valor a Wikidata
Interval de temps1993 Modifica el valor a Wikidata - 
EstatFrança Modifica el valor a Wikidata
Conferit perInstitut Jean Nicod (en) Tradueix Modifica el valor a Wikidata

Lloc webinstitutnicod.org… Modifica el valor a Wikidata


Any Guanyadors Afiliació Títol
1993 Jerry Fodor Rutgers University The Elm and the Expert: Mentalese and Its Semantics
1994 Fred Dretske Stanford University Naturalizing the Mind
1995 Donald Davidson University of California, Berkeley
1996 Hans Kamp Universitat d'Stuttgart Thinking and Talking about Things
1997 Jon Elster Columbia University Strong Feelings. Emotion, Addiction, and Human Behavior
1998 Susan Carey Harvard University The Origins of Concepts: Evolution vs Culture
1999 John Perry Stanford University Knowledge, Possibility, and Consciousness
2000 John Searle University of California, Berkeley Rationality in Action
2001 Daniel Dennett Tufts University Sweet Dreams. Philosophical Obstacles to a Science of Consciousness
2002 Ruth Millikan University of Connecticut Varieties of Meaning
2003 Ray Jackendoff Tufts University Mental Structures. Language, Society, Consciousness
2004 Zenon Pylyshyn Rutgers University Things and Places. How the mind connects with the world
2005 Gilbert Harman Universitat de Princeton The Problem of Induction and Statistical Learning Theory
2006 Michael Tomasello Institut Max Planck d'Antropologia Evolutiva, Leipzig Origins of Human Communication
2007 Stephen Stich Rutgers University Moral Theory Meets Cognitive Science: How the Cognitive Science Can Transform Traditional Debates
2008 Kim Sterelny Victoria University of Wellington The Fate of the Third Chimpanzee
2009 Elizabeth Spelke Harvard University Sources of Human Knowledge
2010 Tyler Burge University of California, Los Angeles Thresholds of Reason
2011 Gergely Csibra
György Gergely
Central European University Natural Pedagogy
2013 Ned Block New York University Conscious, Preconscious, Unconscious
2014 Uta Frith i
Chris Frith
University College London What is innate and what is acquired in social cognition? i
Mechanisms of social interaction
2015 David Chalmers New York University Spatial Illusions: From Mirrors to Virtual Reality
2016 Patrick Haggard University College London Volition, Agency, Responsibility: Cognitive Mechanisms of Human Action
2017 John Campbell University of California, Berkeley How language enters perception
2019 Martine Nida-Rümelin Universitat de Friburg Philosophical fundamentals for scientific studies of consciousness

