Yes, Wikipedia is an extremely important initiative. I live in Germany and have already been able to use some of the knowledge I have gathered there countless times. As a small contribution I begin step by step to meaningfully add to existing articles and to develop new, hopefully important articles. Not everything will be perfect immediately. So I thank you in advance for helpful comments, corrections and tips from the Wiki community - thank you very much for the friendly welcome right after my account was created!

For further motivation: I noticed a few articles about people or events in the 1980s and 1990s, the content of which could be edited more extensively. Especially those in the time of the change from analog to digital storage: The partly complete demise of analog archives of small newspaper and music publishers, of independent film and cultural festivals, create gaps about artists and cultural workers. Also architects and designers - regardless of gender - often lack a simple basic article, although their work and products surround us all, they exert a more or less strong influence, at least across the EU.

Beyond my German-speaking area, I try to network Wiki-knowledge at least in English and a little bit on other Wikis. Here quite a few strange things happen with the different languages, Wiki-Codes and mentalities. I ask for corrections, I look forward to meaningful criticism, but also to adequate tolerance from all the English and Spanish-speaking regions of our only world.

Demotivation: Among the Wikipedia viewers, the administrators of the various nationalities, there are those who control newly generated posts very strictly: in principle, this is the right approach. Nonetheless, articles, their completion and corrections, require editorial discussions on several levels. Arguments such as feared "edit war" or "vandalism" deter those who help to expand Wikipedia as a dynamically growing knowledge capital. And not all positive content is advertising: sometimes it's just a relevant award.

Basically: Although the knowledge stored here goes through the highest possible control of this large community and will grow in great quality, one cannot rely on this single source. Journalists, and schoolchildren and students should also take this to heart when quoting from Wikipedia.