El risc determina el nivell d'esforç
modificaPer a cada activitat del projecte (com per exemple l'anàlisi de requeriments, el disseny, prototipus, testeig), l'equip de projecte ha de decidir quina quantitat d'esforç es suficient. En un autentic cicle de proces espiral, aquestes decisions es fan minimitzant el risc total.
For example, investing additional time testing a software product often reduces the risk due to the marketplace rejecting a shoddy product. However, additional testing time might increase the risk due to a competitor's early market entry. From a spiral model perspective, testing should be performed until the total risk is minimized, and no further. "Hazardous spiral look-alikes" that violate this invariant include evolutionary processes that ignore risk due to scalability issues, and incremental processes that invest heavily in a technical architecture that must be redesigned or replaced to accommodate future increments of the product.