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Lana Del Rey


Carrera i vida personal


1986–2004: Primers anys


Lana Del Rey, pseudònim de Elizabeth Woolridge Grant, va néixer a Lake Placid, Nova York el 21 de juny de 1986.[1]. El seu pare és Rob Grant, exredactor de Grey Global Group que més tard passà a ser empresari, i la seva mare és Pat Grant, ex executiva de comptes de la mateixa empresa.[2] Té descendència escocesa [3] i dos germans més petits que ella. [2] Va créixer a Lake Placid fins a l'edat de 15 anys,[4][5] quan la van enviar a l'internat Kent School, a Connecticut durant tres anys [5] per superar la seva dependència a l'alcohol.[6][7]Als 18 anys va anar al Bronx [5] a estudiar una branca de la filosofia coneguda com a metafísica [4][8][9] perquè "unia el buit entre Déu i la ciència. M'interessava Déu i com la tecnologia ens podia portar més aprop de descobrir d'on venim i per què."[10] Va dir, "llavors va ser quan la meva experiència musical va començar. Vaig trobar gent per a mi"

Va començar a cantar a la coral de l'església quan era una nena.[11] Després que el seu oncle la ensenyés a tocar la guitarra, es va "adonar [que ella] podria probablement escriure un milió de cançons amb aquells sis acords," i va començar a actuar a clubs nocturns sota diferents pseudònims com ara Sparkle Jump Rope Queen i Lizzy Grant and the Phenomena.[12]

2005–2010: L'inici de la carrera


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"I wanted to be part of a high-class scene of musicians. It was half-inspired because I didn't have many friends, and I was hoping that I would meet people and fall in love and start a community around me, the way they used to do in the '60s."

——Lana Del Rey explains why she went into the music industry.[13]

On April 25, 2005, a seven-track compact disc was registered under Elizabeth Woolridge Grant with the United States Copyright Office. The application title was "Rock Me Stable" with another title "Young Like Me" also listed.[14] The track titles are currently unknown. Between 2005 and 2006, the album Sirens was recorded under the name "May Jailer" and leaked in May 2012.[15][16][17][18][19] When she was 20 years old, Del Rey signed a record contract for $10,000 and moved into Manhattan Mobile Home Park, a New Jersey trailer park.[4][5] Her album, however, was shelved, causing her to shift her focus. Instead, she began to work in community service. "Homeless outreach, drug, and alcohol rehabilitation—that's been my life for the past five years," she told Vogue UK in 2012.[4] Felicia Sullivan of The Huffington Post spoke with Del Rey after the release of Kill Kill about her life in the trailer park.[20]


  1. Error de citació: Etiqueta <ref> no vàlida; no s'ha proporcionat text per les refs nomenades plastic
  2. 2,0 2,1 Jackson, Ron. «The Domain Giant You Didn't Know: Rob Grant's Roundabout Route to Real Estate Riches (Online and Off!)». DN Journal, April 2008. [Consulta: January 1, 2013].
  3. Smart, Gordon «Lana Del Rey: I've ended up good friends with lots of fans ...we got out to dinner». , January 26, 2012 [Consulta: December 1, 2012].
  4. 4,0 4,1 4,2 4,3 Sowray, Bibby. «Lana Del Rey Biography, Quotes and Facts». Vogue. Condé Nast Publications, February 10, 2012. [Consulta: June 20, 2012].
  5. 5,0 5,1 5,2 5,3 Banning, Lisa. «Paradise Lost: An interview with Lana Del Rey». Electronic Beats, June 19, 2013. [Consulta: October 2, 2013].
    • a "Yeah, I grew up in Lake Placid, New York until I was fifteen, and then I went to boarding school for three years in Connecticut. Then I moved to the Bronx when I was almost eighteen." ("Sí, vaig créixer a Lake Placid, Nova York, fins als quinze, i llavors vaig anar a un internat durant tres anys a Connecticut").
    • b "That was my focus since I moved to the Bronx when I was eighteen." ("Allò era en el que em vaig centrar des que em vaig traslladar al Bronx quan tenia divuit anys".
    • c "Well, I lived in the Bronx for four years. I lived in Brooklyn for like four years after that. I always consider myself to have a serious street side, even when I was in high school. I mean, I was pretty crazy. Everyone I knew was really crazy". ("Bé, vaig viure al Bronx durant quatre anys. Vaig viure a Brooklyn durant més o menys quantre anys llavors. Sempre em considero com una persona que té una part de carrer seriosa, fins i tot quan anava a l'institut. Vull dir, estava força boja. Tothom sabia que estava realment boja.")
    • d "I did move into a trailer park when I made my first record. I got ten grand from Five Points Records and moved into Manhattan Mobile Home in New Jersey." ("Em vaig traslladar en un parc de remolcs quan vaig fer la meva primera gravació. Vaig obtenir deu mil dòlars de Five Points Records i em vaig traslladar a Manhattan Mobile Home a Nova Jersey")
  6. Lana Del Rey Goes Nude in GQ's Men of the Year Issue. isaw.co.uk. Retrieved September 8, 2012
  7. Lana Del Rey Goes Nude in GQ's Men of the Year Issue. theblemish.com. Retrieved September 8, 2012
  8. Smart, Gordon. «Lana Del Rey: I've ended up good friends with lots of fans ...we got out to dinner». The Sun. News International. [Consulta: October 17, 2012].
  9. Hopper, Jessica. «Deconstructing Lana Del Rey». Spin. Buzz Media. [Consulta: October 17, 2012].
  10. Flint, Hannah. «'Live fast and freely': Lana Del Rey shares her views on life and spirituality in Manga-inspired cover shoot». Daily Mail. Associated Newspapers Ltd, January 31, 2013. [Consulta: February 3, 2013].
  11. «Lana Del Rey Interview». clashmusic.com. Clash Music, November 29, 2011. [Consulta: February 24, 2013].
  12. Savage, Mark. «Love, the law, and Lana Del Rey». BBC News. BBC, January 27, 2012. [Consulta: June 20, 2012].
  13. Simpson, Leah. «Lana Del Rey hoped music industry would make her more friends». Digital Spy. Digital Spy Ltd, January 29, 2012. [Consulta: January 20, 2012].
  14. «Registration Number / Date: PAu002950687 / April 25, 2005». digitalspy.com, 2005. [Consulta: August 21, 2012].
  15. «Spinner: Lana Del Rey, May Jailer: Did Singer Have ANOTHER Alter Ego?». spinner.com, 2012. [Consulta: May 31, 2012].
  16. «Another early album from Lana Del Rey leaks online?». NME, 2012. [Consulta: July 30, 2012].
  17. «LISTEN: Unheard Lana Del Rey Album Leaks Online». entertainmentwise.com, 2012. [Consulta: July 30, 2012].
  18. «Lana Del Rey's May Jailer 'Sirens' album leaks in full». Digital Spy. Hearst Magazines, 2012. [Consulta: July 30, 2012].
  19. «Lana Del Rey's first album 'Sirens' leaks». strut.com, 2012. [Consulta: July 30, 2012].
  20. Sullivan, Felicia C. «Interview: Singer/Songwriter Lizzy Grant on Cheap Thrills, Elvis, The Flamingos, Trailer Parks, and Coney Island». The Huffington Post. AOL. [Consulta: September 30, 2012].